Scientists Have Named The Approximate Cost Of The Earth - Alternative View

Scientists Have Named The Approximate Cost Of The Earth - Alternative View
Scientists Have Named The Approximate Cost Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Named The Approximate Cost Of The Earth - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Named The Approximate Cost Of The Earth - Alternative View
Video: A Brief History of Geologic Time 2024, October

Scientists who thought about calculating the cost of our planet, named the exact amount - the Earth is worth three hundred thirty-five quadrillion rubles. A quadrillion, if anything, is a sum with fifteen zeros, that is, we are talking about a rather impressive value.

The estimated value of the Earth, as scientists clarify, is about eighty times higher than the total amount of money on Earth. If we evaluate the Earth in gold, then about one hundred and twenty-five million tons of this precious metal will be released.

The calculation, as noted on the website of the University of California (USA), was carried out according to the formula of astrophysicist Gren Laughlin. The scientist says that the meaning of calculating the cost of planets is to assess the prospects of this or that exoplanet, in the context of, for example, its colonization.

“Thanks to my formula, we can quickly assess whether it is worth starting to look closely at some newly discovered planet in order to develop it, or the potential benefits are not worth the money and effort spent,” says the astrophysicist.

The cost of Mars according to Laughlin's formula is only 15,000 US dollars, and the cost, for example, of the distant exoplanet KOI 326.01, is two hundred and fifty billion dollars. In general, it is immediately clear that mastering KOI 326.01 is much more profitable than Mars.

Kolesnikov Andrey