Mysterious Petrozavodsk And Karelia Shrouded In Secrets - Alternative View

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Mysterious Petrozavodsk And Karelia Shrouded In Secrets - Alternative View
Mysterious Petrozavodsk And Karelia Shrouded In Secrets - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Petrozavodsk And Karelia Shrouded In Secrets - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Petrozavodsk And Karelia Shrouded In Secrets - Alternative View
Video: Family club Karelia 2024, September

The author of the blog Flintotake in his “LJ” published a selection, which he called “Urban legends of Petrozavodsk and Karelia”

We are from Karjala, we have eaten everything

portmen who came from the KASSR to the Moscow Olympics were asked: "Where are you from?" - From Karelia. - From Korea? (Karelia is still often confused with Korea. They even try to clarify with the guests whether they are from the North or from the South Republic). - No, no, we seem to be Karelian-Finns, - our athletes answered. “Then you must chant a greeting in your own language at the parade,” they were told. Confusion arose, because none of the guests knew a word of Karelian or Finnish. We could hardly remember some of the inscriptions on the Petrozavodsk signs. And at the parade from the Karelian delegation Muscovites heard the same "greeting". Our people clearly shouted "Ruokatavarakauppa!" (Grocery store).

The mystery of the third column

The bronze monument to Kirov is famous for its secret. Almost all the guests of Petrozavodsk are brought here. The joke is simple - if you look out from behind the third column of the Russian Drama Theater, Kirov's hand seems … something else. However, you already know. But in the fifties of the last century, a completely different bike went about Kirov. The artists, raising their hands, turn from the pediment of the building of the Muzdramatic Theater to the bronze Kirov with the question: “What to do? Where are we going to go? " Kirov replies with a gesture: "Go to the plant!"

Promotional video:

T ehnika at the bottom of the quarry on the key

The quarry was used from the 1930s to 1981, stone was mined in it, which was used to build the city, by 1981 the work was stopped because the quarry turned out to be too close to the Klyuchevoy area being developed. The quarry was flooded, and as they say, they left the equipment, and many who swim there in the summer say that they saw these same machines at a depth.

How Karelia wanted to become part of Britain

As you know, the Russian Empire participated in the First World War until 1917, when Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov and other "red-cheeked" people came to it. In 1919, the British units of the Entente troops somehow ended up in northern Karelia, which helped the Karelians to oust the Finns and Bolsheviks. Britain at that time was the leading world power, and in the hungry winter of 1918-19 it was the British who fed North Karelia. Therefore, the Karelians turned to Britain for help. The petition was drawn up in January 1919 to the English king George V. That is, it was not just about joining, but about obtaining the status of a protectorate within the British Empire. Alas, Britain was not interested in Karelia.

Pervomaisky avenue lined with prisoners

The current Pervomaisky Avenue was originally lined with crimson quartzite. Captured Germans or Finns built the May Day highway, and it really was the most expensive street in the world. And three or four decades ago, little Petrozavodsk residents were told about this with pride, they say, we are the coolest. But it turned out to be inconvenient to use the paved road, so the avenue was rolled up in asphalt, quartzite was taken away wherever they could. They say that part of it was used for the construction of the embankment, and part of it "settled" in the dachas of Petrozavodsk residents.

Submarines and submarine communication cable in Onego

The story of the secret dock for repairing submarines on the Avangard was also discussed, where mini-submarines were either produced or repaired for work in the skerries and on Ladoga. Someone saw two "babies" walking at periscope depth in Lake Onega in the region north of Chazhnavolok in June 1975, Large boats were transported in parts and in whole along Volgobalt - Onega Lake - Belomorkanal for completion. Ladoga was a proving ground. "The legend is that the Finns, having occupied Petrozavodsk, laid an underwater communication cable to Pudozh (Shaly). Nashi, having liberated the city, cut it just in case." “The cable was laid up to Ivanovsky Island, where there were two bunkers. Then the cable was lifted out of the water."

Underground town under Kirov square

They say that under Kirov Square there is a huge room for the evacuation of important people. There seemed to be a bomb shelter there, and they say that the incomprehensible structures known to all overgrown with grass above the embankment are the entrances to the dungeon.

