Where Did The Enmity Between The Slavic-Aryans Come From? - Alternative View

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Where Did The Enmity Between The Slavic-Aryans Come From? - Alternative View
Where Did The Enmity Between The Slavic-Aryans Come From? - Alternative View

Video: Where Did The Enmity Between The Slavic-Aryans Come From? - Alternative View

Video: Where Did The Enmity Between The Slavic-Aryans Come From? - Alternative View
Video: What is Indo-Aryan languages?, Explain Indo-Aryan languages, Define Indo-Aryan languages 2024, September

In general, everything that has been happening recently, and these endless fratricidal wars of the Slavic Aryan peoples, are well described in the Vedic epic "Mahabharata" - this can be called a reportage from the past. The Great Mahabharata describes in detail and comprehensively how, why and why this enmity began. It is very very blessed to study this work now. You can read the Mahabharata, you can watch the series (personally, it's hard for me to read for a long time - I watch) There are old and new Indian series, I watch 2013 - 267 episodes of 20 minutes each Pts good solid series (in general, I have never watched them before) is good because you can watch it with the whole family - both children and children, teenagers and spouse - everyone will be interested, everyone will find something useful and interesting in this., interiors of palaces,bright colors - even at the philistine level it does not break the eye, rather the eye rests, despite the Indian)) Insidious instigators and noble, honest heroes - all this mix shows how the energies of GOOD and Evil, YANG and YIN enter human relations, and act independently, partially mating with the will of the heroes or completely capturing them.

Georgy Sidorov on the Russian Vedas and "Mahabharata":

SEEKERS need to look at "filtering" elements of pop consumer goods (this is also necessary to involve bots on spiritual levels) and "converting" what is happening on the territory of the present North of Russia and the Urals, Siberia and further towards Chukotka - it was there that the action described in epos.. (on this topic you can listen to Svetlana Zharnikova) Mahabharata gives a clear understanding of where the enmity between the brothers (Slavic-Aryan peoples) came from and how the energy of YANG and YIN, the forces of GOOD and Evil, works in relation to human relations. Mahabharata is the absolute world champion in quantity wisdom for a minute of viewing. Constantly one of the heroes utters wisdom that you immediately want to remember, but it is better to write it down somewhere. Besides, translation is not particularly required (the translator reads the text "from above" the original text in Indian) MAMA they call MATA,BROTHER they have BROTHER, so the language is the same))

So many wise sayings - have a separate quote book!


MAKHABHARATA - a reportage three thousand years ago about what happened throughout the territory of modern Russia and the former USSR.

Many complain that we do not have serious historical documents about how our ancestors lived more than a thousand years ago … But excuse me, gentlemen - what about the Indian Vedas? And MAHABHARATA? What's that about you? You just start to understand and right there - let's start

with the toponymy of the rivers of Siberia (this can be done). Start digging - there is something to profit from!

I myself am watching the series at the moment, and have already “dug up a

bunch of artifacts. Much overlaps with the already studied material, but there is something that I have not seen from anyone, for example - the King

of the ANGA province (Angara river)

Capital of the kingdom HASTINAPUR (Pur river) PUR, as part of the word in general, there at

every step … province

In general, articles on toponymy of the Indian Vedas, the Internet is

still a carriage … I will not overwhelm - google. Type "Mahabharata Toponymy" - and at least read a bunch of material..

Promotional video:



The main concept is to rebuild the algorithms of the brain from Christian (doing good)

to Vedic (managing the forces of good and evil, maintaining balance between them, balancing). The

Christian concept of the Russian people went to the era of "Kali-Yuga", when power was given to the forces of evil That is why the Savior taught to create from the disconnect GOOD -

it was necessary to create a counterbalance to the world EVIL (its quantity), so that IT would not outweigh the GOOD

and the earth from the elephants (which stand on the turtle) would not capsize into the sea (just kidding)) Hence the famous

"SUPPORTING THE SECOND CHEEK "- the commandment of the lamb who responds with GOOD to EVIL, (or non-resistance to evil)

right up to their death. The Russians took on this task - to serve as a shock absorber, damper, flame extinguisher of the global fire of hatred that is being ignited between peoples.

