Petroglyphs Are The Key To Understanding The History Of Mesoamerica - Alternative View

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Petroglyphs Are The Key To Understanding The History Of Mesoamerica - Alternative View
Petroglyphs Are The Key To Understanding The History Of Mesoamerica - Alternative View

Video: Petroglyphs Are The Key To Understanding The History Of Mesoamerica - Alternative View

Video: Petroglyphs Are The Key To Understanding The History Of Mesoamerica - Alternative View
Video: The History of Mesoamerica: Every Year 2024, September

These amazing petroglyphs …

In the absence of written evidence, petroglyphs found in South America are important keys to understanding what the ancient inhabitants of the continent knew and saw. Many of these drawings were found in the northeastern part of the mainland in the Amazon basin and the headwaters of this mighty river, as well as its countless tributaries that originate in the distant Andes.

The main river of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Urumamba, is only a tributary of the Amazon; the same can be said of other Peruvian rivers, which carry their waters eastward from places where mysterious ruins testify to the existence of metallurgical centers here in the past. The sites known to scientists are only a small part of what can be found with proper organization of archaeological excavations - and they all indicate the reliability of local traditions of people who crossed the Atlantic Ocean, landed on the east coast of the continent and traversed the entire Amazon basin in search of gold., tin and other treasures of the Andes.

In British Guiana alone, more than a dozen rock carvings have been discovered. Not far from Karakananka, in the Pakaraimo mountains, petroglyphs are images of stars with different numbers of rays (a Sumerian invention), a crescent moon, a sun, and also something resembling an observing device located next to the steps.

In a place called Marlissa, a long ridge of granite rocks along the river bank is dotted with a variety of petroglyphs. An unusual figurine with raised arms, a helmet-like head and one large “eye” is depicted next to a structure resembling a large boat (Fig. 134c). The repetitive images of tightly swaddled creatures with a halo over their heads are gigantic, in one case thirteen feet high and in the other nearly eight feet.