Vedlozero phenomenon

Vedlozero is a lake in Karelia. In 1928, over the village of Shuknavolok near Vedlozero, a ten-meter cylindrical body flew from the tail section of which a red flame and sparks emanated. After breaking through the ice, the mysterious object went under water. After that, the locals began to meet on the shore a strange, big-headed creature a little over a meter tall with thin arms and legs. At the sight of people, the creature immediately dived back into the water, which is why it received the nickname "water". Since then, anomalous phenomena have also been observed in those places. So in 1932 a dense black cloud "descended" on the village. After his disappearance, a jelly-like substance remained on the ground, which the peasants collected in bottles and used as a medicine. Currently in the village of Shuknavolok there are strange interference with television.

Human Meat Kebab

Some of the townspeople allegedly bought a pickled barbecue set in the store. The meat tasted strange. Later, an examination showed that the kebab was not from pork, but … from human flesh! Such rumors have been appearing in Petrozavodsk with enviable regularity in the midst of the "barbecue" season for several years now. The Karelian Rospotrebnadzor disowned the news: there were no examinations, and "they do not deal with meat." They advised me to contact other authorities. The Rosselkhoznadzor Directorate replied that last week a complaint about meat was indeed received from a resident of Petrozavodsk.

UFO over Onega

Residents of Petrozavodsk witnessed an unusual natural phenomenon. On September 20, 1977, at about four o'clock in the morning, a huge "star" suddenly flashed brightly in the dark sky, impulsively sending sheaves of light to the earth. This “star” was slowly moving towards Petrozavodsk and, spreading over it in the form of a jellyfish, hung, showering the city with a multitude of the finest ray streams that gave the impression of pouring rain. After a short time, the ray glow ended. The Medusa turned into a bright semicircle and resumed its movement towards Lake Onega, the horizon of which was enveloped in gray clouds. In this veil, then a semicircular ravine of bright red color to the middle and white on the sides formed. This phenomenon, according to eyewitnesses, lasted 10-12 minutes. “Petrozavodsk Marvel” was seen by thousands that night. Each of them today remembers what they saw in their own way. A few days after the appearance of the "jellyfish" in the sky, the citizens of Petrozavodsk, who were absent at that time in the city, returned home and found that the glass of their windows was pierced with some kind of melted through holes 50-70 millimeters in diameter. It was not difficult to compare the holes with a mysterious phenomenon. Subsequently, these frames were delivered to Moscow, where it was found that the holes appeared much later on September 20 and most likely as a result of a ball lightning hitting the window. The workers of the White Sea-Onega Shipping Company, observing the mysterious phenomenon, decided that a war had begun. Residents of Petrozavodsk woke up on September 20, 1977 with a feeling of discomfort and dissatisfaction. Apparently,the phenomenon is associated with the launch of the Kosmos-955 satellite from the Plesetsk cosmodrome on September 20, 1977. The response to this phenomenon is interesting because reports about it were published both in the local and in the central press (Leninskaya Pravda, Socialist Industry, Izvestia), which gave an impetus to the Soviet public to study the phenomena that were inexplicable at that time. …

Train and UFO

On February 17, 1985, freight train No. 1702 followed the usual route from Petrozavodsk, through Suoyarvi to Kostomuksha. It consisted of seventy empty gondolas and a two-section diesel locomotive. The train proceeded through the settlement of Essoila and continued to move to the station Novye Peski. At 20:35, the locomotive crew suddenly noticed that on the right, behind the trees, parallel to the train, some strange object was moving, which was a glowing translucent ball of regular geometric shape, the size of a "soccer ball". A few minutes later, the incredible happened. The “ball” changed its direction of flight, quickly “walked” across the train and found itself 30-50 meters in front of the locomotive. The driver tried to stop the train, turned off the propulsion motors and activated the braking system,but the train continued to steadily move forward behind the "ball" - some unknown force was dragging it. The driver contacted the operator on duty at the Novye Peski station (the radio worked without interruption all the time) and tried to explain to her what was happening. The lady on duty did not understand anything, but went out to meet the approaching train. After a while, she saw a diesel locomotive approaching the entrance switch, ahead of which was a luminous "ball", and in front of it was a red vibrating object similar in shape to an inverted "basin" (the driver and his assistant had not seen this object). At the entrance switch, the “ball” separated from the locomotive and “walked around” the station, although it was always in the field of view of the driver and his assistant … Having followed the Novye Peski station, the driver and assistant noticed that the “ball” “went” across the train and again took its place in front of the locomotive,at the same time, there was a "blow" and the speed dropped sharply. In the locomotive's cabin, various objects fell on the floor, and the driver and his assistant hit the windshield, but there were no serious injuries. The brakes did not work at that time, so the reason for the braking was not in them: the "Brake line break" lamp did not light up, the pressure in the brake cylinders also did not rise, although the train slowed down noticeably.