But this was not always the case, the era of Kali-Yuga was preceded by blissful "fat years" and

these years are innumerable. So coming out into the timeless understanding of processes, thinking in terms of eternity - this is for a long time only training, passing the mission on the simulator for the Slavic-Aryan peoples.

Now Kali-Yuga is over, and we should return to the true understanding of the structure of the universe, and control over matter.

And just the end of the “fat years and the beginning of the era of“Kali-Yuga”, the very birth of enmity between

brothers from the same ruling Aryan family (who will involve the whole world in this enmity) - the

“Great Mahabharata”narrates about this unique moment. a document of a bygone

era it is necessary to examine this narration. The method of obtaining information is not decisive, whether you will read a “living” book, or download it, or want to watch a series, choose yourself.

This is a sacred legend, permeated through and through with grains of truth (he who has eyes, let him see, he who has ears, let him hear) and saturated moments of activation of dormant knowledge in us (knowledge is in ourselves, they are activated only upon receipt of activation codes packed in one or another container submitted in one form or another - an article, a fairy tale, an epic. etc.)

Here is a map of Ptolemy - Siberia is called INDIA SUPERRIOR here (that is, the original, primordial):


LIKE INDIA … Yes, and the ancient name of the Ob River is Indus … So there is no one to argue with and nothing about, but it is better to start studying the Vedic Indian scriptures as soon as possible, with an understanding of what it is

all the message to us, our priests, which the Indian people have preserved for us, and in general

for the whole world. And it happened in the territory that we see on the map … And by the way, Alex

Macedonian went on a hike to "India Superior", which is present Siberia, and did not go

just from bad power, but for knowledge, because they were unmeasured here. As an example -

MEN IN KOSHNIKS bggyyyyy…)) rzhunimagu!


Now pay attention to the headdresses of the Aryan princes - what is it in essence? That's right, this is a kokoshnik. What is a kokoshnik, and what functions does it perform? Unfortunately, all this has degenerated into a female household adornment, although the Indian keepers of the Vedas tried to convey to us the many details of that era. So what is a kokoshnik? We take the first one that came across on the Internet - Kokoshnik was not an easy thing. By the kokoshnik one could find out what family its owner belongs to, her approximate age, how many children she has, how many of them are sons, what social status her husband has and a lot of other information.

Very well! Now we convert this into the format of the ancient Aryan being, add a little of our knowledge, and we get this -

The kokoshnik among the Aryan princes and kings carried information about the owner, his status, position in society, and besides, the kokoshnik performed protective functions. I think there was something connected with

administrative functions of the king, prince, as a leader. Pay attention - kokoshniks are decorated with a precious stone, which is set at the level of the chakra "AJNA"

Why does a person need precious stones, diamonds, etc.? Rich people always buy precious stones, they are loved by kings, kings, sorcerers, wizards, nouveau riches, and young girls consider diamonds as their best friends.

The fact is that each of them is looking for his own in these stones. The nouveau riche wants to invest money, as well as for the show. Roughly the same with girls - a purely external decoration, etc. Not that managers - kings, kings, directors, etc. etc. High-level people know that a stone, especially a good one, focuses mental energy - strengthens it. Sorcerers - wizards - magicians also know this.

It is no coincidence that crystals are used in high-tech products, because they are mined, grown, and they are expensive.

We also know from otherworldly sources that worlds are ruled by creatures using giant crystals and

mental power of priests. High-level priests who clearly control their thought, focus it and materialize

with the help of a crystal. Mediums see images of priests standing in a circle of a huge crystal during a ritual, a sacrament.

