"Bigfoot" In Karelia! - Alternative View

"Bigfoot" In Karelia! - Alternative View
"Bigfoot" In Karelia! - Alternative View

Video: "Bigfoot" In Karelia! - Alternative View

Video: Карельских медвежат, которых вырастили в тверском Центре спасения, выпустили в лес 2024, September

Karelia is one of the most mysterious regions of Russia! And the most intriguing of the Karelian secrets is that of the Bigfoot.

Valentin Sapunov, professor.

The first well-known and well-documented observation of the Bigfoot (or Yeti) was the discovery of bare foot prints in the snows of Mount Everest at 6,400 meters in 1921.


The observation was made by Colonel Howard - take, a well known and respected climber. It happened when he was leading an expedition to Everest. When examining the tracks, the porters said that they belonged to "sword - Kangmi", which roughly means "Bigfoot" ("Kang" - snow and "mi" - a man. This is how the phrase "Bigfoot" was born.

The famous Swedish botanist and naturalist Karl Linnaeus in the manuscript "Bestial Man" called "Bigfoot" homo nocturnus ("man of the night." This name was given, apparently, because of the elusiveness of the yeti.

The famous Russian traveler Nikolai Przhevalsky, during his deep exploration of Mongolia and the Gobi Desert, repeatedly came across strange creatures - demi-humans, whom the locals called "Almasts" (also known as "Bigfoot". It is very curious that further research suspended by the Russian government and the imperial court for fear of embarrassment if they had to publicly admit the possibility of these creatures.

Since then, thousands of observations of the elusive creature have been made. The media immediately made a splash with the discovery of a hitherto unknown animal species, possibly even a hominid, which may be a close relative of modern humans.

Promotional video:

The reason for this sensation was the study of the Bigfoot's hair, which was carried out by scientists from China, America and England. In particular, the results of an analysis carried out by the staff of the space research and physics department of the Ohio State University of Birmingen under the direction of Professor Ranjit Sokhi, showed that "The hair belonged to a creature that was not a man or a monkey."

Scientists continued to analyze the structure of hair chromosomes, and Professor Poirier said: “We have established that this animal does not fall into any of the known categories. This is the first evidence of the existence of a new supreme primacy."

What place in Europe can be considered the center of the Snow People? The scientific association "Cryptobiology" at the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg is trying to answer this question (cryptobiology is the science of rare biological species. This scientific association is headed by Professor of Biology Valentin Sapunov, who has repeatedly come to Karelia at the head of research expeditions.

Analyzing numerous reports about the "Bigfoot" in the north-west of Russia, V. Sapunov came to an amazing conclusion: the center of habitation of these strange creatures is in Karelia!

"Our Trips to Karelia Confirmed that there is more than enough information about the" Bigfoot "here, - the professor pointed out. - What region of Karelia is the most promising in this regard? For several years there have been reports about a family or even several families of hairy humanoid giants, supposedly living in the Yaroslavl region, near the village of Manga. However, most often "Snow People" are seen on the other side of Onega, in the Pudozh region. A typical example is the observation made in July 1987, when they were thrown to fight a forest fire over Lake Murom. The members of one of them witnessed an unusual event. During the extinguishing of the fire, a humanoid creature about 2.5 meters tall came out of the forest and, seeing people, stopped in indecision, and a minute later disappeared into the forest again. The distance to it was no more than 50 meters, so the firefighters remembered it well. The description matches the classic Bigfoot skin. Clear prints of the footprints of this creature were also found. A year later, in approximately the same places, three fishermen observed a humanoid hairy creature up to 3 meters tall. People experienced great fear and moved the camp that very evening. Once a group of Karelian biologists working in the area saw a chain of footprints in the snow of Lake Murom. Comparing them with our materials, we made sure that only "Bigfoot" could pass there.three fishermen observed a humanoid hairy creature up to 3 meters tall. People experienced great fear and moved the camp that very evening. Once a group of Karelian biologists working in the area saw a chain of footprints in the snow of Lake Murom. Comparing them with our materials, we made sure that only "Bigfoot" could pass there.three fishermen observed a humanoid hairy creature up to 3 meters tall. People experienced great fear and moved the camp that very evening. Once a group of Karelian biologists working in the area saw a chain of footprints in the snow of Lake Murom. Comparing them with our materials, we made sure that only "Bigfoot" could pass there.

I noticed that the Karelians have many legends about the forest owner - metsakhiyisi, which is an analogue of the Russian goblin. For example, there is a legend: “demons used to live on the demon's nose (a cape on the eastern shore of Lake Onega). Then they left, and people came to their place. " Despite the laconicism of the legend, something can be learned from it. Demons are creatures incompatible with humans. They come when he leaves."

Testimonies of observations of the "Snow People" in our republic continue to arrive, and by now, in the personal archive of the authors of this material, enough verified information has already been accumulated.