Secrets of the Big Klimetsky Island

Here is a briefly recorded story of an eyewitness - the old fisherman Alexander Efimov, who lives in one of the villages near the island of Kizhi - related to the island: “Last summer (2008 - AP), I sailed to the island of Bolshoi Klimetsky in the evening. Leaving the boat on the shore, not far from the sand spit, I went to get firewood to make a fire. I walked very close from the lake and kept moving straight in the direction opposite to my parking lot. I know these places well, I have been here many times, so I always felt calm and confident. Although he respected the stories about the "oddities" of the island, because people whom I know personally and who would never stoop to "invented nonsense" talked about it. Nothing like this has ever happened to me here, so there were no fears. So, imaginewhat was my surprise when I, having collected some firewood, suddenly saw my bank and boat right in front of me. The impression was as if, after wandering through the forest, I made a circle and returned to my original place. But the point is that I did not make any "circle". This puzzled me. I "forgot" about the fire and - again into the thickets, but again I found myself on the shore. I've done this five times, but with the same result. The most amazing thing is that the little compass embedded in the strap of my watch always showed the right direction. I made the last two attempts, specially checking with him. "I "forgot" about the fire and - again into the thickets, but again I found myself on the shore. I've done this five times, but with the same result. The most amazing thing is that the little compass embedded in the strap of my watch always showed the right direction. I made the last two attempts, specially checking with him. "I "forgot" about the fire and - again into the thickets, but again I found myself on the shore. I've done this five times, but with the same result. The most amazing thing is that the little compass embedded in the strap of my watch always showed the right direction. I made the last two attempts, specially checking with him."

Another mysterious incident associated with Bolshoi Klimetsky took place this summer. This time, a company of young Petrozavodsk residents sailed to the sandy strip of the island. Two hours after the guys settled on the shore, the soil suddenly began to vibrate barely noticeably. The outlines of the surrounding objects blurred, and a piercing buzzing, pressing on the ear, hung in the air. At first, the guys thought that the “Comet” was “to blame” that sailed along Onego towards the Kizhi island, but soon she left, but the unpleasant sounds and sensations remained. Young tourists did not manage to determine the source of the sound, and after half an hour the vibration and buzzing began to cause excruciating headaches in the children, which stopped only when the company plunged into the boat and moved to another place.

And here is another case from 2009. A family arrived over the weekend: a father, a mother, and a six-year-old daughter. They pitched a tent on the shore of the lake, made a fire, cooked fish soup. The girl was with her parents all the time, and suddenly, while her mother was washing the dishes, and her father was busy with the boat motor, she disappeared. The search lasted for two hours (the father even shot into the air with a gun), until the girl was unexpectedly found sleeping peacefully in a tent. How young Anya got here and why she was not awakened by the screams of her parents and the sounds of gunshots is not clear. Moreover, while one of the parents was frantically combing the nearby forest, the other was always close to the tent in case the girl returned herself.

It was not possible to wake Anya right away, but when the exhausted parents still woke her up, from the confused explanations the girls could only understand that she fled into the forest, played a game and went out into some kind of clearing with a black stone in the middle, but here she is so strong began to feel asleep that she leaned against a stone and fell asleep. The girl did not remember anything else. Her adventure had no consequences for Anya. True, the mother claims that after what happened, the girl's eyes darkened, turning from gray to almost brown, her hair stopped curling and the location of moles on her body changed. “Before, she never spoke in her sleep,” Anina’s mother said, “but now it happens. And neither I nor my father can understand what language she speaks …"
