The Chief Exorcist Of The Holy See Believes That Satan Is In Control Of The Vatican - - Alternative View

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The Chief Exorcist Of The Holy See Believes That Satan Is In Control Of The Vatican - - Alternative View
The Chief Exorcist Of The Holy See Believes That Satan Is In Control Of The Vatican - - Alternative View

Video: The Chief Exorcist Of The Holy See Believes That Satan Is In Control Of The Vatican - - Alternative View

Video: The Chief Exorcist Of The Holy See Believes That Satan Is In Control Of The Vatican - - Alternative View
Video: The Devil and the Holy See - Italy 2024, June

Father Gabriele Amort, 85, who has been the main exorcist of the Vatican for 25 years, said that the devil has settled in the holy places

As the Times reports, Amorth considers scandalous cases of corruption and debauchery in the Catholic Church to be evidence of the machinations of Satan. The exorcist notes that a power struggle unfolded in the Vatican, "the cardinals do not believe in Jesus Christ, and the bishops have a connection with the devil." reports "Correspondent" with reference to The Times.

Speaking about the deplorable situation in the church, he recalled the deaths of the commander of the Swiss guard Alois Estermann, his wife and the guard Cedric Thornay in 1998. According to the official version, Thornay, unhappy that he did not receive the award, shot the commander and his wife and then committed suicide.

"There are unconfirmed allegations that the tragedy occurred on the basis of homosexuality and that a fourth person who remained unknown was involved in the case," the Times writes.

Gabriele Amort also called the plot of the devil the attempt to kill John Paul II in 1981, as well as the incident that occurred during the recent Christmas Mass, when a woman knocked Pope Benedict XVI to the floor.

“When talking about the spirit of Satan in holy places, it’s true, including these recent cases of violence and pedophilia,” said the exorcist.

We will remind, recently brother of the Pope Georg Ratzinger admitted that, being the conductor of the famous German church choir of boys Regensburger Domspatzen, he beat children, giving them slaps and slaps on the head.

Meanwhile, in Germany, a major scandal erupted when it was revealed that hundreds of students of Catholic colleges during their studies were subjected to sexual harassment and violence from their mentors.

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Law enforcement agencies managed to find out that in the 70s and 80s of the last century, at least two teachers of the Berlin Jesuit College Canisius, to one degree or another, harassed students. The current leadership of the college has asked all harassed alumni to declare themselves. Hundreds of people responded, including those from other Catholic colleges.

Note that Gabriele Amort has been holding the post of chief exorcist for 25 years and says that he has encountered 70 thousand cases of demonic possession.

Earlier, Amort's father claimed that Hitler and Stalin were possessed by the devil.