Robert Bruce - Monograph On Astral Projection - Alternative View

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Robert Bruce - Monograph On Astral Projection - Alternative View
Robert Bruce - Monograph On Astral Projection - Alternative View

Video: Robert Bruce - Monograph On Astral Projection - Alternative View

Video: Robert Bruce - Monograph On Astral Projection - Alternative View
Video: ASTRAL PROJECTION MUSIC: lucid dreaming sleep music binaural beats and Isochronic Tones 2024, September

Part one

I have studied the astral plane in my astral form for most of my life. I have attempted to understand it using critical analysis and observation, hoping to shed some light on this topic.

Everyone, without exception, leaves their body as a low-power projection during sleep. I call this sleeping projection. The astral body hangs over the physical at a distance of several inches, like a ball on a string, repeating the position of the sleeping person. Once the astral body has separated, it can create dreams. We are all familiar with this natural sleep process. At this time, you fall into the universal sleepy kingdom of the whole world. This "sleeping kingdom" is divided into layers. You tune in to the level that meets your spirituality, moral qualities. These levels are commonly referred to as "Plans" or Sub-plans. There is nothing wrong with this analogy as long as you do not try to cover the whole concept. In this case, there will be some confusion.

If you become aware of yourself during a dormant projection, you can take control of it, as in a lucid dream, and move through the levels. Although you have assumed control, you will not be able to return to the physical world and act in it in an astral form. You are already in the looking glass, in the dream kingdom or the astral plane, where everything is possible, but not very likely.

When you have a "fully conscious" projection, you are projecting into the physical world, not the astral one. This has been misinterpreted for a long time. What is commonly understood today as astral projection (AP) is better called "Lucid Dreaming", which is fundamentally different from it.

Many authors have assumed that we all roam the universe at night during the accident. It's just not true. You will see that you are very alone in the astral form and you will rarely see another projection there. If you see anyone, he will simply stand in confusion, intoxicated, caught in an intermediate state, and creating his own world. This happens when you lose control of the WTO. I call this the "Alice in Wonderland" effect. This is a very effective barrier for the untrained mind.

In astral form, you have an incredibly powerful ability to create, which is usually used to create dreams. Once you free yourself from the shackles of the physical world, you can create a whole world, which usually happens. This creativity is the problem and the cause of all the misunderstandings about AP.

The natural barrier exists like any other psychic ability. If you do not master the mind and energy level well, then in most cases, the "Alice" effect will limit the time of projection into the real world to a few minutes. If there were no barrier - think - millions of people would gallop around the world day and night, sparing no one's secrets. It is difficult to be happy in such a world …

Promotional video:

What happens during an AP if you are not in control of your mind and energy? At some point during an accident, you will start to lose control and familiar things will end up in other places. Doors, windows, furniture and extra rooms will appear. It is your subconscious mind that has begun to create, or you have shifted to a sleepy plan. Once this has happened, it is no longer possible to say with all the severity what is real and what is not. Some sleepy realms or plans are an exact replica of the real world. You can readjust to this and think that you have projected into the physical world until you meet the Cheshire Cat.

And yet, the Eastern concept of levels: Physical, Astral, Mental, Buddhic, Atomic, etc. - not without reason. In the Western concept, however, everything is confused and mixed. These are different levels of consciousness, not plans or spaces. When you project, your consciousness does not expand, it is the same as when you are awake. These "higher" levels can only be reached with increased consciousness. You can't just get into them. This is a slightly different kind of "projection". I was at these higher levels, but it is difficult for me to describe anything, it must be experienced. Usually these levels are reached in deep meditation.

Clairvoyance is required to reach these levels. It can be from nature, or it can be developed.

Part two

Astral Projection (AP) is a reflex built into your body and mind. To consciously launch it, you must fulfill three main requirements:

1. The ability to relax 100% without falling asleep.

2. Ability to move the point of consciousness outside of your body.

3. Enough mental and psychic energy to control your projection, and not slip into sleep.

When all of them are performed, the projection reflex will be launched at full power. There are also some less significant conditions, but these will vary depending on your experience and environment.

