Nicholas The Wonderworker Saved From Death - Alternative View

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Nicholas The Wonderworker Saved From Death - Alternative View
Nicholas The Wonderworker Saved From Death - Alternative View

Video: Nicholas The Wonderworker Saved From Death - Alternative View

Video: Nicholas The Wonderworker Saved From Death - Alternative View
Video: 10 Actors Who Turned Into Monsters 2024, September

The Holy Fathers call one of the main human sins despondency and despair in salvation, when people who have lost hope do not see any other way out than voluntary departure from life. However, in any situation, one should hope for the best. Real miracles happen. Our heroes are absolutely sure of this, having received help from God at the very last moment.

Tatiana identified her savior when she saw the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the church

“I hated God and lost my faith at the age of 16, when my dad died in a car accident,” Tatyana Petrenko, a resident of Gelendzhik, begins her story. - Mom, gradually fading away, turned into an invalid, and in order not to lose the last loved one, I dropped out of school, packed my childhood in a gift box and took it to the trash can. For many years I could not psychologically recover from the tragedy.

After some time, a man appeared in her life - a young successful businessman Alexander Petrenko, who took her beloved and her mother to a five-room apartment in the center of Moscow. Nine months after the wedding, a daughter was born, then another. The happiness ended in an instant.

- I was preparing dinner, when suddenly the phone rang, and an indifferent voice said: "Slippery track … lost control," - Tatiana recalls. - After the funeral, new troubles rained down. The collapsed business of her husband, where he was a director, turned into large debts. With the remaining savings, I rented a room on the outskirts of Moscow. I was looking for a job, but everywhere I was refused - there was neither experience nor seniority.

Having experienced the second time a strong shock, left at 32 without support, money, with a disabled mother and two children, Tanya fell into a deep depression and decided to commit suicide and those close to her. Having dissolved the sleeping pills, the woman was going to poison the old woman and her daughters in the evening. The plan was thwarted by a mysterious visitor. “He was an elderly man with a gray beard and kind blue eyes. He introduced himself as a plumber Nikolai Georgievich.

My tap was really leaking, but I didn't call anyone. I decided that I had forgotten, since the last days were not myself from hunger and despair. “You are very tired, honey. But this will no longer be useful to you,”the old man said anxiously, poured out the sleeping pills and threw the remaining pills into the window. I fainted…

I woke up when he came back with bags filled with groceries. Then he took a few crumpled bills from his jacket pocket, saying that this would be enough for us for the first time. And he added: “You will still be happy. You must bring up goodness in your daughters, take care of them. It is impossible for a person to leave the earth ahead of time. " And when asked how I can thank him, he answered: "Do not look for me, but if you want to thank me, go to church and pray."

Promotional video:

From that moment on, Petrenko's life began to improve. Found a job in a branch of an advertising company in her beloved city of Gelendzhik. The director found her an apartment near the sea, assigned the girls to a kindergarten, and hired a nurse for their mother. “Now I know that God is indeed sending us keepers. After all, after my grandfather's visit, I immediately went to church. And on the icon, with fear and trembling, I saw the one who led me away from the fatal act. The same face, look, blue eyes, beard - it was Saint Nicholas the saint!

Mysterious Passenger

A resident of Minsk, Irina Serbenchuk, also came across miraculous help when she told about the accident with her grandson Andrei Denisenko, who at that time was four years old. - His palm was pressed against the bus door. The driver immediately began to open it, but this pressed the small handle even more: it twisted in one direction, then in the other.

Passengers came running, called an ambulance, my grandson was shouting, I was crying. The brush was swollen in front of his eyes, turned blue, he could not move it. A man with a very familiar face made his way to us, but I could not remember where I saw him. He took Andrei's hand, stroked it, whispered something. The child calmed down, closed his eyes, began to fall asleep.


While they were picking him up, the man disappeared, and there was no tumor, not even a bruise on the child's hand! The most interesting thing is that none of those who were around, were delighted and bewildered, did not remember that this person was traveling with us on the bus. Out of nowhere came out and disappeared into nowhere.

Woman in white

Crimean Andrei Zinoviev tells about God's presence: at the age of seven, he had an accident and experienced clinical death. “God exists, and now I know it,” the man says. - My father and I were returning by car from fishing. A car jumped out to meet, a collision occurred. In an instant I ascended over the road, saw from above the twisted cars, a falling out fishing cage and sprawling crayfish, an ambulance, the police, myself on a stretcher.

It wasn't scary: a smiling woman in a white robe was holding my hand. I don't remember her words - only a huge feeling of love for all that exists, which overwhelmed me at that moment. This feeling still does not leave me, it lives somewhere inside, approximately in the solar plexus area. When I woke up in the hospital, my mother said that my heart did not beat for a minute and a half.