The same is with flying machines - take the well-known whiteman scheme, copied from the book "Vimanika Shastra" - there is a krisstal, and the control is carried out exclusively by thought. The same is with the royal crowns, the same with the kokoshniks (or whatever they used to be called) of the great Aryan princes. These are all helmets, helmets, priestly tools

(any manager is essentially a priest)

And it is not in vain that the Savior calls for learning to control thought … The WT-Testament “Do not steal” no longer eliminates - in the new century

"And do not think to steal" - this is a new paradigm!.. Desired a neighbor's wife - exactly what he had, and so … Think too

overstated requirements? Well, if you are satisfied with the level of the animal, then alas - the choice is yours, your right is sacred!

The point is that in the spiritual world action is produced by thought … And if you learn to possess it during your lifetime, control it, then when you finish your earthly life and find yourself in another world, you will be already prepared, you will be "in the subject", what is called … So there is no mysticism or romance - pure physics and pragmatics.

Let's return now to the chakra "AJNA", opposite which the main stone is installed in the kokoshnik. Let's go to the Internet and take the first description of this chakra that we come across (they are a little bit different everywhere, but basically the same thing)

Chakra Ajna

Color: blue

Astrological correspondence: mutable.

Desires: to be in harmony with the Universe.

Challenge: to make dreams come true.

Keyword: intuition.


The chakra is located at the level of the forehead, between the eyebrows. Translated from Sanskrit, "ajna" means "order".

Chakra controls the mind and is a kind of command post in relation to other energy centers. Indeed, thought always precedes action. Unfortunately, there are few people who are able to completely control their thoughts. At the emotional level, the chakra raises the level of awareness of everyday reality and shapes the spiritual structures of a person. As already mentioned, ajna is responsible for intuitive perception, including such minor aspects as feeling someone else's mood and empathy. Have you ever felt completely devastated after interacting with another person? If so, then you have been influenced by someone else's negative energy. At the same time, the culprit of the incident might not have expressed his negative emotions out loud, since we all

susceptible to influence on a subconscious level. Excessive stimulation of this chakra makes a person proud, authoritarian, domineering and dogmatic. Adolf Hitler is a classic example of such a personality. Insufficient stimulation of ajna makes people shy, shy, losers.

Oil painting!

The gem, the largest, was located at the level of the chakra "AJNA", to control the subjects, by strengthening the focused thought overlord, with whom he ruled his kingdom.

And if you watch the film, you will see - the ruler has a suit in which he goes to a decent "cobblestone" for each chakra

You see how many interesting things - and this is just one moment, of which there are a great many. Naturally, the king, the manager, was trained for this and was brought up by the appropriate teachers

throughout life until reaching adulthood.




The Mahabharata was written on the eve of the era of Kali-Yuga, for preservation in the form of an epic, legend, and placed in

India to preserve, which the Indians have done very well. The saved knowledge is now needed to activate

our (new-old) knowledge, understanding of the processes of managing the world. Those who abuse Christianity or Vedism, who pits and opposes, he either does not understand what he is doing, being in the dark, or consciously

he left himself to the elements of EVIL. which clings to its concept of "Divide and Conquer"

Christianity, created on the teachings of the Savior, was necessary as a counterbalance (creation is exceptionally GOOD)

the world EVIL, a catastrophic excess of which happened on the planet. The Russian people took on this mission,

serve as a counterweight, ballast, to maintain the balance of these two forces in the universe at that moment.

Now the era of Kali Yuga is over, and it is. Russian people need to take the reins of the world in

your hands.


And in order to manage, you need to abandon the concept of creation exclusively GOOD.

in new conditions, this will cause imbalance. It is necessary to restructure thinking to maintain a balance of power

YANG and YIN, GOOD and EVIL. This is exactly how managers think - to manage you need to be able to maintain a balance, balance of these forces. Balance and equilibrium are GOOD. Therefore, one should be a noble person -

GOOD TO BIRTH, through control over maintaining balance. This is what the MAHABHARATA teaches.

this is an introductory, first step to the realization and comprehension of such skill, the art of creating GOOD

- keep the balance, because GOOD and EVIL will constantly be in the world, like two poles of one battery, if they are leveled, the very meaning of our world will be lost. which is a testing ground for the cultivation of souls.