Indigo Children In Russia. The Mission Of The New Time - Alternative View

Indigo Children In Russia. The Mission Of The New Time - Alternative View
Indigo Children In Russia. The Mission Of The New Time - Alternative View

Video: Indigo Children In Russia. The Mission Of The New Time - Alternative View

Video: Indigo Children In Russia. The Mission Of The New Time - Alternative View
Video: LIVE: Billionaire Richard Branson launches into space and says, 'Its the experience of a lifetime' 2024, September

Reflecting on the qualities of Indigo children, mentally arguing with highly enlightened opponents, I am amazed at a kind of "night blindness" of critics of the phenomenon. How can you pass by the many amazing inclinations of typical indigo, if they are present, if they are inherent only in indigo and, as a rule, do not apply to ordinary people? Well, okay, a controversial issue with the color of the aura, which not everyone sees, although this is an interesting sign. But there are a number of other differences?..

Of course, the “new” children should not be very different from ordinary people - they are not some kind of monsters, they are flesh of our flesh. But the makings, the makings …

For example, the majority have in their character a certain moral code, a kind of religiosity, which they have inherent in from birth. By the nature of my work, I communicate a lot with students and I am quite well aware of the current priorities of young people. Pragmatism, material incentives, career are in the first place for the majority. And it's hard to condemn - such a time. But I never, no matter how much I communicated, did not notice such moods among the representatives of indigo. On the contrary, they seem to even condescendingly assess this trait among those around them, like an excuseful lack of undergrowth who, in fact, have not grown to understand the true values in the sublunary world. No, they do not deny these incentives, they accept - for the time being they accept - the rules of the game by which today's society lives, but they do it without enthusiasm, forcedly and, at the first opportunity,when they come into force, they will change the public mood. This is already obvious. Acquisition is by no means their strong point, otherwise we would have immediately noticed this feature.

They have different speeds of thinking, and this is also noticeable. School teachers will confirm this without hesitation. Indigo children grasp the point with amazing speed, without having to chew on the topic, and they get bored when faced with the endless variation and repetition of what was said - a typical method of modern educational process. Remember the classic: "And now, children, we will start repeating the topic covered!" Add to this their internal disagreement with a number of postulates of materialistic knowledge, like the theory of the origin of man or the construction of pyramids by ancient Egyptian slaves, and the conflict with the school will become clear. Most Indigos can and do excellently, but they do it, breaking themselves, as if in favor of their parents. They themselves are not so important the assessments, since there is a sacramental: "Who are the judges?"

And the amazing wisdom embedded in them, as if imprinted initially? It is not for nothing that such children, among their peers, feel “old”, they are not interested in them, and their typical state is loneliness. After all, this is a fact - their IQ, IQ, is noticeably higher than average: more than 130 points with an average of 105-110. However, there are reports of achievements and 170 points, the level of geniuses!.. How can you not notice this?

The Americans were the first to find out that the intellect and intuition of the new generation of children is so developed that the computer is like an extension of their brain. When they communicate with the machine, for example, play computer games, they always win: it seems that the very principles of the most complex work of the processor are fully understood by them. Those indigo friends of mine who have a computer at home mastered this technique as if playfully, deeply and comprehensively using various functions without special training. And the Internet is generally literally their native element.

One gets the impression that a born indigo child contains a kind of "archived package" of knowledge, which gradually unfolds and unfolds over time, obeying some own logic, and not the logic of, say, individual learning of a person during his life. Professor L. L. Shtuden, who expressed such an assumption in our conversations, believes that this is a fundamentally different scheme than the usual "growth" of human consciousness as a result of training and education. He does not exclude that indigo children are a kind of complexes of self-unfolding information "messages" that may contain ideas and knowledge of a revolutionary character for the earthly civilization. The fact that they do not need to prove the multidimensionality and multipopulation of the Universe is already colossal progress for the further evolutionary development of society. After all,as far as we have seen, many indigos feel quite comfortable both in the material world and in the spiritual world.

And as for intelligent substances in space, they communicate directly with them! And try to convince them that this is not so, that all this is "imagining" to them, that we are absolutely alone in the Universe - they will look at you as foolish. “What can I advise you here? - wrote me an indigo girl from Minsk to my question about the evidence of the large population of space. - Perhaps one thing: grow up to our level …"

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It can be expected that the intellectual power of the new formation of people will eventually lead to a process of raising the common consciousness of mankind, and the rise on a positive unifying basis, and not on a predominantly separating and destructive basis, as it is now. The spiritual side of the life of human society will finally become dominant.