Relaxation: You must master the technique of completely relaxing the body. If you are familiar with this technique, it will be easier for you to rebuild it to meet our requirements. Sit on the Chair and relax. Start with your feet: tense and then relax them. Then do the same for the calves, thighs, thighs, stomach, chest, arms, neck and face. Walk in this way several times until you feel completely relaxed. Breathe deeply and slowly, trying to feel the air going in and out of your body.

Mental Hands: Imagine that you have a pair of mental (imaginary) hands. Tap yourself with them from your feet to your feet. Try to feel how they relax and calm you. Continue in this way up through the center of the torso, especially stopping at the chakras. With the help of the mental hand technique, you will also learn to move the point of consciousness to different parts of the body. Try your best to invest in these mental hands.

Increasing Energy: As you move up your legs to the top, imagine that you grab the energy with your mental hands and push it inward. This is a natural path through which psychic energy enters you. With practice, you will even feel the energy tinglingly enter you. It literally "charges" you like a battery.

Chakras: They are located at: 1.base of the spine (coccyx) 2.spleen (slightly below the navel) plexus (above the navel to the palm) 4.heart (center of the chest) 5.throat 6.forehead (top of the head). They are about the size of your palm.

Chakra Stimulation: Chakras are centers of energy transformation. Each chakra converts pure life energy into a different type of energy. As you run this energy through you with your mental hands, stop at each chakra and imagine opening it with your mental hands. Run energy through it to the next one, and so on. After repeating this several times, you may not feel anything, but with practice you will feel tremors and throbbing under the skin.

Cessation of Control: Check your muscles for tension throughout these exercises, and relax them if necessary. The most common problem is the automatic contraction of muscles as energy flows through them. Remember that all this is happening in your consciousness, and the body should not react to it in any way.

Point Shift: To shift the point of consciousness, imagine yourself one to two feet in front of you. Those. in front of your physical body. Think that your physical body is behind you. It's pretty weird, but you'll quickly learn how to do it. Try not to strain your muscles while doing this, as your body will try to react. Don't let him do it.

Mental state: Your surface mind will be busy with all these exercises, so no mental exercise is necessary until then. When you are relaxed, it is as if your body is filled with lead and you go into a light trance. Stop all exercises and start mindful breathing to stop wandering the mind.

Mindful breathing: "Feel" the air that you breathe in and out. As you inhale, "transfer" the energy from your coccygeal chakra to your heart chakra with your mental hands.

Note: If you feel vibration in your body but are not yet ready to project, turn your head slightly and gently bring your body back to normal. With practice, you will learn to enter a state of "complete relaxation" in a few minutes. With this workout, you will reduce the relaxation time and the energy expended on it.

These exercises should be done daily. Some of them can be done anywhere, anytime, if you have a few minutes to spare. Over time, your body will become very obedient. These exercises will significantly reduce effort and fatigue when entering a state of mindful projection.

Part Three

In this article, I will explain how to leave the body (AB). If you've read the previous two parts (which I highly recommend to you), then you already have a little understanding of the projection process. Now I will deepen your knowledge on this topic, such as: duality, multiplicity of bodies, paralysis, mental wind, remote projections, fear, astral sex, ethics, entry into other bodies, astral entities, AP limitations, thought forms, treatment, problems, and other topics in subsequent articles.

Note: The projection method I will describe here is slightly different from what is commonly called Astral Projection today. He allows you to perform "fully conscious" projection into the real world, and not into the astral world.


Here are the PERFECT AP conditions. Some of them vary depending on the circumstances and what you need. You will need a quiet place where no one will disturb you. If ambient noise is bothering you, set your radio or television to “white noise” (a non-existent channel) to damp it. I advise you not to play music. Make sure the room temperature is comfortable for you, as during an accident, you will lose all control over your body temperature.

The lighting should be soft and dim. No darkness. Scented smoking can promote relaxation if needed. But for AP, only use a specific type of smoking, and do not use it for other purposes.

You will need a comfortable chair with head support. It can be a lounge chair or a reclining chair. AP is much more successful if it comes from a SITTING position. It is better to tilt the chair so that the head does not fall forward. It is enough to put a telephone directory (the thickest book in the Western world - per.) Under the front legs. You need to put a pillow under your feet. And under the neck - a small dummy or a towel. Those used on airplanes are the best option. Make yourself as comfortable as possible. Note: Clothes must be loose.

