About The Origin Of And States - Alternative View

About The Origin Of And States - Alternative View
About The Origin Of And States - Alternative View

Video: About The Origin Of And States - Alternative View

Video: About The Origin Of And States - Alternative View
Video: An Alternative View of History 2024, October

At present, after the collapse of the USSR and the collapse of communist ideals, the country is looking for further ways of developing the state. With whom to take an example, whom to look up to, to the West or to the East, or to look for your own path of development. But before looking forward, one must look back and see where, by whom and how the state was created? In the theory of state and law, there are several theories of the emergence of the state on equal terms (divine, contractual, the theory of violence, etc.), but none of them answers these questions in detail. It turns out that the question is open. But if there is no diagnosis, treatment cannot be prescribed. All of the following is an attempt to answer the questions: how did the state come into being, who created it, and where did the model of the state that dominates the planet come from.

According to scientific data, during the maximum of Valdai unification, the same type of natural conditions developed on the territory free of the ice sheet from the Atlantic Ocean to the Ural Mountains. The lack of clear seasonal migrations of animals that were the object of hunting leads to a leveling of the way of life of primitive hunters. Over time, the climate changes - warming sets in. The destruction of ice sheets is taking place, the direction of air flows is changing, the amount of precipitation is increasing, new natural zones appear … As a result, unsystematic movements of animals are replaced by seasonal migrations of fauna. Following the herds of animals, primitive hunters began to move. Features of the destruction of the glacier led to the formation of three main migration flows: from the Pyrenees mountains north to Scotland; from the Alps to the Scandinavian Peninsula;from the Carpathians to the northeast along the edge of the ice sheet up to the Arctic. The first two seasonal migration flows of Stone Age hunters were, as it were, at a dead end, but the third direction of movement of Europeans on their long journey from the Balkans to the Arctic, and at different periods of time to Asia, skirting the Ural Mountains from the north, led the tribes of hunters to numerous contacts not only between related tribes, but also the peoples of the Caucasus, the Urals and Altai. All of them were united by the object of the hunt - the mammoth. In addition, driven hunting, like nothing else, contributed to the development of the language at that time. The need to plan the interaction of large masses of people, the study of various hunting options, the distribution of responsibilities, the division of prey, etc … Movement after migrating animals leads to the loss of a permanent, controlled territory,and constant contacts with neighbors (not always peaceful) lead to the emergence of certain rules of behavior that contributed to the peaceful resolution of situations. It is in these conditions and on this territory that an active exchange of information takes place (in the broadest sense), it is here that a new ethnic community begins to emerge, which is called Indo-European throughout the world, at the extreme points of distribution. But they forget about the core - Slavism. Many peoples left their ancestral homeland, but only the Slavs defended their right to live in their ancient homeland.which is called Indo-European throughout the world, at the extreme points of distribution. But they forget about the core - Slavism. Many peoples left their ancestral homeland, but only the Slavs defended their right to live in their ancient homeland.which is called Indo-European throughout the world, at the extreme points of distribution. But they forget about the core - Slavism. Many peoples left their ancestral homeland, but only the Slavs defended their right to live in their ancient homeland.

Let us recall the mammoth - one of the main objects of driven hunting for people of the Stone Age in the Late Ice Age.

