Western Billionaires Are Funding The Search For The Matrix - Alternative View

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Western Billionaires Are Funding The Search For The Matrix - Alternative View
Western Billionaires Are Funding The Search For The Matrix - Alternative View

Video: Western Billionaires Are Funding The Search For The Matrix - Alternative View

Video: Western Billionaires Are Funding The Search For The Matrix - Alternative View
Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, September

It became known that at least two billionaires provide financial support to the research of scientists in Silicon Valley, aimed at proving the "virtuality" of our reality. You can take this for a duck, but several influential people with a worldwide reputation have already made loud statements about our possible existence in the Matrix …

Where does the money go?

The term "Matrix" originated from the film of the same name by the Wachowski brothers, released in the 90s. According to the plot, people there live in a kind of virtual reality, but in fact they are just sources of energy for their "masters" … So, maybe we just think that we are living?

With the growth of computer technology, this became more and more talked about. And not only some yellow journalists or ufologists, but quite serious experts. Thus, analysts from Bank of America said that the chances that our world is virtual are 50-50.

Recently, Katherine Austin Fitts, who previously worked on Wall Street and also served as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Commissioner for Housing during the first administration of George W. Bush, suggested that Earth governments have global financial debts to some kind of “extraterrestrial entities.

The fact is that every year a significant part of finances simply "evaporate" somewhere. On a local scale, this is hardly noticeable, but with global calculations, an amount of tens of trillions of dollars accumulates. “I have a lot of statistics on who issues the debt,” says Catherine Fitts. “But in my entire life I have not been able to obtain statistics on who owns this debt. I know they control us. And they control us through debt. Because you can invisibly run a company through debt regulation. But who owns the debt? Are they people or is it someone else?"

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Musk's theory

And the famous author of "Martian" projects, Elon Musk, believes that the chance that our reality is NOT a computer simulation is as much as one in a billion!

"A lot of people in Silicon Valley seem to be obsessed with this hypothesis that we all live in a computer simulation," writes New Yorker magazine. "Two industrial millionaires are secretly funding research to find a way out of the Matrix."

Perhaps Elon Musk is one of these two. In an interview, he said that once, when he was lying in a hot bath and indulged in reflections on the topics of computer technology, it occurred to him that as a result of progress, sooner or later a situation would come that it would be difficult to distinguish a computer simulation from reality …

But if so, why not assume that this has happened before? We can be the product of some more highly developed civilization. If you look at it, there is a lot of evidence that we live inside the Matrix. Our world is "designed" to the smallest detail, it has certain physical and biological laws that ensure our existence. Could such a world have arisen by itself?

According to Elon Musk, if our world still turns out to be a real reality, then humanity is surely doomed to extinction. If we do live in a simulation, then most likely we will not be allowed to die out. “Otherwise, human civilization will sooner or later come to collapse, faced with some kind of global catastrophe,” he commented during a conference at Recode.

Are we going to the "cloud"?

Venture capitalist Sam Altman is of the same opinion. He believes that information technology can ultimately destroy all life in the universe. And the only way not to die is to connect the brain with artificial intelligence, learning to upload human consciousness into a virtual "cloud".

Moreover, Sam Altman is confident that this process has already begun. “These smartphones already control us,” he says. - The merger is the best scenario for us. Any other versions not related to it will lead to conflict: one way or another, either we will enslave artificial intelligence, or it will enslave us … We must transfer humanity to a new, higher level of existence, since our descendants will either conquer the galaxy or completely destroy everything consciousness in the universe.

Well, let's say it will be proven that we are the inhabitants of the Matrix. And what will it give us? If humanity somehow manages to break out of the virtual simulation, will our life be better from this? Maybe we'll just cease to exist? Or, on the contrary, will our consciousness be freed and no longer depend on the laws of the virtual world? However, for now, those who are behind these studies just want to KNOW. And then - let's see …

Irina Shlionskaya