Indigo Children - Who Are They? - Alternative View

Indigo Children - Who Are They? - Alternative View
Indigo Children - Who Are They? - Alternative View

Video: Indigo Children - Who Are They? - Alternative View

Video: Indigo Children - Who Are They? - Alternative View
Video: Children of the Stars. Species of Multiverse. | Marta Ferraz | TEDxCampoSantana 2024, September

The cyclical development of mankind is subordinated to the principle of septenary, assuming 7 main (indigenous) human races, regardless of ethnicity. Now living on our planet are people of the 5th race, the children of the indigo are representatives of the 6th race, the 7th race is the race of the future population. Before us there was the 4th race - the Atlanteans, who replaced the 3rd race - the Lemurians. Representatives of the second race were (according to E. Muldashev) symptomatic, and the first race were angelic people. The change of the main race has always been accompanied by natural disasters.

But the introduction of the subsequent race into the previous one occurs gradually, smoothly. In other words, for some time on the planet two races live in harmony at the same time. Now this is no longer a secret for anyone - among modern people, more and more so-called indigo children appear. So they were named in America for the predominant dark blue color of their aura. The first information about such children appeared in 1935.

In the book by Z. Boitinas "Who are they, Indigo Children?" it is written that very early they already say "I", at two they talk, at the age of three they are already sitting at the computer, at the age of four they form their own group, interfere in the conversations of adults and tell them what to do. They have an overwhelmingly high self-awareness and say, for example, about other children: "They don't know who I am!" Often they spontaneously recall past lives or talk to their Angel. Many of them show one-sided, extreme talent: intellectually, technically, in art, sometimes even socially. On tests, they show an IQ coefficient above average, somewhere around 130.

They have not only a strong purposeful will, but also incredible sensitivity to the mental processes of their environment, especially adults: parents, educators and teachers. Any untruthfulness and non-identity cannot pass unnoticed and, as a rule, leads either to a silent protest or to an explosion of destructive rage.

With a high sense of their own worth, they want to be treated with respect and treated like adults, full-fledged individuals.

In indigo children, because they have a wide variety of qualities, you can find rather strange contradictions. For example, some show deep sympathy for everything living and react strongly to cruelty and injustice. Others may exhibit amazing wisdom or rare discretion, and sometimes even insensibility. Moreover, hyperactivity or rapidly changing attention is only one of many extreme signs of behavior, so that not only living together with adults, but also relationships with peers becomes socially intolerable. They are characterized by overestimation of self-esteem, exaltation of their own "I".

In the third millennium, all these children find themselves in a situation of world-historical turning point, in which they will have to find their place with their individualistic and partly spiritual inclinations.

Here is a conversation with one such girl of 8 years old. She reported about her Angel, who accompanies her everywhere:

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"Sometimes I see him, but I feel he is always by my side." - "Have you tried to draw it?" “Yes, it's not difficult at all. He talks to me for a long time, even when I was still very little. I see him, but only when the Angel wants it. Sometimes I also see the Angels of other children. " - "How do you know that this is your Angel?" “Once I wondered if it was him, and I thought: this cannot be my Angel. And then he left. After all, when you don’t believe in him, he leaves! You can't see him anymore, but you still know he's here. Once I asked him to direct one "black soul" to the light, which oppressed me. He did it, but then he left too. However, another Angel then began to watch over me, until the time when my own returned."

One day the girl came from school, indignant at the teacher, who told her:

"You must honor your father and mother." - "This is not fair at all, parents should also honor children!" To the question: "Why?" - she replies: “Well, children come much fresher from the sky and know a lot more what will happen on Earth at this time. Therefore, parents should honor their children so that the children will tell them what is really right. And they need to listen to children."

Once she called her mother to her bed and unexpectedly said: she now knows what a soul is, namely, what is "not inherited from mom and dad." "If you know everything, then why do you attend religion lessons?" They asked her. Answers: "Because I want to hear more from people what they know about God." - "How can you talk to God?" - "Through thoughts, you just have thoughts, and then Angels talk to God." - "Why is it difficult with a teacher on religion?" “It’s actually very bad when the teacher says something that’s not at all true.” - "What do you mean wrong?" - “Yes, she learned it by heart. I thought she would talk about God, not what she learned. Because it is not true if she says something that she has not experienced, if she only thought so."

