The True Extent Of Tesla's Genius Remains Unknown - Alternative View

The True Extent Of Tesla's Genius Remains Unknown - Alternative View
The True Extent Of Tesla's Genius Remains Unknown - Alternative View

Video: The True Extent Of Tesla's Genius Remains Unknown - Alternative View

Video: The True Extent Of Tesla's Genius Remains Unknown - Alternative View
Video: These Lost Nikola Tesla Inventions And Papers Were Never Released Until Now 2024, September

Nikola Tesla was a man of many colors. A brilliant inventor, conceptual physicist and engineer unparalleled in his day. His mind was so bright that, as is often the case with geniuses, his brilliance overshadowed more practical senses. Thus, in his last days, Tesla was left penniless and lived off credit in a room at the New Yorker. Now only a shadow remains of the shades that were so much admired.

Throughout his life, Tesla noted that he often experienced "moments of inspiration." In his autobiography, he wrote that in his youth, dazzling flashes of light appeared before his eyes, causing bizarre hallucinations. Often these visions were associated with specific words or possible ideas. He was often visited by memories of the events that happened to him. He had the unusual ability to "instantly call" objects or events, as soon as he pronounced their name, as he represented them in great detail.

As you know, the American writer Mark Twain met Tesla at a party in New York. Some even believe that Twain inspired some of his most famous inventions, namely Tesla's infamous "death ray", a superweapon that he hypothesized but never completed during his lifetime. In 1937, Tesla published an article "The New Art of Creating Concentrated Non-Dissipative Energy Using a Natural Source", which dealt with the use of beams of charged particles. Indeed, Tesla said that the reason for the publication of the article was an attempt to "provide a technical description of a superweapon that will end all wars." However, the project was never completed.

One of the new inventions proposed but not implemented by Tesla is the "airplane," which appears to have been a kind of ion-powered aircraft. Much of the information about this airplane remains a mystery, in part due to Tesla's own vague notes over the years. It is worth noting, however, that Tesla suggested that such a device could have either the shape of a cigar or a saucer …, these are the shapes that UFO spaceships had in subsequent years.

It is noteworthy that just such objects, resembling in shape the proposed Tesla airplane, began to appear after his death and began to be considered UFOs. This similarity is surprising, although it may be completely coincidental, and it is precisely this that sometimes inspires speculation about the earthly origins of various UFO technologies.

There is one incident in Tesla's strange life that happened two weeks before his death and which is really strange even for Tesla. The inventor apparently told this story during a meeting with John J. O'Neill, who later described it in his book Overflowing Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla, and by New York Times journalist William L. Lawrence.

Tesla loved animals all his life, loved to feed pigeons. He loved these birds so much that he sometimes brought them to the hotel rooms where he stayed during his travels. His favorite was a beautiful white dove with light gray feathers on its wings, which, as it seemed to Tesla, followed him everywhere. Apparently Tesla began to draw close to the bird, describing the great rapport that developed between the two. “Yes, I loved this dove, I loved her as a man loves a woman, and she loved me,” Tesla said. If the bird ever got sick, then Tesla would make great efforts to cure it, feeling that as long as she needed him, and as long as he could keep it with him - nothing else matters.

Despite all his immense success, Tesla said that this beautiful white bird brought him a true sense of purpose in life. One night, when he was lying in bed, his girlfriend flew into his room, and Tesla realized that "she wants to tell him something important." Apparently the bird informed him that she was dead. "When I received her message," Tesla said, "powerful beams of light came out of my eyes … Yes, it was real light, a bright blinding light, much stronger than I have ever created with the most powerful lamps in my laboratory."

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According to O'Neill, Tesla said that after his dove died, he lost much of his thirst for life and lost interest in further scientific research. Before that, he said that he feels inspired to complete some of his projects. But when he learned that his soul mate - the beautiful bird he cared for so much - had died - his strength left him.

On January 7, 1943, Tesla was found dead in the New Yorker room. His death was due to coronary thrombosis. Before he died, and despite the fact that he seemed to have lost his "inspiration", the inventor still had a wealth of information on various ideas that he had collected over the years and kept in boxes in his apartment. Everything related to Tesla's work aroused great interest in the American government after his death.

According to the investigating assistant director of the FBI's New York office, P. E. Foxworth, the government had a "vital interest" in preserving Tesla's papers. Two days after Tesla's death, all of his property was seized.

Over the years, many have expressed frustration with the continued secrecy that surrounds Tesla's missing documents. Some speculate that the papers may contain the "dynamic theory of gravity" that Tesla developed when designing his airplane, or perhaps describe the technology of the infamous "death ray." Whether such assumptions are valid is still a mystery. Until now, the American government has not allowed Tesla's paper to be publicly displayed. It can be argued that such long-term secrecy surrounding Tesla's ideas can give at least some idea of their scope and nature, although much, obviously, will remain only in our imaginations.

Indeed, with the departure of Nikola Tesla, it can be argued that we have lost much more than just a brilliant mind. Most of Tesla's papers and other works have been classified, and it remains controversial whether his writings will ever see the light of day. If this ever happens, then only then will we be able to know the true scale of Tesla's genius, which remains today only in the imagination of those who continue to admire his work and fascinating life.

Voronina Svetlana