The Mysticism Of Paintings. A Work Of Art As An Energy Object - Alternative View

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The Mysticism Of Paintings. A Work Of Art As An Energy Object - Alternative View
The Mysticism Of Paintings. A Work Of Art As An Energy Object - Alternative View

Video: The Mysticism Of Paintings. A Work Of Art As An Energy Object - Alternative View

Video: The Mysticism Of Paintings. A Work Of Art As An Energy Object - Alternative View
Video: The Voynich Code - The Worlds Most Mysterious Manuscript - The Secrets of Nature 2024, September

Who doesn't dream of having his own portrait painted by a famous artist? Meanwhile, it is risky …

Since ancient times, there has been an idea of the relationship between the image and the original. It was believed that if something bad happens to the portrait, then the person himself will suffer.

One of the first commandments to the Jews reads: "Do not make any image of what is in heaven, what is on earth, and what is in the water." The Jews have observed this law for thousands of years, making an exception only for animals. Islam also prohibits portraits. There was a similar prohibition in primitive cultures.

Rembrandt survived two wives and all the children he loved to paint. The fourth son, Titus, lived the longest - only 26 years.

The most famous canvases of Modigliani were inspired by his student Jeanne Hébutin, who for no reason, no reason, threw herself out of the window and crashed to death.

Many of Serov's models died for unknown reasons after posing sessions. The most mysterious was the death of the model, which is depicted in the most famous painting by the artist "Girl with Peaches". She burned out in a month from the sudden onset of consumption.


The tragic fate befell the boy Vasya, who posed for Perov's painting "Troika". His mother seemed to feel and forbade her son to pose for Perov. There are thousands of similar examples. Even experts admit that there is still a mystical mystery.

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Specialists in thanatology (the science of death) suggest that a portrait is an energy-informational copy of a person. Why do people tear photos of partners into small pieces during divorces and partings? So, on a subconscious level, they wish evil for their former partner.

Exhibitions of famous artists are visited by thousands of people. At the same time, talented artists have many less successful ill-wisher colleagues. Who is this black envy and hatred transferred to? Of course, in the portraits in which the masters put love. And the better this portrait, the more vulnerable the original.

A terrible picture. Says businessman Alexander

I am a successful businessman. Once I decided that it would not hurt me to rent an apartment for get-togethers with friends and rest with girls in secret from my wife.

I bought a newspaper with ads and quickly found a suitable one. The next day I met with a realtor. We talked - it turned out that the owner of the apartment was leaving for his homeland in the Urals, they say, he was tired of the bustle of the capital.

While we were driving "to the hut", the realtor said that the tenant of the apartment, Danila, worked at the factory, and additionally traded in paintings that he painted himself. Now he was laid off and decided to leave Moscow. A spacious two-room apartment with old furniture was on the first floor. We agreed on a monthly payment and shook hands.

Having changed the furnishings in the apartment, I only left untouched a painting depicting a forest. I did not take the picture for the reason that its author was Danila, it bore his autograph. Looking at this picture, it seemed to me that someone was hiding behind the trees.

On the next weekend I arranged a housewarming and invited friends. We drank and talked about business. And suddenly we heard footsteps in the next room. I entered there, but there was not a soul in the room …

Three days later, one night I woke up from a terrible scream in the next room. Running in there, half asleep, I saw that in the picture a man was really looking from behind a tree, right at me. I don’t know if it seemed to me or not.

I decided that I had enough mystical adventures, and it's time to move out of this apartment. When I met with the realtor, shocking news awaited me. It turned out that the next day after I moved into the apartment, the artist had an accident and died.

Psychic Nikita Kononov comments

There are spirits - keepers of the house. They live in talismans. It is possible that the artist returned from the afterlife to the world of the living through a talisman, a painting into which he put his energy and love. When an artist paints a picture, he puts his whole soul into it, saturating it with energy, which after a while can reach a critical level and "shoot".

The owner of old paintings should know that any painting has a certain energy that affects the human psyche.