If you are forced to use the bed, for example, you are sick, injured, or simply due to circumstances, place pillows under your back and assume a half-sitting position, as if you were about to have breakfast in bed. As I said earlier, this all varies depending on the circumstances and your needs. I give you the optimal conditions for the provision of AP.


You don't have to be very tired. The state should be like after exercise, or a shower, or an hour of relaxation. It's best to keep you feeling refreshed, not overworked. If this happens during the day, then it is better to exercise a little physically, take a hot shower, and relax before that. The body will be tired, and therefore it will be easier to relax, and the consciousness will be vigorous and alert. If the light bothers you, then curtain the windows with something.


If you have accumulated saliva in your mouth before or during the AP, you can swallow, this will not interfere with the AP. If you need to move slightly, do it smoothly, as in a dream, so as not to interfere with relaxation. If you want to cough, do it gently. If you cough and sneeze like with a cold, then it is better to forget about the AP and sleep. If you feel tickling on your face, that's fine. You may scratch yourself if you are in the early stages. But if this happens after you feel the weight of the body, then you need to ignore it and it will soon pass. This is due to the energy of the chakras and the release of the subtle body.


When the time has come when you already have a SERIOUS intention to get out of your body, sit in your chair, stretch, and make yourself comfortable. Do exercises to relax, to increase energy, until you feel that you are entering a light trance. Switch to mindful breathing and keep your point of consciousness forward. Be aware of your body behind you and keep checking the tension.

A buzz will begin around and within you. This will deepen the vibrations, depending on the activity of the chakras. If the chakras are well developed, then this feeling can be very strong and intimidating if you do not know why. You will begin to feel that your heart will accelerate to a breakneck speed. In fact, it is not the heart, but the heart chakra. Try to ignore this.

Think of it this way: put your hands on your chest, and your fingertips in the center of it, above your heart. Press your fingers on your chest at the pace of your heart. Slowly increase your pace to the speed you can. This is roughly how it feels when your heart chakra is energized. It ranges from a slight tremor under the skin, to a strong drum roll, as if ready to pop out.

Ignore vibrations and tremors and stay still. Take it for granted, and at some point you will leave the body. The ringing and pounding will increase to an unbearable height, but you must ignore this. With subsequent projections, it will be less noticeable, because inactive chakras are stabilized.

The vibration will reach its peak and the AP reflex will turn on. You will fly forward of your body, and there will be some sensation of falling in the depths of the abdomen. A strong ringing will replace the feeling of a soft rumbling in your chest. You are now weighing a foot above or in front of your body. Stop all exercises, concentrate, and remain still.

"It's great!" - you think - "Hurray … I did it!". You are now consciously projecting your astral body, and, indeed, this is great!

Limit yourself to a few minutes at first. Trust me, this is important. Move slowly around the room. You don't really have legs and DO NOT LOOK at them. Gravity no longer affects you, so be careful. Move a little around the room, and don't think about how you are doing it - just move!

As you move, you will feel a rumbling deep in your chest. This is the heart chakra. It's like a little motor, it gets stronger when you move and dies down when you stop. This is your power reserve, your energy. Its strength depends on the degree of chakra activity and on how close you are to your body.

Control your mind, stay calm, and don't get aroused during AP. Outside your body, do not imagine at all, well, or expect something that is not really there. This is the basis for not falling into the ALICE effect.

Now move back to your body with the intention of entering it. You are a beginner in the astral plane, and if you run out of energy, 99% that you will lose control, fall into the "Alice" effect and then remember nothing. Learn to crawl before you learn to fly. Later you can go very far, but it is important that you limit yourself to this for now.

Returning is easy. Fly into your body somehow, and it will straighten itself. The return reflex kicks in, and bang, you're there. STAND UP with what you did in mind and WRITE IT down.

The astral mind is like a computer's RAM, the physical mind is like a hard drive, and paper is like a floppy disk. Turn off the computer without saving data to the hard drive, and all information in memory will disappear. When you write it down, it will be marked on your brain hard drive. You just need a couple of keywords (not the whole piece) and you will remember all the details. Keep a diary of your AP.

