Scientists Predicted A Disappointing Future: People Will Turn Into Zombie Robots - Alternative View

Scientists Predicted A Disappointing Future: People Will Turn Into Zombie Robots - Alternative View
Scientists Predicted A Disappointing Future: People Will Turn Into Zombie Robots - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Predicted A Disappointing Future: People Will Turn Into Zombie Robots - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Predicted A Disappointing Future: People Will Turn Into Zombie Robots - Alternative View
Video: Coronavirus is just the start. Something far worse is coming. 2024, September

Recently, neuroscientist Mikhail Lebedev put forward the idea that people will soon become one with machines, that is, they will look more like robots than living creatures.

Already today, experiments are being carried out to introduce special "smart" chips into people's heads, which should significantly increase the level of human intelligence.

Artificial intelligence chips, in theory, are not capable of causing harm, but Mikhail Lebedev is sure otherwise. In his opinion, programs will begin to adopt and imitate human consciousness.

This idea is also shared by specialists from Duke University. They are confident that humanity will turn into zombies controlled by machines.

Scientists have calculated the approximate time of the mass spread of new technologies. In about 15 years, robots will be able to absorb the human mind. Since 2016, the development of microcircuits has been carried out by the Kernal company, whose representatives are sure that they are doing a good deed. According to them, the human race, having united with AI, will become the most highly developed, it will be able to solve the most difficult tasks in seconds.