Gypsies-hypnotists Rob People In Ukraine. - Alternative View

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Gypsies-hypnotists Rob People In Ukraine. - Alternative View
Gypsies-hypnotists Rob People In Ukraine. - Alternative View

Video: Gypsies-hypnotists Rob People In Ukraine. - Alternative View

Video: Gypsies-hypnotists Rob People In Ukraine. - Alternative View
Video: 🇺🇦 Ukraine: Roma Repression | People and Power 2024, June

They are robbed in different ways. On the streets, train stations, in the metro and public transport, they "hang" gullible citizens with thousandth bills, "putting on the counter", instead of one hundred exchange dollars they give one, and that one torn … Although according to statistics, the number of robberies in the capital has decreased by almost nine percent, practically none of us is immune from this

On that ill-fated day, Vera Afanasyeva (an employee of one of the Kiev research institutes), on the way to kindergarten, decided to go to the Minsk market to buy food for her son. The day before, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation and was going to celebrate this event with friends. Before the mother and child had time to walk half a block, unfamiliar women approached them …

Those who had to face gypsies on the street imagine how dialogue usually develops?

- My golden, what time is it?

- Two minutes to three …

- Ay-ay, what can I tell you, my beauty, - you live under God, you have great love, but life is difficult. A rich gentleman is on your heels, and a friend puts your candle in church for the repose of your soul … Show your hand, I will tell the whole truth …

One has only to stop - and in five minutes (with tears in his eyes) you will examine your empty wallet with your own hands. But real professionals at train stations and markets do not trade, preferring to work near residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, when no one expects an unexpected meeting. Some people ask where to find a pharmacy, others ask for help, others are flattered, and others are intimidated … If the gypsies approached Vera Ivanovna, their consciousness would automatically turn on the alarm. But quite decent women came up.

The eldest, a lady of about forty in a black draped coat over an elegant woolen suit, in high-heeled boots, said with alarm in her voice: “You urgently need to take your child to a knowledgeable grandmother. Through the money of the father, damage was brought to the son. I can see it for sure. If you don't, the boy will die by the end of the month.

Vera Ivanovna's eyes widened at what she heard and her hands trembled. She asked helplessly, "What to do?" She did not believe grandmas and did not go to them.

Word for word, the women started talking. It turned out that strangers from Brovary often come to Kiev to see the sick. Both are engaged in alternative medicine, they have special permission from the respective association.

One of the healers, who introduced herself as Julia, was clearly unhappy with the protracted conversation in the cold and urged her companion:

- Vikusya, we are late - they are waiting for us at the hospital …

As if in confirmation of her words, Victoria with a habitual movement pulled out the certificate from her coat pocket. Vera did not have time to read what was written in it.

“I see you are an educated and kind person,” she unexpectedly turned to Victoria. - Maybe you can help me too?

She admitted that she knew how to remove the damage. I would gladly help, but now she is in a hurry.

Hearing the repeated request, the "Brovarchian" hesitated slightly, but politely answered that the case was serious enough and it was impossible to remove the evil eye on the street.

It was Friday, about five in the evening, lights were burning brightly around. Snow fell peacefully on the trees and sidewalk. Passers-by hurried past the women …

Filled with the consciousness that she was doing a noble cause, Vera took her new acquaintances to her own apartment. Victoria asked for a raw chicken egg, two candles and a black handkerchief, took the child by the hand and proceeded to the ritual of "healing", muttering spells over a dim light …

Meanwhile, Julia, who was already in no hurry, competently began to collect things with supposedly "negative energy" in Baul, speaking in a friendly manner to the hostess, who is modestly standing nearby: “You cannot imagine how lucky you are to meet with us. We will save your baby and become closer to you than your own sisters."

Vera Ivanovna helped her remove velor capes from the sofa and armchairs, she took out crystal vases and porcelain cups from the sideboard, and her things and her ex-husband's from the cupboards.

Noticing a sheepskin coat on the hanger, Yulia tried it on and attached it to the rest. Seeing that the guest was looking for something else to put in the bags, Vera silently took off her wedding ring with her left hand, gold earrings from her ears (a wedding gift) and gave it all to Yulia …

- My consciousness in those minutes was paralyzed by fear for my son, - Vera justifies itself. - Everything happened as in a dream. I felt like a spectator, unable to influence the course of the plot …

Vera Ivanovna protested only once when Julia ordered the hostess to put her son's shoes in her bag.

- Please, leave, Mitya will have nothing to go to kindergarten tomorrow …

Julia graciously agreed.

Having finished "conjuring" over the candle, Victoria, looking around, said that there were enough things and it was time for them to leave. The aesculapians of alternative medicine asked if Vera had money. Vera Ivanovna opened her wallet and gave away two hundred and fifty hryvnias, with which she was going to buy food. She took a bag with her own things and went outside with the guests. I stopped the car and paid the driver …

And it was only when I woke up in the morning that I suddenly realized what I had done. I called the invited friends and, referring to the fact that she urgently needed to leave, postponed the meeting. She did not say a word about what happened. I felt ashamed. And she didn't turn to the police: she gave things and money voluntarily!..

Only a few days later, Vera decided to tell her ex-husband everything. He was shocked and could not believe that such a thing happened to his educated wife, always soberly looking at life. And Vera Ivanovna, growing cold with horror, admitted:

- If at that moment they wanted to take their son, “away from the ruined apartment,” I would put him in the car myself …

Although police officers do not like the words "hypnosis", "telepathy", "suggestion" and other terms from the field of psychology and parapsychology, fact is fact. People voluntarily assign apartments to sectarians, take money for the good of the church and voluntarily give the last to the robbers and charlatans. Such actions, as a rule, not amenable to logical thinking, very simply explains the knowledge of the basics of the so-called neuro-linguistic programming (Ericksonian, gypsy hypnosis). This is a kind of psychophysiological effect aimed at suppressing the will of a person with the complete subordination of his psyche. How can I avoid this? Yes, in general, it's simple. At a minimum, do not come into contact with strangers, no matter what they offer you. Under no circumstances.