Typical projection:

I am sitting in my chair, warm and comfortable. I'm going to project into hell or heaven. I will do it! I completely relax, so I know the secret of AP. I increase the energy with my mental hands and open the chakras. They start to rumble. I focus on my heart chakra, pouring more and more energy into it through the other chakras until it has a steady rhythm. My body is filled with lead and I go into a trance. I feel like a heavy corpse. My face is itchy, but I don't pay attention to it.

I move the point of consciousness ahead of me. I am in front, but I am also aware that my body is behind me. The ringing rises from the depths of the body, I concentrate on my breathing, but at the same time keeping the point of consciousness in front. The ringing increases to a very strong hum, like inside a transformer booth, but I don't pay attention to it. My spine trembles as the adrenaline rushes through me, but I ignore it. I focus on breathing and where I am going. I can feel the heart chakra about to burst out, but I know it's not the heart, so I ignore it. The hum turns into a loud hum, and I suddenly rise, feeling a slight fall. In a couple of seconds I’m already in front of me. "How great it is!" I move around the room looking for. The little motor in my heart hums louder when I move according to my movement.

Part Four

The splitting of your consciousness into two happens every time you fall asleep, or any kind of projection at all. This separation is for a very good reason:

If you read about cases of astral projection, lucid dreaming, OBE and clinical death, you will find many points illustrating the effect of separation. It is the same for all types of out-of-body experience: awareness of oneself in the physical body, and at the same time, awareness of oneself in the subtle. This is due to the telepathic connection between your two bodies. During astral projection, this connection serves to keep track of the physical body so that nothing unexpected happens.

During projection, your astral counterpart leaves your physical body and your consciousness splits. One part is in the astral body, and the other in the etheric body, which remains with the physical. When the astral body is created, it has a mirror copy of your consciousness. It is YOU, in every respect, like a copy from a magnetic tape; both are the same and both minds are YOU!

Often during sleep, copies of consciousnesses mix into some semblance of a shared dream. The physical, etheric mind can also dream. This jumble of dreams looks like a kind of schizophrenia, due to the fact that there are several points of consciousness. If you have not heard about schizophrenia, this is a disease when the separation of thinking processes occurs in consciousness, and at the same time, as it were, several individuals try to fit into one.


When the astral and etheric bodies are fully aware, concentrate on each of them at close range, and a two-way telepathic connection will be established. This is confusing and I advise against doing it too often. The physical / etheric self and the astral self will clearly see each other at the same time. You will look from the eyes of each at the other yourself, while simultaneously being aware of yourself in each body and seeing two different selves at the same time. This telepathic interaction is like two opposed mirrors, in which a semblance of infinity is formed - a reflection of a reflection of a reflection of a reflection, etc.

This uncomfortable and embarrassing state can be avoided by not looking at each other and not thinking about each other during the projection.

This is the beginning of a long journey towards explaining the chaos and confusion of dreams. Consciousness is divided for a VERY good reason, and both parts exist and act independently.

Here is a case when I first experienced duality and telepathic connection. I meditated in my armchair by the fireplace, and as soon as the rain started drumming on the roof, I returned to my normal state. The wind picked up and the windows began to crack. I looked at my watch: it was three in the morning. It wasn’t unusual, sometimes I would midit the whole night. I felt refreshed and energized. I thought, “I've never projected in the rain before. I wonder how it is?"

I closed my eyes again, and soon, I was already out of my body. After passing through the wall, I went out into the rain. How wonderful that wet feeling was. I felt like every drop flew through me. The smell of rain and moisture was everywhere, and it seemed to fill me with energy. I flew to the roof, sat down on the chimney and looked around the city. I saw rain playing on rooftops and streets running down gutters. I thought he hummed amiably: "Drink me, spray me, gurgle me, spank me." These moments were very enjoyable.

Sitting on the roof, I noticed that I could feel my body in the chair below me. I have often been intrigued by how I feel my physical body when I am not far from it, and not when I am far from it. Slipping back down through the roof, I decided to study this better.

Suddenly I saw myself flying through the wall and sitting in a chair. It was I who sat in the chair and watched myself flying through the wall, but at the same time it was I who was moving forward and looking at myself sitting in the chair. It didn't so much mislead me as it made me feel bad.

