List Of 7 Wonders Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

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List Of 7 Wonders Of The Ancient World - Alternative View
List Of 7 Wonders Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Video: List Of 7 Wonders Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Video: List Of 7 Wonders Of The Ancient World - Alternative View
Video: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: an Overview 2024, October

There are many places in the world that are mysterious and enigmatic. But only a few of them are recognized as true miracles, which were no longer equal on Earth. We present to your attention 7 wonders of the world - the list consists of the following items:

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

This exclusive complex is included in the list of 7 wonders of the world. The basis of the gardens of Semiramis was a monumental building in four tiers, erected in the form of a pyramid. Hanging green spaces combined with fountains and ponds have turned it into a true oasis. According to the old legend, these gardens were created for the wife of the Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar II named Amitis.


It took a lot of water to keep the green miracle alive. The problem was solved at the expense of human resources, or rather, slave labor. The slaves rotated non-stop a wooden wheel, to which leather wineskins were tied. This wheel took water from the river (according to another version - from some underground sources). Water was pumped into the uppermost tier, and from there flowed down a complex system of numerous channels.

After the death of the ruler Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon for some time became the residence of Alexander the Great. After the death of the great commander, the city began to gradually fall into desolation, the gardens of Semiramis were also left without proper care. After a while, a nearby river overflowed its banks, which led to the erosion of the building's foundation.

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Pharaoh Cheops pyramid

This current geographic feature, which is also on the list of the 7 wonders of the world, is sometimes called the Great Pyramid of Giza. It serves as the tomb of the Egyptian ruler Cheops (Khufu). The pyramid was erected near Giza, a suburb of Cairo. To create this miracle, it took the joint efforts of 100 thousand people. According to the calculations of archaeologists, the work continued for about twenty years.


The construction of the Cheops pyramid took more than two million limestone blocks, each weighing about 2.5 tons. Initially, the height of the monument reached 147 meters (approximately as 5 nine-story buildings, set one on top of the other). The pyramid was partially covered with sand, so its height decreased to 137 meters. Nevertheless, it can rightfully be considered the most grandiose monument to human vanity.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The ruins of this antique building, erected in the fifth century BC, the reader can personally get acquainted with. They are located in the territory that belongs to modern Turkey. The temple, included in the list of 7 wonders of the world, was built in honor of the patroness of love relationships and family hearth - the goddess Artemis. The money for the construction of the religious building was provided by the Lydian king Croesus, whose name has become a symbol of wealth.


The Temple of Artemis was destroyed during a fire started by Herostratus. This citizen of Ephesus wanted to become famous in this way. The impudent madman was sentenced to death, and his name should be consigned to oblivion. Nevertheless, we know the history of Herostratus, thanks to the writings of the ancient Greek historian Theopomp.

By the beginning of the 3rd century BC. at the behest of Alexander the Great, the temple of Artemis was restored to its original appearance. But, unfortunately, the architectural masterpiece was not destined to survive to this day. In 263, the temple complex was partially plundered by the Goths, and later it was closed due to the persecution that absolutely all pagan cults were subjected to.

Zeus statue in Olympia

In honor of the God-Thunderer, a truly monumental structure was erected. The Temple of Zeus was entirely built of marble, including even the roof. Along the perimeter of the sanctuary, there were 34 columns made of limestone. The walls of the temple were covered with picturesque bas-reliefs depicting the ancient Greek god, as well as the exploits of Hercules.


But the list of 7 wonders of the world did not include the temple complex, but the statue of Zeus. The ancient Greek sculptor Phidias worked on the realization of this masterpiece. The body of the god was created of ivory; a great many rare gems and about 200 kg of gold without the slightest admixture of ligature were also used to decorate the statue. The eyes of the Thunderer seemed to be throwing lightning, and the head and shoulders shimmered with unearthly light.

According to legend, lightning struck the center of the marble floor of the temple. This was seen as an expression of approval from Zeus. A copper altar was erected at the site of the impact. The statue of Zeus collapsed in a fire that occurred in the temple in 425. There is another version, according to which she was transported to Istanbul, where the figure of the Thunderer was burned down in 476.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

The ancient city of Halicarnassus was famous for the residences of nobles, theaters and green gardens. But the list of 7 wonders of the world did not include these architectural beauties, but the tomb of the cruel ruler Mavsol. The mausoleum had 3 levels, the total height of the building was 46 meters. This man-made masterpiece combines several architectural trends.


Traditional columns, as well as statues of horsemen and lions were used to decorate the mausoleum. At the very top there was a sculpture of King Mavsol, proudly seated in a chariot drawn by horses. The mausoleum stood for about 19 centuries, the cause of its destruction was a strong earthquake. An interesting fact - some fragments of the mausoleum were used to build the fortress of St. Peter.

Alexandrian lighthouse

Pharos lighthouse was built in the 3rd century BC, it is also included in the world famous list of the 7 wonders of the world. This facility was supposed to help seagoing vessels safely overcome coastal reefs and avoid shipwreck. During the day, the sailors were led by a column of smoke, and at night they could navigate by the tongues of flame.


The Alexandria lighthouse towered 120 meters above sea level, its signals could be seen at a distance of up to 48 km. The upper part of the structure was decorated with a statue of Isis-Faria, who was revered as the patroness of seafarers. To make the light flow as efficient as possible, the builders used an original curved mirror system.

The Pharos lighthouse, like many other objects from the list of 7 wonders of the world, was destroyed in a rather trivial way. It was destroyed by a powerful earthquake in the middle of the 14th century. Scientists discovered some fragments of the Alexandria lighthouse on the seabed during research in 1996.

The Colossus of Rhodes

This statue was made in honor of Helios (the sun god). It was assumed that the height of the figure would be 18 meters, but later it was decided to make it 36 meters. The statue in the form of a youth god was cast from bronze, it is located on a marble pedestal. The construction was carried out on a hill created by artificial means. Stones were placed inside the figure, which was done to increase the stability of the structure.


The sculptor Hares, who worked on the Colossus of Rhodes, made a mistake in determining the amount of materials needed. The master had to borrow a lot of money to be able to complete his masterpiece. Hares was completely ruined and surrounded by creditors, the sculptor committed suicide.

The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed by an earthquake in 222 or 226 BC. The statue broke at the knees, and its fragments continued to lie in place for about 1000 years. The fragments of the Colossus were sold by the Arabs, who captured Rhodes in 977. To take out the parts of the sculpture, it was necessary to equip a caravan consisting of 900 camels.