Indigo On Religion - Alternative View

Indigo On Religion - Alternative View
Indigo On Religion - Alternative View

Video: Indigo On Religion - Alternative View

Video: Indigo On Religion - Alternative View
Video: Dick Gregory - Universal God and Indigo Children 2024, September

Everyone has their own truth, everyone puts their expectations and miracles into something that is unshakably true. Everyone carries faith in their spirit, guardian, protector. It is not possible not to believe in anything. You can deny the existence of Higher powers, spirits, Gods, energies and their manifestations, but you cannot deny your existence. Even at birth, we all declare that we believe in ourselves, we scream, and our cry means - "I am, I exist!"

We may not relate ourselves to any of the existing religions, not recognize anyone's point of view, be unique, completely separate ourselves from the existing society, but all this will be just pretense and deception of ourselves. You may not be aware of your faith, your vision of the world, and understanding it, but this does not mean that we are not influenced by any truth. Each creature believes, someone believes in himself and his strength, someone believes in God and turns to him through prayers, someone believes the spirits and calls them to help him. There are countless types of faith and the same number of ways to realize it for yourself. The question is, what is religion for us indigo.

We believe in the existence of an all-encompassing energy that permeates the entire Universe, all worlds, all creatures, all objects. This energy is present in everything, it is the basis of life, it creates the Soul and creates the flesh. We live thanks to this energy, it helps us breathe, helps the heart beat and the body to function as a whole, it also connects the body with the Soul. Without this energy, life is impossible, not physical, not spiritual. This energy was long before the appearance of the Universe, and will be after its disappearance. She has always been, always will be. This energy can be felt by everyone, if desired and appropriate short-term practices. In her vision, it is not so much faith that plays a role, but how much awareness of what the Universe is due to, although faith is also necessary.

This energy is life, the Mother of all living things, that which nourishes and materializes, the Father is Divine energy, it flows inside the Mother, and carries the particles necessary for the implementation of this or that process, be it the birth of a Soul or a body. In some religions, it is believed that Divine energy is higher than the energy of the Mother, but there is no dominance in harmony, everything in it is proportional and balanced. These energies occupy exactly the same amount in each other, no more, no less, any actions are performed with the participation of these two energies, they are not interrupted, and are constantly in motion, as one flows from the other.

You can come closer to understanding the processes taking place in the Universe only when you realize the insignificance of your mind before eternal questions. Then the truth will begin to gradually open for you, or rather, you will learn to see it through the fogs created by your imperfection.

What we believe in does not require us to unquestioningly fulfill the laws of the Universe. The Higher Power provides an independent choice, and the more correctly we lay out dearly on the way to solving a particular problem, the clearer the necessary truth will be presented to us. We do not use rituals in order to be heard, we know that we are always heard, wherever we are and whenever we turn. We do not have a Holy Abode, but sometimes in order to feel the center of balance within ourselves, we go to a Church, a Mosque or a Buddhist Temple, thank the local Sacred Forces and Spirits guarding the place where they settled. Having retired and plunged into ourselves, we will find the center of our balance, warm it up, purify ourselves with our inner gaze, and, having established harmony, we will continue our path.

We treat any faith with great patience and goodwill. We recognize and do not dispute any belief and point of view, because we realize that every creature has the right to its own truth, whatever it may be, and no matter how we treat it. Respect for other people's views, traditions and rituals, we observe and honor, if this is required of us by the appropriate circumstances. We never reproach anyone for faith, violating the border of someone's consciousness, the natural course of events can be disrupted, which can lead to sad consequences.

Often we are forced to express our point of view, or to say how we feel about a particular issue, if the question is of a religious nature or we need to give an answer that can shake the faith of creation, we can answer in many ways, which will lead to acceptance by creating our own withdrawal, without our intervention or imposition. This method, although it is the least frank, but it will be the most correct and harmless way. There are times when we violate this law, but often this violation is associated with an emotional disorder, as I said before, it is difficult for indigo to control our emotions, and often this deficiency is the reason for our failures.

Promotional video:

The consequence of our faith is the achievement of harmony. It is the understanding of the laws of the world order, the ability to see how life is built at one moment or another, that helps us find ourselves and go beyond the limits of Earthly existence. Of course, now none of us is going to do this, after all, we have just come to Earth, and it is too early for us to leave it, but with all our desire, this will not work out now, because we have a duty that must be fulfilled above all else. Each creature has its own duty, people have to live their lives as best and correctly as possible, animals continue their population, our duty is sacred, we could think about it for hours, because each of us has his own, but under all this difference, it is hidden one truth, common platform. Such a platform is the transformations for which we came, the changes inevitably approaching time.

No need to try to get into our minds and impose your stereotypes, at best they will never want to share their experiences with you, at worst they will stop noticing. It makes no sense to reproach or break our faith, because it was not instilled in us, we were born with the awareness and understanding of what we believe with all our being. Some of us find ourselves in early childhood, some, having matured, and someone just needs to help, notice, see him, come up and share our knowledge, but in no case impose. Everything should come by itself, be realized individually.

Those who turn to me often find answers to their questions, of course, if I am able to answer. In most cases, I can provide an answer, since the questions asked are from a field known to me. My indigo friends can also easily answer the question in their field, to which they have directed their gaze for more than one thousand years. Some things, I ask them too. It is not possible to know everything while in the body, but it is possible to know a lot. Sometimes in order to answer this or that question that interests me, just a close connection with the Higher energies is not enough, then I resort to contemplation.

