Baalbek. Torsion Fields. Civilizations I - III Type - Alternative View

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Baalbek. Torsion Fields. Civilizations I - III Type - Alternative View
Baalbek. Torsion Fields. Civilizations I - III Type - Alternative View

Video: Baalbek. Torsion Fields. Civilizations I - III Type - Alternative View

Video: Baalbek. Torsion Fields. Civilizations I - III Type - Alternative View
Video: What is TORSION FIELD? What does TORSION FIELD mean? TORSION FIELD meaning, definition & explanation 2024, October

Baalbek is the oldest and most majestic city on Earth, the ruins of which are located at the foot of the Anti-Lebanese mountains 85 kilometers northeast of Beirut in Lebanon. In the Sumerian chronicles, it is mentioned that Baalbek was built at the same time as the pyramids of Giza.

Baalbek translates as "the house of Baal". Baal - the Phoenician God of thunder and lightning, was in charge of storms, rain, was responsible for fertility, was a Solar deity, died and resurrected again, like the Egyptian Osiris.

Baalbek's structures are striking in their size. Once upon a time, the grandiose temple of Jupiter towered on the Baalbek terrace.


The base - the terrace of the temple is much older than the temple itself and is built of huge blocks. In the southeastern wall, the base consists of nine rows of stone blocks weighing more than 300 tons each. In the southwestern wall of the base there are three colossal megalithic blocks of absolutely incredible size, called Trilithon - the Miracle of the Three Stones.

Each of them is 21 meters long, 5 meters high and 4 meters wide. They weigh 800 tons each. Moreover, these monoliths lie at an eight-meter height. Traces of surface machining are visible on the blocks.


Despite their immense size, the blocks are so neatly folded and so precisely connected to each other that it is almost impossible to slip even a razor blade between them. According to an ancient legend, these blocks lay here forever and have long been considered sacred.

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Baalbek's structures are larger than the Cheops pyramid, the largest granite blocks of which are the ceiling of the Tsar's chamber, weighing 50 - 80 tons.

The Colonnade of the Temple of Jupiter was created from pink Aswan granite. Only 6 of 54 columns survived, their diameter is 2.5 meters, height is 22 meters. The columns consist of sections of 6 - 8 meters, weighing 45 tons. All column sections are perfectly matched to each other and polished to a mirror finish. Baalbek has the widest stone staircase in the world, consisting of 27 steps, each of which could accommodate up to a hundred people in a row.

Two kilometers from the Baalbek Terrace, in the nearest quarry, there is the so-called "South Stone", which is considered the largest processed stone in the world - 23 meters long, 5.3 meters wide and 4.55 meters high, its weight exceeds 1000 tons.

One end of the block sank into the ground by 30 degrees, which suggests that it was raised to a great height. The Lebanese call this stone "Mother" and believe that it helps with infertility.


Who could have built such a gigantic structure, how and why? This mystery has excited the imagination of man for thousands of years. There are many legends trying to explain the origin and purpose of the Baalbek complex of structures. Legends tell us different stories, but each of them has a grain of truth.


Archaeological finds from different years found around the world confirm the fact that giant people lived on Earth in ancient times.


There is evidence of the remains of giants in almost every part of the world: Mexico, Peru, Tunisia, Pennsylvania, Texas, the Philippines, Syria, Morocco, Australia, Spain, Georgia, Southeast Asia, and the islands of Oceania.

Undoubtedly, stone structures in different parts of the Earth - Egypt, Mesoamerica, Baalbek, were created by an unknown high-tech, possibly extraterrestrial civilization. According to a number of scientists and esotericists, the "stone monuments" of our planet: the pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, Baalbek, the statues of Easter Island and Bamyan are the works of the Lemurians and Atlanteans and are built so that they cannot be "taken away" and that they cannot be "lost".

Scientist, esotericist Drunvalo Melchizedek writes in his book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” that “during the transition of our planet and humanity from the third to the fourth dimension, all synthetic materials will return to the state of a chaotic set of elements from which they were created. This can explain the fact that a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization created structures using very durable natural materials that would have survived for tens of thousands of years. The artificial materials created by our ancestors did not go through the last interdimensional transition 13 thousand years ago."


According to Arab legends, Baalbek belonged to the Babylonian king Nimrod, who "sent giants to restore Baalbek after the Flood." Legend has it that Nimrod, who in the Bible is called a giant, “competing with God,” built the Tower of Babel in Baalbek - a symbol of pride and renunciation of God. The remains of the tower have not yet been found anywhere, and the names are similar: Babylon / Baalbek, which means "divine gate / entrance". Perhaps the Baalbek Terrace was the base of the Tower of Babel?

Sometimes the construction of Baalbek is associated with the biblical character Cain, the son of Adam, who built Baalbek as a refuge when the god Yahweh cursed him. One of the legends says that Baalbek was restored after the Flood by the Egyptian priests.


There are legends that in ancient times people possessed unique technologies: “softening stones” and lifting and carrying stones using acoustics and sound.

The Tiahuanaco Museum allegedly displays an exhibit - a ceramic pipe decorated with the sacred symbols of the Tiahuanaco civilization. Some researchers believe that this "pipe" was used for "construction" purposes - the transfer of stones.

American researcher James Churchward put forward the theory that the inhabitants of the continent of Mu, which disappeared 25 thousand years ago, used technologies much superior to modern ones, including anti-gravity, which allowed them to move huge objects and construct colossal structures.

Legends say that the ancient Egyptian priests poured liquid on the stones, under the influence of which the stones lost their hardness and became soft like clay.