I had two visions, two minds, everything is the same and everything is one - it was amazing. But it's not pointless either. Why should this physical body stop thinking while the astral is outside of it?

The Astral Self moved around the room, observing the body in the chair. I could see my astral self even when it was behind my physical body. I felt like I was in a chair trying to keep track of the astral body around the room. It took a lot of effort because I didn't have the energy to move. I felt like a giant body trying to move through an environment of enormous density. I moved my gaze, but physically no movement occurred.

My consciousness was brightest both in the etheric and in the astral body at the same time. That is how easy and simple my physical I sees my astral I from any angle. My etheric body was literally spinning under my skin. This ability to see through closed eyelids in any direction has been noted by many projectionists and meditators.

This duality is very similar to the feelings that schizophrenics experience during a crisis. Nausea, lack of energy, multiplicity of thinking, and feelings of disorientation. Could this disorder be caused by their astral body shifting? The only way to find out is to examine them during their crisis from the astral plane.

After studying the etheric / physical body from the astral view, I came to the following conclusions:

Usually, during sleep, the etheric, or otherwise energy body (or life sheath), expands and acts like a solar battery. It swells and opens, allowing the astral body to free itself while it absorbs energy (cosmic?).

When it is expanded, all chakras, primary and secondary, slowly open like flowers in a garden and begin to capture and absorb energy. When we wake up, the etheric body shrinks and absorbs the astral body, forming a dense etheric shell, or skin, which holds all the energy and subtle bodies inside.

According to some sources, we have 300 chakras, if you count all the minor ones.

The swelling of the astral body, when the attention is focused on it, forms a feeling of immensity within the body, along with a feeling of smallness of oneself. This strange mixture of feelings is often observed by people during astral projection or meditation. It appears due to the fact that the etheric body swells and begins to interact with the universe.

Part Five

Here I will give answers to the most common problems people have when projecting. Thank you all for the hundreds of letters you wrote to me. Your feedback allows me to improve this monograph, which will help everyone. If you write to me and have not received an answer within a week, write to me again. Sometimes I lose a few emails.

Most people find this visualization too difficult and a waste of precious energy. Visualization is a huge problem in all projection technique. To overcome it, I have developed a simpler and more effective method.

The most common problems are:

1. Imagining yourself in front of your body.

2. Paralysis after a seemingly successful projection.

3. Fear.

4. Remembering the projection.

1. The problem of visualization

Shifting the point of consciousness outside your body with the help of representation is the simplest way to exert pressure on the astral body. This can be done in many ways, different from what I gave earlier. The biggest challenge is that you have to imagine yourself in a different position.

For example, you are lying on your back. You are in a horizontal position and try to imagine yourself standing upright at the base of your bed. For this reason, it is easier to project from a seated position. On the chair, you are in an upright position, and imagine yourself standing in front of you in an upright position. When you are sitting or standing, you are in an upright position. Close your eyes, imagine yourself lying on the floor, and you will know what I mean.

This is not the only difficulty. Any visualization in which you have to imagine yourself in a different place is unnatural and therefore extremely difficult. I'm sure this is the reason for most of the failures. During this, a large amount of energy is lost that could be used during the projection.

Visualization is a big hurdle for people choosing to project. Many people have a problem with this because they think they should really SEE what they imagine they really don't. When rendering, people do NOT actually see anything. If he sees, then this is no longer visualization, but clairvoyance.

Visualization is the simple ability to construct the appearance of what we want to see, or feel with our inner gaze. The term "fantasizing", an imaginary perception of reality, is more suitable for this. Many people who say they can't visualize at all are capable of creating complex fantasies.

To overcome this problem, I've developed a simple mental hand technique that essentially does the same thing. If you've mastered the mental arm exercise while relaxing, then you shouldn't have a problem with it.

Mental Hand Projection:

Use a button to attach a string (or tape) to the ceiling above your bed or chair. Place it so that it hangs over your chest, within the reach of your hands. If you are using a chair, place it a foot in the front and within arm reach. NOTE: This is just a visual reference.

Try to reach the ribbon with your hands before doing the next projection. Remember how you do it, what feeling you have during this. You will use this tape to get out of your body.