Everyone is familiar with such a fairy-tale character as the Serpent Gorynych. Ivan Tsarevich met him on the Kalinovy bridge across the Smorodina River. In some fairy tales, this river is fiery and Ivan's adversary goes straight out of the fire. The most outstanding feature of the Serpent Gorynych is "… the Mosalskaya lip …" she is the trunk that he actively uses - threatens to "… bruise with the trunk …" or "… take into the trunk …". During the struggle, the opponents drive each other into the ground either knee-deep or waist-deep. And when the main character defeats Gorynych, chopping him into small pieces throws him into the water. In his article “The Second Life of a Mammoth, or Where Gorynych's Trunk From” V. Rich tells in great detail and convincingly that the “viburnum bridge” is a flooring over trapping pits or on the edge of a cliff near the river where they drove the beast, setting fire to the forest (here is the fiery river),trunk (Mosalskaya lip) between two tusks (moslov), etc. However, the author could not explain: why should the Gorynych cut into pieces be thrown into the water? But after a couple of years I come across a small note in which historians explain that a large amount of meat obtained during a driven hunt was heated in river pools with cold spring water for its safety. So the hunters of the Stone Age saved the meat that they could not eat right away. Everything falls into place. As V. Rich noted: “In scientific literature, the idea of Gorynych - a mammoth was first put forward by Academician V. A. Rybakov.a large amount of meat for its safety was heated in river pools with cold spring water. So the hunters of the Stone Age saved the meat that they could not eat right away. Everything falls into place. As V. Rich noted: “In scientific literature, the idea of Gorynych - a mammoth was first put forward by Academician V. A. Rybakov.a large amount of meat for its safety was heated in river pools with cold spring water. So the hunters of the Stone Age saved the meat that they could not eat right away. Everything falls into place. As V. Rich noted: “In scientific literature, the idea of Gorynych - a mammoth was first put forward by Academician V. A. Rybakov.

Since ancient times, our ancestors lived on the territory of the East European Plain, the memory of this has very deep roots and Gorynych, a mammoth, one of the most striking fairy-tale characters, testifies to this.

The ice age was replaced by a warm one. The territory of Europe with a temperate climate was covered with forests. The well-fed and blessed time described in the Rig Veda is over. New conditions forced people to look for new ways of hunting, new habitats, new forms of intertribal communication. This time, the lands around the Black Sea became the place where the further development and improvement of the Indo-Europeans (the Slav community) took place.

The northern part of the Russian Plain, covered with rugged forests and swamps, was unable to feed the former mammoth hunters. And most of the tribes moved south to the vast steppes, to the Balkans, the Caucasus and Asia Minor. There they mastered animal husbandry and agriculture. Crafts appear. The exchange of the produced product is gaining more and more development. As historians note, the Circumpoitian zone of cultures is being formed around the Black Sea. “What was that? Common metal, common or very similar metalworking culture; here, on a vast territory, there were common ceramic forms, and stone fortified settlements - all this was noted by researchers as a result of connections, contacts. … important changes in material life were assimilated by different cultural environments of the zone almost simultaneously, as if waves were passing over a gigantic water surface. "(G. Belskaya) The formation of the Circumpoitian zone proceeded from the north: "… the population of the Black Sea shores was also linked in much more ancient times than the Bronze Age. This is confirmed by archaeological materials. For example, along the entire northern coast of the Black Sea, covering the Danube, and the Black Sea, and the Azov, and the Caucasus, in the IX-VII millennia BC there is a zone of so-called geometric microliths (small stone inserts for hunting and labor tools) of very similar shapes (G. Belskaya) Over the course of many centuries, the most active exchange of information involved all new territories around the Black Sea into a single zone. It was this zone that was at the crossroads, first overland and then sea routes between Asia and Europe, between north and south. It was here that the community of nations continued its development,which will later be called Indo-Europeans. Here is Nikolai Yakovlevich Merpert's statement: “In my opinion, it is the Circumpantian zone that is the most likely territory for the formation of Indo-European languages. Not the exit of Indo-Europeans from the narrowest, united and closest of their ancestral homeland, as even the most talented linguists claim, but a very complex process of community formation right here, in the Circuipontic zone, during which both people and languages split and converge. "during which there were fragmentation and convergence of both people and languages. "during which there were fragmentation and convergence of both people and languages."

On the territory of the Circupontic zone, new systems of production economy are emerging - agriculture and cattle breeding. Crafts are developing as an independent type of activity. There is a need to coordinate the activities of manufacturers. Their interests, often conflicting, had to be brought to a common denominator. The early pre-state formations had to fulfill this role. Evolving, in the future, a full-fledged state would appear, as a community of producers. Why is it that a different form of state dominates the planet today, where the producer is removed from power?

