Elon Musk Admitted That Tesla Is Developing Its Own AI Processors - Alternative View

Elon Musk Admitted That Tesla Is Developing Its Own AI Processors - Alternative View
Elon Musk Admitted That Tesla Is Developing Its Own AI Processors - Alternative View

Video: Elon Musk Admitted That Tesla Is Developing Its Own AI Processors - Alternative View

Video: Elon Musk Admitted That Tesla Is Developing Its Own AI Processors - Alternative View
Video: Tesla autonomy neural networks How AI neural networks function in Tesla 2024, June

No matter how wary Elon Musk is about the future of artificial intelligence, he understands perfectly well that you cannot do without it. Including his own company Tesla, whose cars rely heavily on autopilot. And he, in turn, will not be able to adequately respond to the surrounding changes without being equipped with advanced AI and powerful hardware for its work. At the NIPS conference, Musk publicly admitted that his company's engineers are currently creating their own AI processors, which will very soon form the basis of new Tesla car models.

“I want you to understand me correctly: Tesla takes artificial intelligence very seriously. And not only in terms of software development, but also in the field of creating hardware. At the moment, Jim is working on specialized AI equipment, which, in our opinion, will be the best in the whole world at the time of its release,”Musk shared with those present at the conference.

The Jim that Elon Musk mentioned in his speech is Jim Keller, a renowned processor engineer who worked at companies like AMD and Apple before joining Tesla in 2016. A little later, Keller himself joined Musk's performance on stage and began to discuss with those present topical issues related to the development of artificial intelligence. They were joined by Andrey Karpaty, Tesla's leading artificial intelligence expert, and AI specialist Shivon Zilis from Bloomberg Beta.

Musk is well known for his optimism about autonomous cars, but he also has an extremely pessimistic view of the future of artificial intelligence, as we have told you about many times. During his speech, he voiced his firm belief that in the next ten years, about half of all vehicles coming off the assembly line will operate under the control of an AI-based autopilot. He also believes that full-fledged artificial intelligence will be developed in about 7-8 years.

Sergey Gray