The Mystery Of The Giant Ancient Minoan Labrys - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Giant Ancient Minoan Labrys - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Giant Ancient Minoan Labrys - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Giant Ancient Minoan Labrys - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Giant Ancient Minoan Labrys - Alternative View
Video: The Minoan Civilisation (In Our Time) 2024, September

Some ancient artifacts are truly perplexing. They are so large in size and heavy that it is impossible even to imagine that they could be used by an ordinary person.

So what was the purpose of these ancient giant axes? Were they simply produced as symbolic ceremonial objects or were they used by giants?

It is clear that axes that are larger than normal human height cannot be used in battles or serve as agricultural tools.


The Archaeological Museum of Heracleon has in its collection unique ancient objects that were discovered during excavations in all parts of Crete, including the archaeological sites of Knossos, Festus, Gortin and many others. During the excavations of the Cretan palaces, giant labrysas were discovered. Unlike the Middle East, the carriers of the Minoan labrys were not gods and priests, but exclusively goddesses and their priestesses.

Labrys in the center of the composition as a sacred symbol of matriarchy, like a cross in Christianity. Around Labris are women priestesses
Labrys in the center of the composition as a sacred symbol of matriarchy, like a cross in Christianity. Around Labris are women priestesses

Labrys in the center of the composition as a sacred symbol of matriarchy, like a cross in Christianity. Around Labris are women priestesses.

The Minoans were mysterious, advanced and one of the most ancient civilizations of the Bronze Age in Europe.


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Labrys is an ax with symmetrical blades, originally from Crete (Greece), one of the oldest symbols of Greek civilization. Before the labrys became a symbolic object, it acted as a tool and a chopping ax.

Ornamented with Gold Minoan Labrys, but regular size
Ornamented with Gold Minoan Labrys, but regular size

Ornamented with Gold Minoan Labrys, but regular size.

The Minoans seemed to have wonderful technology, one of which was the creation of tiny, wonderful seals, artfully carved from soft stones and ivory. This intriguing ancient civilization created complex lenses, and these ancient people were ahead of their time in many ways.

Why would such clever people make giant axes that were useless for ordinary people of our usual height?

The Minotaur Labyrinth at the Paphos Archaeological Park
The Minotaur Labyrinth at the Paphos Archaeological Park

The Minotaur Labyrinth at the Paphos Archaeological Park.

Some scholars have suggested that the word labyrinth could originally mean "the house of the double ax." Symbolists believe that the goddess of the two-handed ax ruled the Minoan palaces, and especially the Palace of Knossos.

The double axes date back to the second Palace and Post-Palace periods (1700-1300 BC).

The fact that these ancient axes are very large does not prove that giants wielded them. Museum officials claim they were simply objects of worship. His image could be found on coins, ritual dishes, coats of arms and frescoes.