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Let's turn to fairy tales again.

The old lady has three sons.

The elder was smart, Middle son this way and that, The youngest was a fool.

Everyone knows these lines of the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov. In almost all fairy tales of the world, the younger brother, despised and offended by his older brothers, thanks to his nobility, intelligence, courage, etc., wins over all his enemies. Different nations have not the same number of brothers (some have four, others have five … and even twelve), but the common feature is the ultimate triumph of the younger brother. Another fabulous character is Sivka-Burka, the prophetic Kaurka. Such a wonderful horse is given by a father to his youngest son for guarding his grave for three nights in a row (for himself and for his elder brothers). Ivan crawls into such a horse into one ear as a muddled peasant, and from the other a miracle creeps out as a hero. For the people inhabiting the northern Black Sea region, the domestication of the horse was of great importance. The horse was deified - the white horse was associated with light forces,black - with dark. Cold and clean springs - traces of heroic horses. The horse has truly become "the wings of man." The peoples who first encountered horse troops gave rise to legends about centaurs - creatures in which the bodies of a horse and a person are one. “Having studied hundreds of thousands of bones found during excavations of ancient settlements from the Danube to the Volga, the Soviet paleontologist V. I. Bibikova concluded that already in the fourth millennium BC in the Volga-Don interfluve there were "horse-breeding" farms. (Kovalevskaya)Soviet paleontologist V. I. Bibikova concluded that already in the fourth millennium BC in the Volga-Don interfluve there were "horse-breeding" farms. (Kovalevskaya)Soviet paleontologist V. I. Bibikova concluded that already in the fourth millennium BC in the Volga-Don interfluve there were "horse-breeding" farms. (Kovalevskaya)

But why exactly is the fabulous horse so tricolor? And why are there three brothers too? The developed tribal society was divided into three age groups. The first age group included old people, whitened with gray hair and wise over the years - keepers of tribal memory, customs, laws of society. They were responsible for worship, regulating relations between members of the tribe. Their symbol was white (gray).

The second group consisted of producers of material goods, men with a family and engaged in daily work, feeding the entire tribe. This second group corresponded to the color of the earth - black or brown (brown). The third group consisted of single youths who had undergone the initiation procedure and became full-fledged adult members of society. Before marriage, they were on the periphery of the tribal territory (outside of society). Their main task was the protection of the tribe's lands, hunting. They were the first to repel the attack of the enemy. They also made retaliatory raids. Their color is red - the color of fire and blood (brown color of a fairy horse). This age group, being in fact, outside the tribe and consisting of hot, unbridled youth, lived by their own laws,nominated their leaders and at some point in time (by historical standards) robbery and robbery became their main activity, and the booty they captured began to significantly exceed the aggregate product that the tribe received for its hard work. Going beyond the borders of their tribe and levying tribute to their neighbors, this group of people increasingly distanced themselves from their tribe and its laws. The law of force became the main law. The law began to be established by the one who at the moment in a given territory has the greatest power. But for those who are engaged in industrial labor, this has become a real lawlessness. Expanding their possessions, colliding with their own kind, these groups strengthened, or perished, or created short-lived alliances. And if at the initial stage of the formation of the state, it emerged as a union of producers,then under the new conditions it was a union of robbers. From that moment on, a new type of state began to form - a gangster state. And its main task is to take away material values from the subject population. Over the past centuries, weaning methods have improved so much, and we are so used to it that we take it for granted and have no alternative.

