Space Portals On Death Mountain - Alternative View

Space Portals On Death Mountain - Alternative View
Space Portals On Death Mountain - Alternative View

Video: Space Portals On Death Mountain - Alternative View

Video: Space Portals On Death Mountain - Alternative View
Video: What If We Could Open a Portal to a Parallel Universe? 2024, September

At a meeting in Petrozavodsk on the problems of Mount Vottovaara, the authorities agreed with the position of the Karelian Scientific Center on the need to give the mountain the status of a special protected area and a natural monument of regional significance.

Vottovaara is the highest point of the West Karelian Upland (417.3 meters above sea level). It is called "Karelian Stonehenge". The mystical mountain is located in the Muezersky district, twenty kilometers from the village of Sukkozero.

In the center of the mountain there is a natural amphitheater dotted with small lakes and rocks, which arose as a result of a powerful earthquake about 9 thousand years ago. The slope of the mountain is a stone terrace covered with moss.

According to some ethnographic data, in the distant past, pagan rituals were accompanied by bloody sacrifices, which is why the second name of Vottovaara, which has recently taken root among researchers, is Death Mountain.

Vottovaaru is considered by superstitious locals and psychics as a place of concentration of evil forces and a bridge to another world.

“At the top of the mountain there are about 1,600 stones, arranged in some mysterious order. Scientists suggest that this is an ancient cult complex. The densest concentration of stones is at the highest point of the ridge in the amphitheater. The stones are located mainly in groups of two to six pieces. Some, weighing about three tons, are put on their feet, "that is, stacked on several smaller stones."

There are many trees of unusual, bizarre shape. Moreover, the tree grows to a certain level quite normally, forming a perfectly flat trunk. And then it seems to be twisted by some unknown force and literally tied in knots of the most incredible shape. In the area of the mountain amphitheater, the number of such trees increases dramatically.

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Perhaps the most frequent guests of Death Mountain are followers of various mystical trends, fans of otherworldly forces, fans of cosmoenergy and psychics from all over Russia. As they themselves say, nowhere else in the country do they experience such close contact with unknown energy from the Cosmos.

“According to psychics, the energy of this place is unusually high, it feeds their inner strength, like a powerful battery. They call Vottovaara an acupuncture point through which the planet, as if through an antenna, carries out energy-information exchange with space."

"Psychics also claim that on Death Mountain there are some portals to parallel worlds," next to which modern magicians visit multiple and varied visions."

Psychics do not recommend "ordinary" people to approach these portals, warning about, at times, unpredictable consequences for the curious. For example, in 2004, one of the young scientists ventured to approach the place where magicians opened the entrance to parallel worlds.

“Until then, the very friendly and even kind Vottovaara,” the scientist said later, “suddenly changed dramatically and recalled her second name, Death Mountain. The terrible chills all over my back were far from the most unpleasant. I began to twist as well as those trees! And pushed out of the ridge like a cork from a bottle …

“Another, no less surprising incident occurred with a member of the St. Petersburg group of anomalies led by Oleg Dedkovsky. Researchers came to Vottovaara to practice and improve dowsing techniques. " One of the group, taking a wire frame, went to study the stone structures in the vicinity of the mountain."

The result of this experiment was quite painful. A searing blow, produced by some force, passed through the hands of the anomaly, knocked him to the ground and knocked him out.

If the mountain is made a monument of natural value, this will protect it from the excessive curiosity of pilgrims. At the same time, the authorities of Karelia also plan to create a municipal institution with the aim of providing tourist services related to visiting Vottovaara.