TOP 5 Planets Suitable For Colonization - Alternative View

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TOP 5 Planets Suitable For Colonization - Alternative View
TOP 5 Planets Suitable For Colonization - Alternative View

Video: TOP 5 Planets Suitable For Colonization - Alternative View

Video: TOP 5 Planets Suitable For Colonization - Alternative View
Video: 10 Places for New Human Colonies In Our Solar System | Unveiled 2024, October

Space has always attracted the inhabitants of the Earth with its unknown and infinity. Just think how many more unexplored objects exist in outer space and how much more you will have to surf the vastness of space in order to identify and study them. The obsession with the colonization of other planets has not left NASA astronomers for a long time. And even if the predictions about the end of the world in 2012 did not come true, representatives of the scientific world still admit such a situation, as a result of which the population of the Earth will need to be transported to other planets. So colonization will begin. However, the main question remains where exactly it will be rational to "move" earthlings. What planets of the solar system are most suitable for the life of earthlings? The answers to these questions can be found below.

Numerous studies of the atmosphere, soil, surface of the Earth provide certain criteria by which astronomers determine how much a planet is similar to ours and how much its conditions will be suitable and comfortable for humans. Experts examined the data and compiled a TOP-5 list of planets that could be populated by humanity in the event of a global catastrophe that would destroy all favorable conditions for life on Earth.

1st place: Mars

Yes, the red planet tops the list of the most "benevolent" planets. This means that the conditions of Mars are most favorable for colonization. For example, the first advantage of Mars is the ability to produce food resources and oxygen right on the spot. This factor will allow to fulfill the task of terraforming and contributes to the creation of living conditions similar to those on earth. The second advantage of the red planet is that the length of the day is only 24 hours and 39 minutes. It will be easy for humanity and animals to adapt to such conditions, because it is only 39 minutes more than on Earth. The third, and perhaps one of the important advantages, is the availability of water. Humanity cannot live without water, because Mars is favorable, because it has water resources in its arsenal. Besides all this,the soil of Mars is suitable for growing terrestrial plants, and in the depths of the earth's covers there is a huge amount of minerals. This will allow humanity to develop the extractive industry and manufacturing. However, despite a large number of advantages, the planet Mars has its disadvantages. For example, a weak magnetic field that cannot provide adequate protection against radiation. The next drawback of Mars can be considered the air temperature, which is -55 degrees Celsius. In such a cold environment, hardly anyone will be comfortable living. And finally, there is a high probability of falling meteorites. A weak magnetic field will not allow protecting the planet and excluding cases of falling meteorites, which also creates a potential hazard. In the meantime, Mars is the most suitable planet for the colonization of earthlings.and in the depths of the earth's covers there is a huge amount of minerals. This will allow humanity to develop the extractive industry and manufacturing. However, despite a large number of advantages, the planet Mars has its disadvantages. For example, a weak magnetic field that cannot provide adequate protection against radiation. The next drawback of Mars can be considered the air temperature, which is -55 degrees Celsius. In such a cold environment, hardly anyone will be comfortable living. And finally, there is a high probability of falling meteorites. A weak magnetic field will not allow protecting the planet and excluding cases of falling meteorites, which also creates a potential hazard. In the meantime, Mars is the most suitable planet for the colonization of earthlings.and in the depths of the earth's covers there is a huge amount of minerals. This will allow humanity to develop the extractive industry and manufacturing. However, despite a large number of advantages, the planet Mars has its disadvantages. For example, a weak magnetic field that cannot provide adequate protection against radiation. The next drawback of Mars can be considered the air temperature, which is -55 degrees Celsius. In such a cold environment, hardly anyone will be comfortable living. And finally, there is a high probability of falling meteorites. A weak magnetic field will not allow protecting the planet and excluding cases of falling meteorites, which also creates a potential hazard. In the meantime, Mars is the most suitable planet for the colonization of earthlings. However, despite a large number of advantages, the planet Mars has its disadvantages. For example, a weak magnetic field that cannot provide adequate protection against radiation. The next drawback of Mars can be considered the air temperature, which is -55 degrees Celsius. In such a cold environment, hardly anyone will be comfortable living. And finally, there is a high probability of falling meteorites. A weak magnetic field will not allow protecting the planet and excluding cases of falling meteorites, which also creates a potential hazard. In the meantime, Mars is the most suitable planet for the colonization of earthlings. However, despite a large number of advantages, the planet Mars has its disadvantages. For example, a weak magnetic field that cannot provide adequate protection against radiation. The next drawback of Mars can be considered the air temperature, which is -55 degrees Celsius. In such a cold environment, hardly anyone will be comfortable living. And finally, there is a high probability of falling meteorites. A weak magnetic field will not allow protecting the planet and excluding cases of falling meteorites, which also creates a potential hazard. In the meantime, Mars is the most suitable planet for the colonization of earthlings.which is -55 degrees Celsius. In such a cold environment, hardly anyone will be comfortable living. And finally, there is a high probability of falling meteorites. A weak magnetic field will not allow protecting the planet and excluding cases of falling meteorites, which also creates a potential hazard. In the meantime, Mars is the most suitable planet for the colonization of earthlings.which is -55 degrees Celsius. In such a cold environment, hardly anyone will be comfortable living. And finally, there is a high probability of falling meteorites. A weak magnetic field will not allow protecting the planet and excluding cases of falling meteorites, which also creates a potential hazard. In the meantime, Mars is the most suitable planet for the colonization of earthlings.


