Stephen Hawking: Trump's Policy Turns Earth Into A Kind Of Venus - Alternative View

Stephen Hawking: Trump's Policy Turns Earth Into A Kind Of Venus - Alternative View
Stephen Hawking: Trump's Policy Turns Earth Into A Kind Of Venus - Alternative View

Video: Stephen Hawking: Trump's Policy Turns Earth Into A Kind Of Venus - Alternative View

Video: Stephen Hawking: Trump's Policy Turns Earth Into A Kind Of Venus - Alternative View
Video: Stephen Hawking's Chilling Warning To The World About President Trump 2024, September

The famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking criticized Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, noting that such a policy could turn the Earth into a kind of Venus. The scientist made such a statement in an interview with the BBC.

According to Stephen Hawking, the president of the United States, by denying evidence of changing climate conditions on Earth and deciding to withdraw the country from the Paris Agreement, is causing harm to the environment that could have been avoided. The physicist noted that Donald Trump's policies endanger the whole world.

The scientist noted that now our world is close to the brink when global climate change will become an irreversible process. According to Hawking, Trump, by his actions, can push the planet beyond this boundary, after which the Earth will become a kind of Venus. The astrophysicist believes that on our planet in the future, because of this decision, rains of sulfuric acid may begin, and the temperature of its surface will rise to 250 degrees.

Hawking is confident that humanity still has a chance to prevent such a threat, but for this, decisions must be made immediately.

Earlier, in early June, the US President decided to withdraw the country from the Paris Climate Agreement. The document, signed last year by the UN member states, provides for a number of measures to reduce the volume of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, starting from 2020.

Victoria Romanova