In the child's statements, one can feel why the experience of untruth arises: not from a deliberate lie, but from a subtle perception of the discrepancy between what the teacher says and what he thinks and feels. This is an indicator of the high sensitivity of perception of identity and non-identity of an adult. There is a direct comparison of what he expresses with what lives in him. This is a characteristic property of Indigo children, which accordingly affects their own development and their relationship to adults.

Another 6-year-old boy said:

“I remember the time before my birth better than the first three years of my life. Before birth, I can view my life from all sides. My view has no boundaries as I see with non-physical eyes. On this planet, which is so dense, this is my first time. I was already prepared on other planets where I could exercise the bodily. But here on Earth, this is completely different, very special. I have a physical body, I live in time and space. There is a world of contrasts.

I think back to hundreds of glowing balls before I was born on Earth. After all, all living things are a luminous ball. And some help me to find my bearings, to find myself on this heavy Earth. Two of these balls glow very brightly, and now I know they were green and purple. They attract me because they are bound by love. They will be my parents. I know I have to go, and I feel more and more attracted to them. And then a shining tunnel begins, and everything around is dark. When I come, I feel very embarrassed, very withdrawn."

Eleven-year-old Sonya says that she was an artist in Atlantis and paints fantastic pictures.

From the above, you can clearly see that here we are talking about children who at the same time live in different worlds. On the one hand, they have vivid memories of the world where they were as purely spiritual and mental beings. From it, these children bring with them absolutely definite images and knowledge full of wisdom. On the other hand, they are in a situation where they need to conquer the physical world, mastering a new environment, their body and structuring their brain accordingly. Sadly, they are alone among their peers. But these are also new challenges for adults.

Researchers believe that Indigo children have altered DNA structures. In a common person, 20 units of genetic information are activated, and they have from 24 to 35 units.

Some Indigo children report that where they came from, children are not born the way they are on Earth. Everything happens differently there. In the beginning, children are both "non-children" and "non-people." They go through "evolutionary development", starting with minerals, where their soul is crystallized (formed), then they become plants, then they live for some time as animals, and only after passing the path of many metamorphoses, they become people. They acquire a human body, "passing through the water."

Perhaps this is why many Indigo children cannot understand how you can harm or hurt a living creature without feeling it, how dad can yell at mom, or how mom can break a flower pot and throw a poor plant into the trash. For such children, even stones are living beings. And they absolutely do not understand how their peers can torture cats and dogs and still enjoy the suffering of a poor animal.

Someone else's pain, physical or mental, can bring such hypersensitive children to a complete withdrawal … or even to a coma, in some Indigo the acts of sadism of their peers are brought to brutality. They will not explain in words that this should not be done, they will show this to a young sadist by the example of his own pain and will fully make you feel what it is like when it hurts and when you cannot defend yourself.

Older indigos talk about future changes on our planet and that “great energies of light will be sent to Earth”, and their mission is “to receive and carry this light in order to help transform the planet into a new state of consciousness” (this explains, for example, Andrey, 12 years old).

In the process of studying the phenomenon of indigo, a group of children was identified who were called "resilient" or "indestructible" (from the English "resilience" - "elasticity"). These indigo children, despite the fact that they live in extremely difficult conditions, as, for example, in completely degraded families, do not allow anything and no one to piss them off. It seems as if they are protected from their environment, they remain absolutely, so to speak, "intact."

Switzerland has programs for working with these children.

The indigo phenomenon is most common in America, Russia and China. All over the world, such children account for at least 1% of the total population, that is, about a million people.

If we contrast the qualities of children with those that dominate our civilization, it is not difficult to see that with these children comes into the world what we need for a long time and that can contribute to the humanization of our culture. Here the hidden plan of humanizing our chaotic present with impulses from the future, which indigo children with their special abilities bring with them, becomes visible.

It is believed that the appearance of such children is a sure sign of the impending change of the fifth race, which is predicted in the Revelation of the Bible.

A. Sergeev