2nd place: Titan

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Yes, this particular satellite of Saturn is the second most favorable conditions for possible colonization. According to extreme research, Titan has hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. In fact, this is all that is necessary for life. A strong magnetic field will provide protection from radiation and external factors; the planet also has water resources and is suitable for obtaining rocket fuel. The planet is rich in oil. It is concentrated in lakes and there is an unmeasured amount. Such conditions will allow people to establish fuel production and chemical industry in the future. However, even Titan has several disadvantages. For example, the first can be called low pressure, which is not characteristic of the Earth. It can take some time to adapt to these conditions. Titanium also has a low air temperature and a high content of hydrogen cyanide. Titan has a very low gravity, which is 7 times lower than Earth's. This factor can seriously harm people's health.


3rd place: Venus

One of the hottest planets, according to scientists, is also suitable for colonization, if necessary. The planet is covered with dense clouds, which are the culprit for high temperatures. The tightness keeps the temperature at 477 degrees Celsius, but scientists are confident that if the problem with clouds is solved, Venus will be able to provide quite favorable conditions for the population of earthlings. In addition, getting to Venus will not be difficult, because it is close to Earth. Venus is similar to Earth in dimensionality, but its distinctive features cast doubt on its favorableness. For example, the planet has no water resources. This is perhaps one of the main problems, because water resources are necessary for the normal life of earthlings. Also, if you remove dense clouds, the planet may be exposed to radiation,because the magnetic field of Venus is also weak and will not be able to provide the proper level of protection. Another difference between Venus will be the length of the day, which is equal to 58.5 earthly. Scientists do not lose hope and are developing specific ways to deal with clouds, high temperatures and long days. However, in the future, Venus may well become a platform for the life of earthlings.


4th place: Moon

Yes, yes, it was the Moon that took the 4th place. Why so far, you ask? There are a number of reasons for this, which we will talk about now. The only advantages of an Earth satellite is the presence of water, which is concentrated at the poles and proximity to the Earth. The benefits end there. Among the disadvantages of the moon are a weak magnetic field and the absence of an atmosphere suitable for life. Another negative factor is the presence of moon dust, which penetrates the human lungs and causes harm. It will be quite difficult to make the moon habitable, however, if necessary, this is possible, although it will take a lot of time and effort.


5th place: Proxima Centauri b

The least attractive exoplanet for colonization, which was discovered in 2016. Proxima Centauri beta orbits the star Proxima Centauri and is the only planet outside the solar system suitable for colonization. The average temperature of the planet is -40 degrees Celsius, and the length of one year is 11 Earth days. The exoplanet is facing its star with only one side, therefore it is always day on one half of the planet, and night on the other. The advantage can be called a relatively close location to Earth, because it will be possible to reach the planet in more than 4 light years. So far, there is no confirmation of signs of life on the planet, but scientists do not lose hope and plan to investigate the planet Proxima Centauri beta in more detail.


Population programs for other planets are now a common trend among astronomers who plan to land a man on Mars for 20 years. How successful such an experiment will be is unknown, but in the event of a global catastrophe, we have as many as 5 planets that can replace our home.