The Woman Defeated Cancer By Self-hypnosis. - Alternative View

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The Woman Defeated Cancer By Self-hypnosis. - Alternative View
The Woman Defeated Cancer By Self-hypnosis. - Alternative View

Video: The Woman Defeated Cancer By Self-hypnosis. - Alternative View

Video: The Woman Defeated Cancer By Self-hypnosis. - Alternative View
Video: Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself | Dr. Lissa Rankin | Talks at Google 2024, June

The disease in 27-year-old Alina Gabitova was discovered early - the woman herself went to mammologists for examination. The fact is that her mother died of breast cancer three years ago, and Alina was very afraid to repeat her fate. The results of the study confirmed the worst fears - the woman was diagnosed with breast cancer of the second stage

- Mom could not defeat this disease, and then it seemed to me that this was my death sentence, - recalls Alina. - But I have no right to die - I have a small child, my daughter was only a year and two months old then. And I decided to survive at all costs …

Alina did not want to go to the operation - with mastopathy, she often has to remove the breast completely.

Friends advised Alina to contact specialists from the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Bashkir State University - they say, they use non-standard methods of treating serious diseases.

Pictures of Alina's tumor: in a month, the formation decreased by half. Left - May image (13.3 mm), right - June (5.6 mm)

“We believe that cancer is, to some extent, psychosomatics,” says the senior lecturer of the department, Alexander ARBUZOV. - That is, a disease caused, among other things, by psychological problems, which means that in order to cure it, you need to use the reserves of our brain. When we say that all diseases are from the nerves, we mean - "all diseases are from the hypothalamus", this is the part of the brain that is responsible for the production of mental energy.

The essence of the methodology of Ufa psychologists is to activate the functional reserves of the body. That is, to put it simply, they "program" the patient's brain to recover. This is done using self-regulation sessions, which take place like this: patients lie down, relax and imagine that their brain is producing communicator proteins. These are the cells that are involved in determining which part of the body needs help and control the immune system.

Alina intensively engaged in these exercises - sometimes she gave this lesson five to six hours a day. At the same time, she did not refuse chemotherapy either - she had two sessions. And the tumor began to disappear very quickly! The malignant formation was discovered in March. Back in May, when Alina started her studies, it was 13.3 millimeters in diameter, and a month later it decreased to 5.6. Now the metastases have disappeared. True, there was an enlarged lymph node, which still worries doctors. So Alina does not stop treatment.

- Once I examined Alina's mother, and now she herself, - says Venera ZINATULLINA, doctor of the 46th polyclinic. - The difference is really striking. Alina is recovering very quickly. Still, the power of self-hypnosis is an effective thing, but the cure still happened thanks to complex treatment. Psychological work and medications also played a role.

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