In one of the interviews, the Russian scientist, Professor Ernst Muldashev spoke about the Soviet scientist Agrest, who in the 40-50s of the last century conducted excavations in Baalbek, where he allegedly found a mysterious apparatus of the ancients for processing stones, which he took with him.

Muldashev believes that ancient machines for processing multi-ton stone monoliths could operate on the energy of five elements. As Muldashev says, we are talking about the machine of the ancients, which was launched into action with the help of mantras (spells). Such a device is installed in one of the temples in Kathmandu. The device is about 4 meters long and is made of an unknown metal. The servants of the temple said that this apparatus was taken out of the Harati cave, worked on the energy of thought and was intended for grinding mountains. Such devices were called "Vajra". In Tibetan mythology, there is a word "Vajrayana", which means "five elements."

It sounds like a fairy tale, but after all, ancient myths served as plots for fairy tales …


Academician Anatoly Akimov, one of the founders of the theory of torsion fields, believes that the apparatus mentioned by Muldashev can operate on the basis of 4-beam radiation when some energy is concentrated inside the cylindrical body of the apparatus.

According to Academician Gennady Shipov, the author of the theory of torsion fields, matter is generated by emptiness with the help of a "word" - information. This information "lives" in the torsion field. Atoms are like small solar systems: a nucleus around which electrons revolve. Electrons, like planets, revolve around their axis, but unlike planets, electrons can move from orbit to orbit.

According to Gennady Shipov, the electron during such a transition emits other waves - torsion, which are generated by its own rotation. And they represent the "memory" of the former rotation of the particle. The source of torsion fields is the rotation of matter. The twisting of space - time also gives rise to a torsion field.

Academician Shipov says that our reality can be represented as seven levels. The first four - solids, liquids, gases and plasma - are known to modern science. The fourth level, in a broad sense - the level of elementary particles, according to modern concepts, comes from the fifth - the level of the physical vacuum. The highest level - the seventh - is absolute something. It is described by the identity: 0 = 0. That is, we do not know anything here.


But the sixth level is very interesting. Primary torsion fields are born from absolute nothingness, which are explained by the twisting of space. These fields precede the creation of matter and are the instrument with which matter is born from a vacuum, from a void. Primary torsion fields are the carrier of consciousness.

Everything in the Universe revolves: our planet revolves around its axis and around the Sun, the solar system revolves in the Galaxy, the Galaxy revolves around itself. The universe itself rotates, and space is twisted. And everything creates torsion fields.

Perhaps the ancient people possessed the torsion theory and used it to create stone processing technologies and the construction of giant monuments of antiquity, and modern mankind has lost the ability to enter into resonance with our torsion universe.

For what?

The Greeks called Baalbek Heliopolis - the City of the Sun.


According to an ancient legend, "Helios was the God of the Sun and rode across the sky in a chariot, and Baalbek was the place where this chariot stopped to rest." Can this legend explain the need for such a powerful foundation of the Baalbek platform?

The writer Zachariah Sitchin believes that "Baalbek after the Flood became the main landing site for the spacecraft of the Gods."

During the excavations of Nineveh, the capital of the ancient Assyrian state in the Northern Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), an artifact of the Sumerian civilization was found - a circular clay tablet with the inscription “manuals for space pilots”.


Having deciphered the inscriptions and images on the tablet, the researchers came to the conclusion that the tablet contains a description of the "travel route" of the supreme deity Enlil, who headed the heavenly council of the Sumerian Gods, and information about the flights of "cosmonauts" arriving on Earth from the tenth planet of the solar system - Marduk (Nibiru) passing through the solar system every 3600 years.

Having studied the content of the texts on the Sumerian, Assyrian and Babylonian clay tablets, Zechariah Sitchin came to the conclusion that in the Ancient world, which covered Egypt, the Middle East and Mesopotamia, there must have been several places where spacecraft from the planet Marduk could land. These places, most likely, were located in the territories of the most ancient civilizations, traces of which were found in Egypt, Central America, Baalbek.

The Japanese physicist Michio Kaku in his book "Parallel Worlds" writes about what the technologies of civilizations will be like, thousands and millions of years away from us. Modern physicists classify civilizations based on their energy consumption and the laws of thermodynamics.

By scanning the sky for signs of intelligent life, physicists are looking for objects with an energy output consistent with Type I, II, and III civilizations. This hierarchy was proposed by Russian physicist Nikolai Kardashev in the 1960s to classify radio signals from possible civilizations in outer space.

A Type I civilization is a civilization that uses planetary forms of energy. The energy consumption of such a civilization can be accurately measured, it uses the entire amount of solar energy falling on the planet, or 1016 watts. With the help of this planetary energy, such a civilization can control or correct the weather, change the course of hurricanes, or build cities in the oceans.


A Type II civilization has depleted the energy of one planet and is using the power of the entire star, or approximately 1026 watts. Such civilizations can consume all of their star's energy release and could probably control solar flares and set other stars on fire.

A Type III civilization depleted the energy of one solar system and colonized vast swathes of its home galaxy. Such a civilization can use the energy from 10 billion stars, the power of which is estimated at about 1036 watts.

Each type of civilization increases the energy used by the previous type by 10 billion times. At this rate, modern civilization will take 100-200 years to achieve the status of a Type I civilization. It will take us 1,000 to 5,000 years to become a Type II civilization, and probably 100,000 to 1,000,000 years to achieve Type III civilization status.

On this scale, our civilization can be attributed to the zero type. What type of civilization was that created the Pyramids of Giza, Sphinx and Baalbek on Earth?