“Once, it was in the early 90s,” said one of the residents of the Gaguksy village in the Pudozh district, “I was picking blueberries near the Murom monastery. Suddenly a rhizome flew in my direction and fell five meters from me. Looking back, I saw three shaggy figures receding: two were tall, the third was small. At first it seemed to me that these were women in fur coats. But then the thought flashed: what kind of fur coats in the summer? And I realized that it was "Wild People".

Another eyewitness, a professional hunter, saw a large male "Wild Man" in the same Pudozh region. “I Hunted Bears,” the Hunter said, “I climbed on a Tree at the Edge of the Field and settled“in ambush.”Suddenly I heard someone big breaking through the young growth. I thought: an elk. He. But it wasn’t Someone went out on the field bipedal, of enormous stature, head like a Neanderthal. Continuing to move in my direction, he began to look around (it is clear that he smelled. Noticing me, he began to wave his arms threateningly, as if driving away from his territory, and he kept approaching me along the edge of the field When he approached about fifty meters, I fired into the air, and "Leshak" disappeared into the thickets. For some time I sat in a tree. Then I heard "Whistle" from the direction he left. In response, another "Whistle" sounded, higher in tone. I did not wait any longer,and got down from the tree and went home … ".

A resident of the village of Gridino, Kemsky District, Ivan Mekhnin said that he, together with other hunters, hunted wolves. "Suddenly, two" wild man "Cubs ran out at us, and a parent followed them. The meeting was short: an unusual family immediately disappeared into the forest."

And the oldest resident of Gridino, Nina Stepanovna Konovalova, talked about her father, Stepan Fedorovich, who broke his skis during a winter hunt, got frostbitten and survived thanks to the help of the "Boss" (as the "Bigfoot" is sometimes affectionately called), who carried him out of the forest.

“I remember this incident,” Nina Stepanovna said. “I was maybe ten or twelve years old when one day, late in the evening, I heard the barking of dogs, and then knocks on the door. The mother rushed to open it, thinking it was the father. And so it turned out. He was lying on the porch, severely frostbitten, in addition, his leg was broken. He could not walk, and together we dragged him into the house. At first he could not even speak, apparently, it was hard for him. And then he said that he was already walking back home when, through negligence, he broke his skis: he had to go, falling waist-deep in snow, until he finally lost consciousness. And when he woke up, he said, I see, "The Master" was carrying me. I don’t know how he got me across, there was a lot of snow, and it was difficult to walk. I woke up when I saw you."

And two tourists from St. Petersburg in the area of the famous vottovaara mountain of the Muezersky district already at the beginning of this century witnessed the following interesting event. “It was towards evening,” said one of the eyewitnesses, “when suddenly I saw a tall creature with a narrow body and long arms and legs. The creature was covered in thick black fur. I called my friend and pointed out to him a strange man or a monkey. The creature, hearing the shout, rushed to run into the forest in large leaps. Not a trace remained of it - the ground was very dense. The guys said that when they saw this “Someone”, they were seized by a strange feeling, similar to panic, and for a long time they could not get rid of the feeling that someone was watching them.

It is common knowledge that the Bigfoot is covered in thick hair. From this fact, it is automatically concluded that we have a miraculously survived relic, a kind of Neanderthal man with an appropriate level of intelligence. Is it so? After all, a huge amount of evidence and facts has been accumulated that lead to a conclusion diametrically opposite.

We all know that God first created the world and then man. But in the mythology of the ancient Aryans - the ancestors of all modern Indo-European peoples - there is another intermediate link, which is not given special importance. It turns out that long before people, God created (in modern terms) a population of highly wise and superperfect monkeys - a humanoid tribe covered with thick wool, which appeared on earth much earlier than people, but was always much smarter and stronger than representatives of the human race: for example, mythical monkeys - people could move freely in air and airless space.

A very curious myth, although what has been said is quite consistent with eyewitness accounts of meetings with the "Bigfoot". The mysterious creature emits a powerful energy field, from which people fall into a daze, and hunting dogs (of those that are not afraid of a bear), tucking their tail, huddle at the feet of the owner (similar cases have occurred in Karelia. It is also possible that it has incredible hypnotic abilities - to the point that it becomes invisible to the observer. Therefore, it is appropriate to assume: we are dealing not with a primitive relic, but with a fully developed creature, in mental abilities in no way inferior to man, and perhaps even superior to him.

Perhaps the elusive "Bigfoot" is the last keeper of the secrets of the distant past, so far reliably hidden from prying eyes? Why, then, is he so carefully hiding from people or avoiding serious "Communication"? Or maybe he just doesn't need us?

In other words, there is still a lot of work to be done in order to at least slightly open the veil of secrecy in this difficult issue. Alexey popov (Petrozavodsk).