But back to the question of the state. With all that lawlessness and bacchanalia of power, where is the place on the map where this new model of state, which now dominates the planet, emerged, intensified and gave powerful metastases. Small and large gangs of formation, as well as their alliances, were not durable. Constant aggression on the outside undermined forces in the fight against neighbors. Attempts to live quietly and well in the controlled territory also did not lead to success. The greedy and hungry neighbors did not allow them to live, and their friends, the Sarats, did not want to stop there. It turned out to be a vicious circle. To live among wolves, you need to bite everyone around and keep them in fear and obedience. But constant wars lead to heavy human and material losses, which threatens weakening and death. But on the map of the Circumpoitian zone there is a place where two great trade routes of antiquity intersect - sea and land. And the one who owns this intersection receives a constant and inexhaustible source of material wealth, and therefore the opportunity to hire and maintain a large professional army both for the protection and control of the territory, and for unbridled aggression. And this place is the Bosphorus. At one point in history, someone managed to capture the straits and not only capture, but also create governance structures that would allow them to keep this territory under their rule. Apparently, this was done by an alliance consisting of several gangs under a single leadership. The memory of this union is preserved in the social and political structure of Byzantium. In Constantinople and other large cities, the urban population united in special organizations - dima. Z. V. Udaltsova writes that: “The role of spectacles, especially equestrian rides at the hippodrome and circus performances, is unusually important in the life of noisy, multilingual and diverse cities in terms of social composition, which gave rise to the formation of circus parties-factions, initially sports organizations, which later turned into political associations of city dims. In Constantinople and other cities of early Byzantium, there were four circus parties - levki (white), rusii (red), prasin (green) and veneti (blue), which differed in the color of the horse quadrigue drivers who participated in the rides at the hippodrome. Z. V. Udaltsova believes that circus performances and horseback riding gave impetus to the formation of political associations - dims, which over time "acquired considerable influence in the political life of the cities of the empire, organizing around themselves the free urban population."It seems to me that in reality everything was different. Levki, Rusii, Prasin, Veneti - these are the names of those gangs of formations that, having united, managed to keep the straits under their control. Their success was accompanied by the fact that they were able to create certain governing bodies (which later formed the basis of the future state formation) which, on the one hand, organized and controlled the collection of funds from trade flows to maintain a sufficiently powerful armed group designed to defend the rights to this territory. on the other hand they followed, so as not to stifle trade with extortions. And the head of these pre-state formations was a representative of the Russians. the color of the emperors of Byzantium (their mantle) is red. Subsequently, these governing bodies separated from the rank and file members of the groups - they had different goals. The supreme power sought to stabilize and consolidate its positions, creating new governing bodies, legitimizing new relations with the outside world, creating a new ORDER. Ordinary members tried to preserve the old order, their rights and freedoms, but one way or another, they also entered the new political structure of society. And "horse riding on the hippodrome" is just an outward manifestation of the stormy political life of Byzantine society. Ordinary members of the groupings were increasingly alienated from the central government, which was not satisfied with the unpredictability of violent freemen. At the same time, disciplined mercenary troops are being created on which power is based in the future. An army created to counterbalance its former associates,and put an end to the long struggle between "organized bandits" (state power) and "unorganized" during the uprising "Nika" ("Win") in Constantinople in 532 And still the state and the so-called underworld, went underground, are waging an incessant struggle among themselves, having already forgotten that they were once a single whole. And now they differ in that the underworld takes away material values from the people who produce them by deception, theft, robbery, etc. - ILLEGAL, and the state does the same, but on the basis of the law, i.e. on a LEGAL basis, improving them all the time. The Western "free society" has particularly succeeded in this over the centuries that have passed since the emergence of the first state on the Bosphorus. Ordinary members of society (ordinary workers) have always supported the central government. Of the two evils, the lesser is chosen. Better when extortions are regulated by law - at least some kind of stability and predictability than the lawlessness of robbing scattered gangs. Western "free society" has come a long evolutionary path from violent, almost uncontrollable dims, to a well-oiled bipartisan "democracy." From extortions during the "polyudya" to a well-functioning computerized tax system. From slave ore to creation to the creation of a "developed capitalist society", a consumer society. And in the field of ideology: from the creation of a single religion - the peasantry to modern mass media.almost uncontrolled by the government dims, to well-oiled bipartisan "democracy". From extortions during the "polyudya" to a well-functioning computerized tax system. From slave ore to creation to the creation of a "developed capitalist society", a consumer society. And in the field of ideology: from the creation of a single religion - the peasantry to modern mass media.almost uncontrolled by the government dims, to well-oiled bipartisan "democracy". From extortions during the "polyudya" to a well-functioning computerized tax system. From slave ore to creation to the creation of a "developed capitalist society", a consumer society. And in the field of ideology: from the creation of a single religion - the peasantry to modern mass media.

