The Story About A Boy Of Blue - Alternative View

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The Story About A Boy Of Blue - Alternative View
The Story About A Boy Of Blue - Alternative View

Video: The Story About A Boy Of Blue - Alternative View

Video: The Story About A Boy Of Blue - Alternative View
Video: ARE ALL UK HOOD MOVIES BAD? (TIER LIST) [The Intent, Blue Story, Kidulthood...] 2024, September

I, of course, read about these children "X" - and in newspapers, and in all sorts of pseudo-scientific ufological magazines, and among pundits, and in Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled", and even psychiatrists' notes about an incomprehensible other reality …

Yes! Another reality - that's how they say about their unusual inclinations and superhuman abilities, worldview and attitude to life. Lovers of secrets and cosmic riddles claim that these children came to Earth from other star systems. Those who do not like these riddles expressively twist their fingers at their temples. In a word, people have different reactions. And suddenly Natasha comes to the editorial office, an ordinary woman in appearance and fate …

How to tame indigo

Many years ago, I helped Natasha protect her business. A real war broke out there, when her ex-husband took the company away from her, ravaged her house and settled with his mistress in her apartment. Ruined everything! Left Natasha with a tiny child in the trash. The leitmotif of my consolations of that time was: "Spit, everything will work out for you, and your ex will sell pasties on the market!" And so it happened. Natasha gradually returned the business to herself, learned to fall asleep without phenazepam, and even married a very successful doctor a year ago. But that's not what she came to tell me about. We were talking about Dimka, her only twelve-year-old son, for whom she is ready to give her life to the last drop. So this adored Dimka was successfully kicked out of two nearby schools and are now going to bulge out of the third. “He fights, swears, smokes, threw a briefcase at the history teacher,- Natasha sobbed. “I was told I needed to take him to a psychiatrist.”

It was unbearable to agree that the beloved son of a mentally ill was unbearable, and Natasha took Dimka … to local astrologers, telepaths and mediums. They talked for a long time about the laws of karma and field interaction, about the exchange of energies and past incarnations and, finally, they recognized Dima as an indigo child. They said that his aura is dark blue, that he is talented in music and painting, and on top of that, he is left-handed, well, pure indigo! And he thrashes his classmates and brings teachers to a heart attack - this is because of the "disorganization" of the energy shell and the fact that his astral body looks different from that of ordinary people. Natasha was wary at these words, but after that she resigned herself - let it be better to consider Dimka an indigo than a potential criminal.

She came to me to find out if it was possible to tame these extraordinary "indiges" and in general what to do with them.

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The history of development

Dimka learned to walk early, at seven months, the doctors were very surprised. I also spoke early, at nine months old, in a pure and complete phrase. The nanny taught him to read - the boy was not four years old, and he read Maine Reed voraciously. Dimka did not go to kindergarten, but in the development studio he was smarter than everyone - he learned the multiplication table by himself, and scribbled in English, and most importantly, he drew - all some stars and unknown galaxies and told at the same time that this was his home He flew from there to help people. The developmental school teachers admired these fantasies and called Dima a discovery child. Natasha was delighted. But, as soon as the boy crossed the threshold of high school, problems began. I graduated from the first grade with a creak. In the second - solid twos! The teachers' verdict was harsh: Dima was sent to the commission and to the auxiliary school!

Natasha tensed, gave the school three computers, paid for the repair of the class, and they got rid of Dimka, they only said: let him not tell anyone about his galaxies, because the children are laughing, they are holding him for a fool.

Meanwhile, the "fool" Dimka read Remarque and Bradbury, did not crawl out of the Art Museum, knew almost all the legends and myths of Ancient Greece by heart and talked about Peter I as about his grandfather Sergei Mikhailovich. Dimka did not and does not have friends. “I have nothing to talk to them about,” the boy explains his loneliness. Once Natasha found Lee Carroll's book "Indigo Children" on his desk. Natasha again became wary. But Dimka very patiently and calmly explained to her that he was ready to argue with Nancy Ann Tepp, the “founder” of the term “indigo”, who claims that 90 percent of children under seven have a blue aura.

“Mom, there are very few such children, - Dimka was excited, - most of the kids have a very ordinary aura, I can see!” Natasha burst into tears and took the child to a psychiatrist.

