About The Passage Of Time - Alternative View

About The Passage Of Time - Alternative View
About The Passage Of Time - Alternative View

Video: About The Passage Of Time - Alternative View

Video: About The Passage Of Time - Alternative View
Video: Sean Carroll | The Passage of Time & the Meaning of Life 2024, September

Each person throughout his life has observed the phenomenal property that time has: it can shrink and stretch.

E. Senancourt once said: "Time flies faster, the closer we come to old age."

I remember that at school 45 minutes of a lesson seemed like an eternity to me, and for a 10-minute break I managed to do so many things that now would not have been enough for an hour. In childhood, time passes very slowly, and in old age flies by instantly. Also, the time can change depending on our physical condition and mood.

R. Aldington put it this way: "Time shortens in minutes of happiness and stretches out in hours of suffering."

And it is true. Doing what we love or sitting at the table with good friends, we sometimes do not notice how hours fly by, and during the illness, lying in bed with a temperature, it seems to us that time has stopped ….

My story will be about this phenomenon.

Several years ago I worked for a large company. Our office was at a decent distance from my house. There was no direct transport, and I had to get there with a transfer. At that time, we were doing very well, the company was growing, we received high wages and everyone held on to their jobs. For being late, as they say, one could easily resign under the article "Violation of labor discipline."

In the morning, as usual, I left the house, got on a crowded bus and went to work. After a couple of stops, the driver got stuck in a traffic jam. There was no traffic light at the intersection, and several cars collided with each other. Precious time was wasted. I didn’t have time to change.

Promotional video:

The watch shows 8:50. There is no money for a taxi, and, whatever one may say, to go to the office at a brisk pace of 25 mieut. Deadlock situation.

And then a story I read about a man who ruled time comes to my mind. So I decided to try. He sat down on a bench, closed his eyes, relaxed, took several deep breaths, leveled, so to speak, the pulse, calmed down …. I imagined a large dial in front of me and mentally began to rotate the non-existent clock hands back. Then he got up and walked briskly towards work. I walk, and the feeling is as if everything around me is from another reality. I even hear sounds differently. Or even completely, as in a vacuum, it is quiet. I did not notice how I approached the gate. I go into the territory, in the foyer of the office on the clock that hangs on the wall, 8:55. I can't believe my eyes, I look at my wristwatches - 8:55. I stand in a stupor, then I look at my hand, then at the wall with the clock and I would have stood for a long time if my friend had not called out. I told my colleagues at work - they did not believe it. Tell me this storyand I wouldn't believe it. But it happened to me, here believe - don't believe.

How many times after this incident I experimented, nothing like that happened, apparently, I really wanted to stop time then.