8 Real People With Superpowers - Alternative View

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8 Real People With Superpowers - Alternative View
8 Real People With Superpowers - Alternative View

Video: 8 Real People With Superpowers - Alternative View

Video: 8 Real People With Superpowers - Alternative View
Video: 8 Real Life People with Super Powers Caught on Camera - HD 2017 2024, September

Like everyone else, we have our favorite heroes. Some of us are Superman fans, others prefer Batman or even Spider-Man. These are all just fictional characters, but there are many real people with very unusual abilities. Thanks to them, they can be ranked as supermen.

Iceberg Man Wim Hof

Wim Hof is 50 years old, but his health and extraordinary abilities are a miracle for many. He is known throughout the world as the "Iceberg Man". He broke about 20 world records, and many of them are due to the fact that Hof's body could withstand severe cold.


Wim Hof climbed Mount Everest and Kilimanjaro wearing only shoes and shorts. He swam under the ice, stood completely submerged in the ice and took ice baths. Such a person is simply impossible to imagine, and if you need proof, then know that he not only showed resistance to cold and set his own record, but was able to control his body temperature using breathing techniques and yoga.


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Veronica Seider - the woman with the strongest eyesight

Veronica Seider is endowed with unusual abilities. Her eyesight is about 20 times better than that of an ordinary person. Usually people can hardly see and distinguish details from a distance of 6 m. However, Veronica can do this from a distance of more than 1500 m. She can identify people, which is quite impressive since the average person would need a set of binoculars for this purpose.


Male Magnets

In fact, there are two men who have such a miraculous quality. One of them is Lee Sow Lin from Malaysia, he is well known as Mr. Magnet or Magnet Man. The male magnet attracts metal objects to his body. In this case, we do not mean just spoons and forks. Objects weighing 2 kg stick to his body. It can hold up to 36 kg of metal.


When checked by doctors and scientists, it was revealed that Li has no magnetic ability. Instead, his skin has an unusual friction that creates a sticky effect.


Another person who is endowed with a similar property is called Miroslav Magola. He claims that he can make metal objects stick to his body through the power of his thought.

Natasha Demkina sees the internal organs of people

Natasha was an ordinary child, but at the age of 10 she was discovered to have an unusual ability to see the internal organs of a person.


It was an ordinary day when she was at home with her mother and then she had a vision. She saw the insides of her mother's body. Since then, her vision has become like X-rays.


The girl can find out if people have organ problems. She says she is constantly switching from a conventional view to a "medical" one.

Michael Lotito - the man who eats everything

Michael was a French entertainer who could eat anything. This ability earned him the nickname Monsieur Mangetout, which translates to "Monsieur Eat All". This person could eat glass, rubber, metallic materials. He cut and ate shopping carts, bicycles, televisions, beds, chandeliers, skis, computers, and even coffins. He once ate a plane, which took about two years.


He had been following such a strange diet since adolescence. Then he realized that, thanks to his abilities, he could make money speaking in front of an audience.

He usually ate about a pound of weird stuff. He did this procedure every day. It is estimated that Michael ate about 9 tons of metal over the course of his career.


Computer woman Shakuntala Devi

Shakuntala Devi was born in India. From the age of 6, she was able to calculate complex mathematical problems in her head.

Her extraordinary abilities helped her travel the world. She toured Europe and the United States, demonstrating her arithmetic talent. The woman was tested for many years and even studied by Professor Berkeley. She was asked to calculate the cubic root 61 629 875 and the seventh root 170 859 375, and she easily did it in her head, without using a pen and paper or a calculator.


Tim Cridland is the king of scary experiments

Tim Creedland, better known as Zamora The Torture King, is an American showman. He was originally a circus performer in the Jim Rose troupe.


This man is a master of all kinds of excruciating experiments. He can swallow swords and fire. Tim claims that such a superpower was not given to him from above. He just taught himself to endure pain and believes that anyone can do this.

Stephen Wiltshire paints detailed landscapes from memory

Stephen Wiltshire was born in London. He was born dumb. Later he was diagnosed with autism. From an early age, he showed an interest in art.


The boy was enrolled in a special school for autists, where he learned to speak at the age of nine. His teachers tried to get him to speak by removing the art supplies, and so he uttered his first word, which was "paper."


Stephen now has a permanent gallery in London. She became famous all over the world. He has the ability to paint detailed landscapes from memory, which he has seen only once.

Maya Muzashvili