Since the time of the Byzantine dims, the supreme power, trying to regulate and direct the spontaneous discontent and protest of the plundered population, has improved the political life of the state. And she achieved great success in this. At the present stage, the "aerobatics" of the Western "free society" is a two-party system. At regular intervals, politicians come to power who have managed to convince the people that they are the best. There is "letting off steam", the pressure drops and for several years the country is ruled by a party that can only be called to account by being re-elected in the next elections. A simple producer is forced to defend his interests through intermediaries - "lobbyists" - for large monetary bribes. Isn't it easier to form political parties on the basis of trade unions, and politicians (professionals, lawyers, economists, etc.) hire to work in parliament, government and officially pay them money for this work. If someone does not do well in defending the interests of one or another trade union (party), then he can simply be fired and replaced with another, without waiting for the next elections.

The modern tax system originates from levies (this is the mildest expression that I could pick up) (we all remember the sad fate of Prince Igor, who died at the hands of the Drevlyans) At the earliest stage of the state's formation, they were recorded as "polyudye". In the era of the formation of the state on a controlled, but internally not welded territory, where "there were only rudimentary bodies of state power, the polyudye gave the rulers an almost universal system of government." As noted by Kobischakov, “… polyudye - a circular detour by the prince - accompanied by a squad and servants - their possessions to collect tribute. In his article, the author, using a wide range of historical material, asserts that polyudye took place all over the world at the early stage of state formation. Modern tax system,I use the latest achievements of science and I am able to register and reach every person. And if the "evil Mongol-Tatars" collected a tribute from the conquered population in the amount of 10%, then our native state takes over 80% from its native producers. Improved not only levies, but also the use of human labor in the controlled area. Control over the producer initially went towards the development of gross forms (before the use of slave labor). Then came an understanding of the benefits of free labor and gradually freeing the worker began to improve the system of exploitation. At the present stage, in my opinion, it has reached the pinnacle of its sophistication with the creation of a “consumer society”. By forming public opinion through the media, advertising, etc., a person is inspired,that only the successful one dresses in this store and that is how it is. Only those who own this new car brand are successful. Only in such houses and only in this area does the elite of society live or rest, etc. And a person strives to have all this, throwing out good things that have gone out of fashion into new, more fashionable ones. He has to work more and more to be able to buy all this and pays more and more taxes. And all this is cultivated and instilled in the population by “free” mass media, which are not free at all, but are in power and under the influence of the same ideas as the entire population. Therefore, they do not need to be told what to write and what not. Journalists themselves know that it is necessary to defend the values of Western "democracy", the conquest of the "free world", the achievements of the consumer society.

If it has already happened historically that Russia is lagging behind the West on this path (the path of development of "democracy"), then is it worth catching up with it? This path leads to a dead end. Capitalism, socialism, communism … The names are different, but the goals of the state are the same. Maybe reconsider goals and values. The state should not be run by a politician, official, bureaucrat … and certainly not by a cook. All this has already happened. The state should be managed by the producer of material goods (who is also their main consumer). Maybe thinking people should think about it? Maybe the unions should take care of themselves, and not wait for mercy from the middlemen.

But what about Rome and the Roman Empire? Traditional history believes that it is the Roman Empire that lies at the basis of our civilization, and Byzantium only inherited Roman traditions. How to be?