Fool bespectacled

Dimka clearly did not fall under the definition of a "gifted child". Then he suddenly shone in the lessons of natural history, talking about flowers and animals, then he could not connect two words in English - with almost fluent knowledge of the language, and even with mathematics, it’s a problem that no control is a couple! “He makes fun of me,” the teacher said, “writes all the formulas not in Latin letters, but in Russian: a, b, c. When I tried to correct the letters in his notebook, he got offended, jumped up, called me a bespectacled fool and ran out of the class."

Once Dimka told his mother that “bad” guys come to him at night. They do not look like people - all in black and gold - and offer Dimka a ride on a rocket. Why are they bad? Their hands are red and sticky, as if covered in blood, so Dimka is scared. Although I want to ride a rocket, maybe he will agree someday.

Natasha got scared and again took the child to a psychiatrist. Specialists decided to observe the boy in the children's ward of a psychiatric hospital. She agreed. For a month Dimka was treated in Ganin. When she was discharged, Natasha was told: don't bring him here anymore, this is not schizophrenia, but ordinary childhood fantasies. And about aggression they said: this happens with boys, it will pass with age.

But the school did not want to wait for positive changes. Natasha dragged the works of the Roerichs, Monroe, Andreev and Blavatskaya to angry teachers and brutalized parents of Dimka's classmates, brought two “experts” in isoterics, Reiki masters, and one healer to classroom time - the trick did not work.

Meanwhile, Dimka "progressed". He will tell his mother that he has learned to talk to dogs in his mind, then he will draw strange people in light yellow clothes and ask if it is possible to walk with them in the sky, and then he completely crossed all the boundaries: he stated that his grandmother had gills on her back and comb like a reptile. Grandmother Vera Grigorievna, having heard such a libel, was upset to a hypertensive crisis. But Dimka sat down next to her on the sofa, moved his hands over the old woman's head, and she stood up, as if nothing had happened, and forgot about the headache.

The usual thing

Not so long ago Natasha introduced me to N. To be honest, I am afraid of such people, because I do not know what to talk about with them. I don't really trust their arguments about the Forces of Light and the Energy of Love, especially when they start talking about the Antiworlds and the Laws of the Cosmos. But N. was the most unusual of all. She offered to “close” Dimka. "Close" in "their" language means to protect. Well, so that Dimka does not go down a bad path, because “they hunt for indigo,” N.

She did not look like a madman. She spoke a lot and warmly about the saints, explained in an accessible form about the angels, about the fact that Dimka can heal himself from simple illnesses: a runny nose happened, put your hand on your nose - and everything will pass. We even communicated with this N. for a while via the Internet, and she was sincerely perplexed why people are so amazed at indigo children, nothing special, a common thing! N. herself has two children, both graduated from Moscow State University with honors, now they live in America, they don't know their needs. There were also "turkey poults", as N. calls the indigo children, they read from the age of two, spoke fluently in almost all languages, shone at subject Olympiads and at the same time said that they saw some dots, green and blue. They played with them, rolled balls of them, built houses - well, they had such an alien "Lego". With the energies of water, wind, fire,spring and autumn easily communicated.

So this same N. taught Dima to disperse the clouds. No, no, there was nothing close to the method of the former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov - it was necessary, as Dimka said, “to strain the third eye” and give the clouds the energy of Reiki. Dimka explained to me for a long time and colorfully what my ficus was broadcasting on the windowsill and that the fatsia flower was talking the loudest in my house - I was delicately silent.

It should be noted that my cats have a very strange attitude to Dima. As soon as he enters, they begin to rub around him, purr, but sometimes after he leaves, they become completely sick - they lie on the sofa sad and refuse to eat. A day or two will pass, again merry running around - I don't understand what the reason is.

Natasha once told me that it seems to her that Dima sees “through walls”. It was not easy to believe in this, until one day I stayed up late with them and, leaving, remembered that I had left glasses in the room. Natasha and I were looking for my eyepieces for a long time, until we woke up Dima. Funny and sleepy, in his pajamas, he shook his head reproachfully: "Aunt Ira, here they are, your glasses are in the bag, between the gloves and the wallet." The glasses really lay where Dimka had identified, but the bag was closed at the same time, and the boy did not touch it.

Another of Dimka's oddities is a low pain threshold, as the doctors say. In a simple way - Dimka does not feel pain. Absolutely. Once he broke his arm, so traumatologists were even amazed: he did not drop a single tear.