Begin your projection as described in Part Three. When you enter a trance state, instead of imagining yourself in front of your body, pull yourself out with your mental arms. Take out the tape with your mental hands and imagine yourself climbing the rope. Feel how you lift off your body with each dash. In this case, it is important that no muscle is tense. Put all your efforts into this, all your will.

When you use your mental hands to get out of your body, you can stop "mindful breathing." Your mind is occupied only with climbing the tape; you don't need to do any other exercises. This will give you the opportunity to use your mental energy in one direction only - projection, instead of wasting it on complex visualization exercises.

As you climb up the tape, imagine lifting yourself away from your body. Imagine yourself climbing with each dash. Feel free. You will feel a faint sense of lightness in the depths of your abdomen (solar plexus) as your attention moves to your astral body.

2. Paralysis after a seemingly successful projection

When this happens, everything seems to be going as it should, you feel everything you should feel, weight, heart chakra rumbling, vibration, etc., but nothing happens. You lie, unable to move, feeling light, weightless. This is a form of active paralysis.

What happened is that your projection reflex turned on, the etheric body expanded, but the astral body was only partially released. It's like an active sleepy projection.

To prevent this from happening, increase your efforts while climbing the rope. Apply all your will, all your strength to this. This should be enough for the disconnection to occur completely. If this does not work, then there is a good chance that you have already projected and focused on your physical or etheric body.

If you think this is just such a case and you cannot escape, take advantage of it. Observe everything, experiment, feel, try to see through the eyelids, try to look behind you. You can also try going into lucid dreaming. Focus on your fantasy, the place you want to visit. Build it in imagination so that you can enter it.

Not much is known about this phenomenon. If you find ways to combat this, or anything at all, please email me. I'll include your findings in future versions to help others with this problem.

3. Fear

Many people have written to me that they feel fear while projecting. For some people, this is a natural barrier that must be overcome. Some call him the "Border Guard". This is a manifestation of your inner fears, very similar to a child's causeless fear of the dark, the fear of the unknown.

Many felt that something evil was waiting for them, or that an evil spirit was trying to stop projecting them. This must be taken with courage. Think of it as a test, an exam that must be passed in order to project freely. Once you project and face it, you will see that it is a phantom threat that will dissipate.

I have projected hundreds of times in my life and have never been attacked by anyone. True, I had a strong sense of dread at the first conscious projection.

It is important to understand the following: You are invulnerable in the astral form, your body has excellent protection. Your expanded etheric body will immediately respond to the slightest intrusion or unfriendliness. No matter how far you get, it will pull you in instantly.

Ways to help overcome fear:

- Projected during the day.

- Leave a dim light in the apartment.

- Project with a friend (collective projection).

4. Recall all

During the projection, everything seems OK, but you only remember that you were lying in bed and fell asleep. The problem is remembering the experience in the astral plane.

Here's what you can do about it. As soon as you wake up, sit down and think. Find a couple of free minutes to do this every morning. This will help you remember dreams and projections.

In these moments, run key phrases in your mind until you stumble upon something. For example, like this: I was walking … I was talking with … I was going to … I was over … I was flying over … I had … I was inside … These are examples of phrases that could be the beginning of those memories. Make a few more phrases for yourself.

It may seem like you have nothing to remember, but you should invest heavily in it. You have something to remember, only it sits deep in you, and you need to get it. As soon as you get hooked on something, you start remembering. You will be surprised how much you can remember this way.

It is important to write down what you remember. Memories may seem vivid and unforgettable, but they will disappear after a few minutes if you haven't written them down. A few key phrases will suffice.

Another way of remembering is to give yourself post-hypnotic instructions before projecting, or before going to bed. This can be a kind of setup. For example, something like this: "I will remember everything that I will do tonight." Repeat this over and over until you get tired of doing it.

Finally, it will help you if you have a specific purpose in each projection. Connect it with attitudes and program yourself to do it. For example, I will go to the beach, and I will remember everything … I will go to the beach, and I will remember everything …

Finally, remember that the first few projections must be very short. It is necessary. It is better to have a 30 second projection that you will remember than an entire night of wanderings that you will forget.