There Are No Accidents, Or Who Is The Master On Earth - - Alternative View

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There Are No Accidents, Or Who Is The Master On Earth - - Alternative View
There Are No Accidents, Or Who Is The Master On Earth - - Alternative View


We take seats according to the purchased tickets, today there is a rumor about why there are no accidents in nature and what the law of cause and effect is.

The world is not so complicated, it has certain laws and if you know them, then well done and keep your happiness. Well, if you don't know, then, as one school teacher on labors used to say: "Blame yourself, my friend." So, let's not be friends, we drove to understand the realities of life.

Why there are no accidents

There is such a thing - the law of cause and effect. The law says: any circumstance in our life entails a certain result and, conversely, any result was achieved due to a certain circumstance. Everything is natural, there are no accidents.

The operation of the law is best understood with a specific example. We simulate the situation. Today you had a bad day: you were late for work because you overslept. We slept because we went to bed late and went to bed late because our best friend had his birthday yesterday. Well, my friend's birthday was just yesterday, because once upon a time his mother had a good guess. Each phenomenon in this plot can be easily broken down into cause and effect:

  1. the reason is the friend's birthday, the consequence is that he went to bed late;
  2. cause - went to bed late, consequence - overslept;
  3. cause - overslept, consequence - late for work.

Our entire life consists of a very long chain of cause and effect. You don't have to be Sherlock to realize how basic everything is. Knowledge of the laws of nature is sewn into a person along with the rest of the factory settings. But in the real world, not everything is as simple and elementary as on paper.

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Why do we believe in coincidences

A man has one gorgeous ability: for some reason he really loves to believe in all sorts of crap. We found three main points that prevent people from realizing that there are no accidents. Let's dwell on these nuances in more detail, because sooner or later this information will save someone.


Naivety moment

This point is the reason for all the coincidences in our life. "Naivety" here means the ability to blindly believe that something random on planet Earth does exist.

This happens because we do not know how to observe, here is one question for you, for example: how random are you? How accidental was the appearance of just one small cell in this huge world, and then the creation of an extremely complex organism from it with a hundred trillion cells, which apparently also randomly united into organs and learned to interact with each other?

Man is a fantastic example of how everything in nature is interconnected and natural. I don't like this example - take a look at things around you. Have you ever thought about trees? How accidentally do trees exist on Earth? How random are they exactly green? Do they accidentally produce oxygen? The water cycle in nature, the food chain, the change of seasons - how unobservant do you need to be to miss all this?

Despite the above, many of us magically decide to go beyond nature itself (of which we are all a part) and begin to broadcast about the wonderful world of coincidence. A good example of this "oversight" is our article with proofs on the topic of material thoughts, which should not have been at all if a person could observe.

In general, if you are one of the above-named gentlemen who like to complain about accidents and coincidences, then just do not laugh at yourself and do not waste precious time on left thoughts.

Teaching moment

It is impossible to understand the reason for some things at once. The man was hit by a car. The consequence here is obvious - the car hit a man. But for what purpose did this happen, what is the point? This person has been grossly guilty or does not value life, maybe he is a Catholic, or his parents don't like him, or maybe he just needs to be more attentive ???

There is definitely a reason, because there are no accidents in this world. Sometimes a variety of events take place, and sometimes you get lost among a ton of guesses on the topic "Why did this happen to me?" But it should be so, we cannot have complete information, because otherwise the interest in life will be lost. This is how a person is arranged: ignorance gives rise to a desire for knowledge, and this desire is interest.

Search for answers to the question "why?" essential for growth. In search, we think, come to conclusions and change our lives in accordance with the conclusions made. Failure to understand the cause of events is good and ensures our development. Reading about the improvement of the world will help to deal with this in detail, and we go further.

Psychological moment

The psychological moment lies in the fact that we do not like responsibility and in every possible way deny it. Imagine Athanasius, who does not like his job with all his heart. The consequence is not difficult to determine - it will be bad work. What about the reason?


Now an ordinary average Athanasius would answer something like: “The work is bad, because the time is not easy now,” or “The work is bad, because it turned out that way,” or “Now all jobs are the same,” or something else like that. And all because Afanasy's ego turned on, which prevents him from honestly admitting that he is an asshole himself and there are no accidents.

No matter how many jobs with bad conditions, there are in any case those on which the conditions are excellent. Most likely, the reason for the poor work is that Afanasy is still a poor specialist or has chosen the wrong occupation, or does not value himself. The reason for this is Athanasius himself.

Like our hero, we often prefer to stay blind because it’s easier and safer.

What does it all give us

And finally, the apotheosis of today's lecture: the example described above shows that a person himself is able to be the cause of consequences in his life. For a better understanding of this fact, it is desirable to imagine how this world works.

We just need to stop being afraid of responsibility, because the more it is, the more a person is able to influence the course of events in his life. In this case, responsibility is such a thing that expands our capabilities.

Don't believe us? Do not believe the words of writers and thinkers? Meet this Brian Tracy, and there is hardly a person on the planet who knows more about success than Brian. Here's what he thinks about it all:


Initially, nothing is predetermined, and fate is the path that you choose yourself.

There is no place for chaos on Earth, everything is ordered in it and every thing has a meaning. There are no accidents, nature knows nothing about such concepts as "luck", "luck", or "coincidence".

Being separate from nature and its laws, a person never achieves anything, so if you plan to create something grandiose in this life, you have found useful information. And remember, the inner Athanasius slumbers in each of us, so we do not forget to send him to distant lands if necessary.

PS All characters and events are fictional, the authors respect each Afanasy and apologize for being mentioned in an unpleasant context.

At the Top of Mind Team