Scientists Have Told How People Will Live In 100 Years - Alternative View

Scientists Have Told How People Will Live In 100 Years - Alternative View
Scientists Have Told How People Will Live In 100 Years - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Told How People Will Live In 100 Years - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Told How People Will Live In 100 Years - Alternative View
Video: What the World Will Be Like in 100 Years 2024, June

According to American futurists Ian Pearson and Patrick Tucker, after a few decades, many of the ideas of science fiction writers will become commonplace. By 2112, a person will learn to read thoughts and transmit them over a distance. Scientists are confident that artificial therapy will begin to develop at a frantic pace, so the transmission of thoughts will become commonplace.

In the XXII century, if a person still cannot live forever, but life expectancy will definitely increase significantly. This will be possible thanks to advances in science. Special nanorobots will treat people at the cellular level. The level of intelligence of people will also grow.

The main, if not the only source of energy by 2050 will be thermonuclear power plants. Ground farms are a thing of the past. Plants for food production will be grown on farms in the oceans, which will significantly reduce human consumption of fresh water.

The structure of society will also change. The notion of a family will become more blurred, and same-sex marriage will become the norm. Will be natural and artificial insemination. Marriage contracts will also become generally accepted.

Scientists believe that in 100 years the political structure of the world will also change. Complete globalization will take place and a planetary government will be formed.