He is not greedy, not touchy, but sometimes he becomes attached to people like a baby. Or, on the contrary, he cannot see this or that person. So he says to Natasha: “Let Uncle Sasha not come to us any more. Never . And then it turns out that Uncle Sasha made Natasha such a bad thing …

It is sometimes impossible to communicate with him, with this Dimka. He spins, somersaults, jumps on one leg, all the time running away somewhere, and finally says: "I'm a Martian, don't believe me, I'm going home tonight." “You're lying,” I say, tired of his bustle. Dimka is offended: “I'm not lying. I never lie". Legends can indeed be made about his pathological honesty. He once stole a gum in a store and put it in his mouth. Natasha did not notice the theft, nor did the guards, but when Dimka went out into the street, it started. “Mom,” he shouted frantically, “I just wanted to check if they would catch me or not, but they didn’t. I have to go back and pay for the chewing gum.”I didn’t calm down until I paid. The stunned cashier started to shame him, but Dimka suddenly frowned and announced to the whole store:“You’re a thief yourself.”The cashier had already become burgundy, and everything became clear to everyone …

We also lived on another planet

The other day I tried to ask him about the aura - what is it? “Sometimes it is beige, and sometimes it is burgundy. It surrounds a person like a shell. But mostly beige happens. And when black, it means that the person is angry or sick."

- And what is mine?

- You have beige and pink.

- So I'm good?

- I do not know.

- And what is your mother?

- Also beige and pink.

- And the cat?

- The cat has light green, she is never angry.

“Dim,” I asked once, “why are you inventing everything? Well, as if you lived on another planet before. You didn't live there. " “You also lived on another planet, - Dimka frowned, - just forgot about it. I remember. You know, Aunt Ira, in fact I am a very old person. I am many years old."

Psychologist's comment

Svetlana Sergeevna Zhuikova, PhD in Medicine, believes that the phenomenon of indigo children cannot be rejected. At one time she tried to seriously study these amazing babies, but it was difficult to find scientific methods for research. Scientific conferences devoted to indigo children are held infrequently, forums even less often.

“Parents of children with unusual abilities have repeatedly turned to me for advice,” says Svetlana Sergeevna, “and it seems to me that there are more and more such children. Yes, at first glance, they do not obey any rules, causing difficulties at home, and in kindergarten and at school. As a psychologist, I am convinced that such children cannot be punished, accused of lying, otherwise they will withdraw into themselves. In fact, indigo children are very bright. They want to see the world as reasonable and kind. Unfortunately, Kirov is a rather small city and the mentality of the Vyatka people is such that everything new and unusual seems suspicious to them.

My dream is to open a kind of center for the development of indigo children. But, alas, even the mothers of these gifted children try to “close” them from prying eyes. Yes, these children have a different speed of thinking, they grasp new lesson material on the fly, the Internet is their native element, but sometimes they seem … stupid. On the verge of imbecility, stupid - and this is the whole paradox.

Indigo children have powerful immune defenses. I read in one specialized magazine that they conducted an experiment in the USA: cells taken from an indigo baby were affected by various viruses, including HIV. The cells did not change - the child's immunity was so high that he could not get sick.

Of course, these children are different, and sooner or later everyone will understand this. When I lived and worked in Moscow, I happened to observe the growing up of indigo children. Now they are 17 years old. They are creative people - they do music, programming, draw well. They are hampered only by impulsivity, hypersensitivity, frequent depression and mood swings. Some people find them hysterical. Some are mystics. Some are prophets.

“Mom,” Dima said the other day, “maybe I should try to treat people? For money. You can make a lot of money on me. "Natasha was scared." Don't you dare, "she said," don't even try. I won't let you make money."

Let's meet more often

I have been getting close to this publication for a long time. Natasha and I "twisted" the information we received this way and that, thinking whether to attach a photo of Dimka to the text, whether to call him by his real name, whether to tell the whole story about his adventures or to hide something.

To be honest, we have a dream: to unite these unusual children, to introduce them to each other. There are probably a lot of them in our city. You don't need to think about them. You have to trust them, you have to learn to cooperate with them - that's exactly how. They are not a scare for the school and not a punishment for the family. They just need not to interfere with their lives. And I, and Natasha, and Dimka are waiting for your responses, letters, phone calls - we will be glad to everything.

Irina KUSHOVA, "Vyatka Territory"