Taking advantage of the practice of meditation, you can look even deeper, learn even more. I concentrate my attention on the question of interest to me, I dive not just into the depths of the Universal knowledge, I plunge into the Ocean of energies, attuning myself to certain vibrations in order to receive the corresponding radiation of light in my direction. The information received must be transferred to the body and presented in the form that it will understand. The perception of information is carried out by means of standard senses, which are inherent in all living creatures, most often for me it is visualization or sound. In general, the Universal Ocean of energies is open to anyone, and he wants us to visit it, they do not limit us, more often we limit ourselves. I believe that the reason for this framework is not our natural vanity, not our natural way of life, and often isolation from nature. We do not breathe air, but carbon monoxide, we do not eat vegetables, but what they were sprayed with, we do not what we should do, but what they impose on us.

Higher energies are almost impossible to see with ordinary vision, or hear with ordinary hearing, all this is done at a different level of perception. In order to feel the primordial nature of matters, you need to go beyond your body, this has been practiced for a long time by interested people, but in a measure of not understanding many things done in the process of creation by these Higher powers, people do not see all the moments of this World. Often they just leave their body and travel the Earth in an incorporeal state, but giving up part of what is given will never show the highest truth.

The ability to balance the work of body organs, find your inner center, support, feel the flow of all biological and spiritual processes, feel the relationship with the Universal source of energy, feel yourself an integral part of the Universe, will open the true vision of the Universe. And mainly to see the Threads that connect us with all the channels of the Universe, perhaps from the people I know, the few Yogis and Buddhist monks who devoted their entire life to their teaching are capable of this.

To say that this state is easily attained by indigo would be a lie. Our only advantage is a lot of conscious knowledge, which we won't have to spend decades to learn, although we need to refresh it. The rest of the skills, such as training the body and mind, we need to go through to the fullest. If we know how to sit down without much tension in the lotus position, this does not mean that without much effort we can concentrate for a long time, everything needs training and we are not an exception, but just another confirmation of this.

Since our channel of communication with the Universal source is wider, and the exchange of information with it is more intensive than that of ordinary people, it is easier for us to be given knowledge in areas related to the training of the mind, to establish control over ourselves. Of course, we learn the things that interest us faster, we gain knowledge many times faster and we assimilate it better. The knowledge that many of us are now receiving and assimilating is in most cases not applied and not implemented by us anywhere, since there are no necessary conditions for this.

Basically, such conditions are unstable energy fluctuations created by a mass of unbalanced people and technology. At the moment, the main part of the energy received, we throw out to balance such vibrations, and it is much more difficult to maintain energy in balance than to vibrate it. It is because of these targeted emissions to maintain a balance that so-called supernatural capabilities have not yet appeared in many of us.

And those opportunities that have nevertheless awakened are so insignificant that they are not able to bring the world the proper help. The initial task is harmony, the establishment of which is at a subconscious level, and is a necessary condition for correct and intensive development, therefore, all forces are thrown into this channel. The remaining energy is enough for us to maintain our channel of communication and control our inner experiences whenever possible.

Those of us who regularly spend time in training, for example, contemplation, yoga, Qigong or other similar practices, significantly increase the flow of energy, which allows for better distribution of life-giving currents of Force throughout our body, and this helps to strengthen the mind and the manifestation of hidden lack of energy of talents. Our knowledge is closely intertwined with the teachings of the ancient East and Egypt, they have a lot in common, a lot of value, a lot of truth.

There are many manuscripts, tablets and other carriers of knowledge on the planet that have retained their primordiality, many of these carriers have not yet been found, many of them have been found, but are not yet able to translate or understand the information received. Most of these media are written in a figuratively symbolic language, which greatly complicates the task of translating and understanding the information contained. But I want to say that the answers will be found as soon as you are ready to receive them.

Why carry within yourself the knowledge that you do not understand. Knowledge exists in order to convey it correctly, to convey to those who really need it. Blind faith is more terrible than unbelief, because it does not carry an understanding of the laws by which this or that path is built. Ignorance can destroy thousands of souls, but only one lack of faith. Knowledge of the laws of the Universe, their observance and correct application in everyday life, can open information of unprecedented scale, and the acquisition of not supernatural abilities, but the awareness of their naturalness and the ability to properly dispose of them. He who realizes the truth will never go against it, but he will know how to balance through the falsity that surrounds him. A creature that has acquired true knowledge will never point out a lie in the mouth, he will show the truth in them.

Only those who truly realized, accepted and agreed with the laws of the Universe of creation, receive all that unprecedented power that the Higher powers carry. The higher energies want to be guided by the will of an intelligent creature, to be used and created with their help, but they are given only to free Souls, not burdened with attachment and not chained emotions. Only firm and decisive, sensual and aware, flexible, but elastic creatures can make the world revolve around itself, and not revolve around it.

Only full comprehension of all the laws of the Universe provides the key to comprehending unprecedented sources of the Higher powers and Oceans of energies. Cognition should always start with yourself, only by accepting all of yourself, the way you are, the Universe will allow you to comprehend everything that surrounds us. You need to love your body, your Soul, with all your light. You need to illuminate the darkest corners of your being and face any of your fears with Love. You need not get rid of, not destroy your fears and negative energies, you need to transform them into positive ones.

You need to accept everything as the Higher powers gave you. You are and you are needed, needed by yourself and the Universe, and whoever realizes this will feel the grace of unprecedented purity. To show love and care for life in all its manifestations is a blessing, and there is a law that everyone was taught many millennia ago. Those who have mastered it remember, those who have not forgotten. But there is no lost knowledge, there is a confused Soul. Ask for help from what you believe in, ask for it with a pure heart and an open Soul, and you will definitely be helped, whoever you are. The ability to transform energies into positive is a gift to all living beings, the ability to share transformed energies is an opportunity for those who know how to Love.