Crimean Man-scanner Finds Underground Water Veins - Alternative View

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Crimean Man-scanner Finds Underground Water Veins - Alternative View
Crimean Man-scanner Finds Underground Water Veins - Alternative View

Video: Crimean Man-scanner Finds Underground Water Veins - Alternative View

Video: Crimean Man-scanner Finds Underground Water Veins - Alternative View
Video: Aquifer Demonstration 2024, June

Vladimir Tarimov, without technical means, helps the inhabitants of the peninsula to find water underground. He noticed his unusual abilities as a child.

Crimeans, especially those who rely on their wells, are constantly concerned about finding water. But it is costly to “hole” the ground in vain. However, you can invite a specialist for whom “probing” the soil and finding water deep underground is not a problem.

Magnetic waves

Vladimir Tarimov discovered his abilities in childhood. He realized that besides light, sound and warmth, he felt something else. This gave him considerable problems, he simply could not turn off his ability and "scanned" the space constantly.


Until his grandfather, also the owner of such opportunities, did not teach him to "close" from unnecessary information. At school, extraordinary abilities also manifested themselves: Vladimir could read and memorize the entire textbook in a couple of days, but he had to pay for this with terrible headaches.

In his youth, Vladimir became interested in speleology, and there, at a depth, in caves, he realized that he felt water. He could, without hearing the noise of the stream and the drops falling from the ceiling, say where to move in order to come to the water. True, then he did not invent any use of this ability. The specialty he chose was geophysics. But after the collapse of the USSR, many specialists were “out of work”, and geophysicist Vladimir Tarimov became one of them.

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Neighbors either jokingly or seriously reminded about the specialty: they say, a man is a scientist, find water on our site! He thought about it and found a place where he could dig a well.

“It was about a quarter of a century ago, then I helped other people in the area find water on the plots,” says Vladimir. - And my wife was indignant: I also found something to do, help all summer residents, and then what? But, as you can see, I am still working. There is no mysticism in my abilities, it is physics.

About 10-15% of people have the ability to subtly perceive electromagnetic waves. Light is also electromagnetic waves. You, thanks to the receiver - the eyes, determine the color and properties. Look at a tree, it becomes clear that it is a tree.

Hearing is also an analysis, we just do not realize it, everything happens on a subconscious level. Finding water is the same. If we talk about my own sensations, then I feel a re-reflected spectrum from any substance. Only this is a different range, ultra-low frequencies. When pulsating magnetic waves hit various elements, they are converted and reflected. These are strict laws of physics and geophysics, geology and hydrogeology."

Vladimir smiles when he recalls the aura of mysticism often surrounded by water seekers. By the way, charlatans willingly take advantage of this willingness to believe in the supernatural, sometimes "guarantee" that they will find water anywhere. It is clear that groundwater is not found everywhere, such a guarantee is a "linden".

Some "experts" say: "I can identify the vein, but I cannot say at what depth." Well, why such a study? How long will you have to drill? Others point to the place, drillers come, go to the estimated depth - and find nothing.

Fresh and salty

The work of Vladimir looks simple from the outside. He goes along and across the intended area until he feels water under him. To facilitate the search, he uses frames, bent metal wires at right angles. This is a kind of resonator, an instrument that needs to be tuned for yourself.


As you approach the water, the frames will begin to close or rotate. If there is no electromagnetic noise, you can do without them. In Vladimir's hands it is obligatory - a GPS-navigator, according to which he writes down the exact coordinates in the log and on the map. Marks where and at what depth the water is located.

The water in Crimea is uneven. Only by looking at the landscape, one can say that groundwater is most likely to pass through here.

“Finding water is not all,” explains Vladimir. - Who needs salt or bitter water - neither wash, nor water the garden, nor drink. It is impossible to find out its chemical composition “in absentia”. For example, in the Simferopol district of the state district power station I lay wells at a depth of 50 meters. There is also an aquifer at 120 meters, but it contains a lot of bromine salts. If you drink such water, interest in the opposite sex will definitely disappear!

People often ask to dig a well where they need it. In Yalta, a lady wanted to solve water problems in this way. I conducted research, the water turned out to be under a mound of earth, where a garden was laid out. The woman said that I do not know how to look for water: I, they say, need another place. Two weeks passed, drillers from Yalta contacted me: they made a well, but there was no water. It turned out, the lady, in order to preserve her flower garden, moved the peg with which I marked the right place to where she wanted."

With the blocked North Crimean canal, underground water reserves are now receiving close attention at the state level. But long-term use of such water does not bode well, explains Vladimir Tarimov. Rainfall has decreased over the past 8 years. It rains, the reservoirs have replenished, but to restore all the aquifers, it takes about three years of such seasonal rains.

Before the canal started working, several hundred deep wells were drilled in the Crimea in the northern and southern parts of the peninsula. Five years later, fresh sea water was replaced, the soil deteriorated. To save the situation, most of these wells were plugged. It was necessary to create a whole series of lakes, where the water of the rivers was drained so that the fresh water gradually replaced the saline. This process took about 25-35 years, and even then the idea did not work everywhere.