All ancient and early medieval history was "composed" during the Renaissance and the centuries that followed. This conclusion was reached back in the 16th century by the professor of the Salaman University de'Arsila, the Jesuit historian and archaeologist Jean Hardwin (1646 - 1724), Isaac Newton, the German privat-docent Robert Baldauf and the English scientist Edwin Johnson, who wrote about this at the turn 19th and 20th centuries, Russian scientist N. A. Morozov, who wrote the multivolume work "Christ" (The history of mankind in natural scientific light), and others. Among contemporary critics of ancient history, I know Sergei Valyansky and Dmitry Kalyuzhny, Alexander Bushkov, G. V. Nosovsky and A. T. Fomenko. I do not want to give their reasons here. I will tell you about some of the facts that I discovered - that cast doubt on the correctness of the traditional history of Rome and Byzantium. The whole history of Rome is replete with small and large nonsense. Let's start with the fact that - “Rome was conveniently located in the center of Italy on a navigable river near salt mines, which contributed to its rapid economic development. These are all the advantages of Rome over other areas. Further - “The security of Rome was based on a semi-popular militia of citizens, which was professional. All Romans from 17 to 60 years old must be in military service. In 220 B. C. the military power of Rome was about 750 thousand people out of 3750 thousand of the total population. Rome was constantly at war. Considering that Rome was an agrarian state and a fifth of its population was in a state of war … - "Where is the money, Zin?" And serving in the army at 60 is very difficult, but at that time they did not live so much. The average life expectancy was at most 30 - 40 years. And the militia is never professional. The military unit of the Roman army is the centuria (one hundred). "The actual number of people in the centuri was not the same: the proletarian numbered several hundred people, and the first-class - several dozen." There is an obvious introduction of the name of the military unit (centuria) from the outside, from where there were 100 people in the centuria, where this name originated. In Rome, where initially there were no 100 people in the centuria, it could not arise, a hundred is a hundred. If a company has three platoons of 30 people each, this is a company and not a hundred. The Cossacks have a hundred - this is 100 horsemen and the commander is their centurion. On the other hand, in Byzantium, which inherited from Rome an effective and proven military system, it suddenly abandons it and starts all over again. "The main administrative and tactical unit in the Byzantine army,both in the infantry and in the cavalry, there was a "number" or "gang" (numerus, banda), numbering 300 - 400 people … The tribune commanded the numer, and later - the "drungarios" (drungarios) … Of 5 - 8 numbers consisted of " turma "(turma)…. From this quote it can be seen that the formation of the regular army took place on the basis of scattered gangs, the number of fighters in which ranged from 300 to 400 people. Subsequently, as the armed forces of the first state were unified and developed, the centuria (one hundred) became the main division of the army.that the formation of a regular army took place on the basis of scattered gangs, the numerical strength of the fighters in which ranged from 300 to 400 people. Subsequently, as the armed forces of the first state were unified and developed, the centuria (one hundred) became the main division of the army.that the formation of a regular army took place on the basis of scattered gangs, the numerical strength of the fighters in which ranged from 300 to 400 people. Subsequently, as the armed forces of the first state were unified and developed, the centuria (one hundred) became the main division of the army.

Rome waged endless wars. Its entire history is an endless series of wars. But the strangest war is the war between Rome and Carthage. Carthage is a maritime power, a large merchant fleet, the territory controlled by it is several times larger than the territory subject to Rome. Unlike Carthage, Rome did not have much experience in navigation and shipbuilding (this is noted in traditional history) and nevertheless it won a victory without shaking it off with huge losses. Judge for yourself: the Roman fleet in 254 BC. e. “… Off the coast of Sicily, I got caught in a storm, and out of 364 ships, 284 ships sank. This failure cost Rome 100 thousand soldiers and sailors. " In 249, "For the fourth time the Romans suffered such a misfortune when they lost 700 ships and 200 thousand people." And yet, already in 242 BC. "Having restored their fleet, the Romans sent 200 ships …". Where did they get the funds for building the fleet? Where were the ship crews recruited? Did they take 16 year olds and 60 year olds? They still need to be trained. Naval warfare differs significantly from land warfare. It will not work just to put soldiers on ships.

This list of absurdities can be continued further, but is it worth it? It turns out that the history of Rome is partly invented, partly copied from the early history of Byzantium. And the real first world empire was created by Byzantium.

