Mahabharata - Chronicle Of The War Of The Worlds - Alternative View

Mahabharata - Chronicle Of The War Of The Worlds - Alternative View
Mahabharata - Chronicle Of The War Of The Worlds - Alternative View

Video: Mahabharata - Chronicle Of The War Of The Worlds - Alternative View

Video: Mahabharata - Chronicle Of The War Of The Worlds - Alternative View
Video: Learn English Through Story Level 5 ★ Subtitles: The War Of The Worlds Part 1 2024, September

“… When morning came, Rama took the sky ship and prepared to take off. That ship was large and beautifully decorated, two stories high, with many rooms and windows. The ship made a melodic sound before soaring into the sky-high heights. This is how the start of a heavenly vessel is described in the ancient Indian epic "Ramayana". In many Sanskrit texts, there are references to certain flying machines - vimanas, equipped with weapons.

According to legends, the ancient Indian empire was destroyed by some powerful weapon several thousand years ago. In 1979, the Englishman David Davenport (researcher of the culture and languages of ancient India) and the Italian Ettore Vincenti, after analyzing the Ramayana, published the version that the city of Mohenjo-Daro, which belongs to the most ancient pre-Aryan civilization in the Indus River basin, and a number of other cities, located nearby were destroyed in a powerful explosion, resembling a nuclear one.

The most ancient Indian civilization arose in the Indus basin in the 4th – 3rd millennium BC. The most significant finds related to this culture were made in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, ancient cities located in what is now Pakistan. In the 50s of the XIX century, the English General Cunningham, examining the ruins near the village of Harappa, found a seal with unknown letters. However, excavations began here only in the 1920s. The culture of the newly discovered civilization has been called the Harappan or Mohenjo-Daro culture.

Harappan settlements were located on a vast territory: in the east, approximately to Delhi, in the south - to the shores of the Arabian Sea. It is believed that the Harappan civilization existed from the middle of the 3rd to the half of the 2nd millennium BC. The high level of development of civilization is evidenced by the strict planning of cities, the presence of writing and works of art. The language and writing have not yet been deciphered, although many stamps with inscriptions have already been found.

Excavations undertaken in the Punjab in the 1920s by John Marshall introduced the world to a civilization that can be dated back to 2500 to 2000 BC. The main fortress cities - Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa have brought to us the main elements of this protohistoric civilization. Both citadels were probably the capitals of the empire. A powerful and advanced civilization would have flourished further if not for a catastrophe that happened suddenly.

Scientists still do not know what caused the death of the Harappan civilization. Davenport and Vincenti argue that Mohenjo-Daro outlived the fate of Hiroshima. In favor of their hypothesis, they cite the following arguments: among the ruins, scattered pieces of sintered clay and layers of green glass come across. Probably, sand and clay under the influence of high temperature first melted, and then instantly solidified. Similar layers of green glass appear in the Nevada desert after a nuclear explosion. Analysis of the samples, carried out at the University of Rome and in the laboratory of the Italian National Research Council, showed that melting took place at a temperature of 1400-1500 ° C. At that time, such a temperature could be obtained in the forge of a metallurgical workshop, but in no way in a vast open area.

During the examination of the ruins of the city, the researchers came to the conclusion that there is a clearly delineated area - the epicenter, in which all the buildings seem to have been swept away by some kind of squall. At the same time, the destruction from the center to the periphery gradually decreases, and the buildings on the outskirts have been preserved as much as possible. In general, the picture resembles the consequences of the atomic explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Some sources claim that the remains of people found during the excavations had radioactivity exceeding the norm by more than 50 times.

Is it possible that the mysterious conquerors of the Indus Valley wielded atomic energy? This assumption seems incredible and contradicts the ideas of modern historical science. However, the Indian epic "Mahabharata" speaks of a kind of "explosion" that caused "blinding light, fire without smoke", while "the water began to boil and the fish were charred." Is this just a metaphor? Perhaps it is based on real events.

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According to Sergei Reutov ("Secrets of Extraterrestrial Civilizations"), the events described in the "Mahabharata" ("The Legend of the Great Battle of the Bharatas") date back to the 18th century BC. The tale begins with a description of the history of the kindred families of the Kauravas and Pandavas, who ruled an empire with a multinational population. The irreconcilable enmity that arose between them led to a destructive and bloody war that affected all corners of the state. As a result, huge territories were devastated, many cities, tribes and peoples were destroyed. In the war, flying machines, lightning arrows, iron robots, some kind of weapon were used, from which the earth was shaken during the explosion, and there was a glow brighter than the Sun. The gods also took part in the war, whose abode was on the sacred Mount Meru.

What kind of war was it? Who led it and what served as a prototype for the events of the Mahabharata? What secrets does India still keep? Among the legends of many countries there are references to a certain higher, "heavenly" weapon. Moreover, a weapon so powerful that for the first time a parallel between it and an atomic bomb was drawn by Professor Robert Oppenheimer, when, amazed by what he saw during nuclear tests, he read aloud an excerpt from the Mahabharata about "a light brighter than a thousand suns."

There is also material evidence that our distant ancestors fought not only with swords and arrows. The ruins of the capital of the Hittite state, the city of Hattusa, were melted down much more than the power of the most destructive fire. And on the granite walls of the Irish fortresses of Dundalk and Ekoss, traces of melting are noticeable. And the ruins of the temple tower in Borsippus, not far from Babylon, were melted not only outside, but also inside.

Dronaparva, one of the books of the Mahabharata, tells of a battle during which explosions of shells, similar to huge balls of fire, occur. It also describes the appearance of a mushroom cloud characteristic of a thermonuclear explosion. It is compared to opening a giant umbrella. After these explosions, food became poisoned, the surviving people became ill.

The Mahabharata provides detailed and very realistic descriptions of the construction of rockets, aircraft and other devices. The most detailed story is about the ancient aircraft - vimanas. The Ramayana tells what the god Rama and his wife Sita saw from above during a flight from Sri Lanka to India. At the same time, the author gives such details that can be seen only from a great height. And the ancient aircraft itself is characterized as "incredibly high speed, fully controllable, with rooms with windows and comfortable seating."

Andrey Sklyarov puts forward a version of the death of the Harappan civilization and Mohenjo-Daro from the nuclear weapons of an alien civilization that has mastered interstellar travel. Indian texts, referring to weapons of great destructive power, indicate that it belonged to the gods who freely flew on their "vimanas" both in the sky and between the stars - that is, representatives of an alien civilization. And although this weapon was sometimes used to destroy earthly cities, the main goal was still not people, but the same gods. The gods were at war with each other !?

In the texts of Sumerian, Indian legends and traditions, it is said that the gods continuously clashed among themselves for power over individual cities and entire countries. The texts of the Mahabharata indicate that behind all nuclear wars were the gods who fought among themselves for supreme power among the gods.