This is likely to be facilitated by the synchronous development of both hemispheres of the brain, which is observed in Indigo children. Indeed, it has already been proven that in the majority of “new” children, both the left “logical” hemisphere and the right one, the emotional-creative one, are equally developed. And this is becoming characteristic of new generations of people.

Researcher and journalist Svetlana Levshinova reports that observations of the functions of the human brain have been carried out at the Munich Institute of Rational Psychology since 1965. The researchers concluded that "people's brains are changing at an accelerated rate so much that in fifty years we will have other bodies that, based on other brain structures, will think differently, feel differently and act differently." Researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Frankfurt come to similar conclusions: "The brain reorganizes itself and processes incoming signals in a different way …"

Well, if the brain in an accelerated mode begins to work differently, then it becomes clear why Indigo children have a different psychological structure than most people, Levshinova concludes. “The accelerated rhythm of brain activity causes a change in perception, and, as a consequence, a different thinking” [31].

It is also remarkable that the fact of some difference between the DNA of ordinary people and the DNA of indigo is already clearly revealed. As of the mid-1990s, approximately one percent of the world's population had an altered DNA structure.

There are well-known cases when HIV-infected children of a new, indigo type got rid of a deadly disease with powerful immune defenses. This has not happened before! And this, in my opinion, is also one of the most important proofs of the emergence of a new type of people on Earth. For example, in the USA, experiments were done: cells taken from an indigo baby were affected by a variety of viruses. However, they were not exposed to the slightest influence and did not get sick, while remaining immune. Then the HIV virus was tried. Moreover, the dose was increased 3000 times - the concentration many times exceeding the lethal concentration. Again, the cells have not changed. The boy's immunity was so high that the child was not able to get sick at all. After analyzing the DNA of the miracle baby, it turned out that his code was not typical for an ordinary person."Normal" human DNA contains 64 codons (a unit of genetic information encoded in a DNA molecule), of which only 20 are constantly on, the rest are inert and do not work. The mysterious child had 24 codons turned on. Subsequently, this discovery was confirmed in hundreds and thousands of other cases with indigo children.

This first led scientists to the idea that a new race of people with unprecedented immune system and DNA structure on Earth is emerging on the planet. In the USA, according to statistics, the incidence of AIDS due to the birth of Indigo children has dropped by 47 percent in recent years. Is this not evidence that indigo children are different from ordinary ones !?

In addition, in the process of studying the phenomenon of indigo, a group of children was identified who were called "resident", or "indestructible" (from the English "resilience" - "invincibility") These children, despite the fact that sometimes they live in extremely difficult conditions, For example, in completely degraded families, nothing and no one is allowed to piss them off. They seem to be protected from their surroundings, they remain completely "intact". And you know these children! Take a closer look at dysfunctional neighbors: they sometimes have surprisingly bright and wonderful children.

An indirect evidence of the presence of a new type of children is the new parental paradigm, which is gradually being established in society. What does this mean? And the fact that a small indigo man, free from birth, no longer accepts diktat and control in any form as the basis for building family relations. From century to century this was the norm, but now it is not, the norm meets with stiff resistance from indigo children and "crystal" children. Children and parents become partners in a new kind of relationship. It implies cooperation and growth of each in the areas of intellect and spirit. The principle of equality and partnership will not be accepted - conflicts in families will be inevitable. We saw this on examples of some indigo, for example, the same Laura. Therefore, education and training workers, however, like medical structures,should be the most interested investigators of the new indigo phenomenon. So far, alas, this has not been observed. On the contrary, there is a struggle against the idea of the appearance of new children in society. Only a few enthusiasts, and in particular, academician Shalva Amonashvili, are trying to reason with their colleagues, are studying the phenomenon on their own enthusiasm, without support, or rather, in an atmosphere of obstacles from more conservative colleagues.

All this once again convinces that levers have appeared in the form of a new formation of indigo people, capable of changing - and changing the current, in some way very imperfect humanity. Let's help these changes, not interfere with the mission of the "new" people. It will pay off!

Gennady Belimov