Why Iran And North Korea Are Silent About Cities On The Moon? - Alternative View

Why Iran And North Korea Are Silent About Cities On The Moon? - Alternative View
Why Iran And North Korea Are Silent About Cities On The Moon? - Alternative View

Video: Why Iran And North Korea Are Silent About Cities On The Moon? - Alternative View

Video: Why Iran And North Korea Are Silent About Cities On The Moon? - Alternative View
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One of the constant topics of modern ufology is all sorts of incomprehensible structures on the moon, which enthusiasts regularly find in NASA images. And although the analysis of satellite images is a whole military specialty that people have been taught for years, there are a lot of objects on the official photos of the moon, the artificial origin of which is obvious even to a child.


Although there are a lot of such objects, and some of them generally look like the ruins of cities, the theory of the presence of aliens on the Moon has one weak point: the source of the images.

That is, although all these lunar structures are very amazing, they cannot be vouched for their authenticity, since the source of the images is the official space agencies of the United States, Russia, China and others like them.

However, progress is underway and today telescopes, which not every state observatory could afford 50 years ago, have appeared in the armament of private individuals. In particular, a certain mister Mr Collector33 acquired, apparently, a cool telescope a couple of weeks ago and is now sharing his lunar images with the blog:

Promotional video:

Mr Collector33 is not the first or the last of his kind. Today, many people have good telescopes, and for at least ten years now, these people have been uploading their photos and videos to blogs and YuoTube.

And what is there just not: some tall buildings, and objects resembling landing platforms, and flying lights, and sometimes these luminous structures are simply enormous in size and move at an inconceivable speed. And what is the result of all these observations?

And there is no result, the officials, like many years ago, stupidly sing their old song about the fact that the moon is uninhabited. At the same time, which is very strange, this approach unites the officials of ALL countries.

Take Iran, for example. A large, rich country that can build its own telescope with a three-meter mirror, which can launch a satellite into space and show the whole world that the Earth is round / flat, which can publish data from military radars, which perfectly see how over the world that something flies constantly. For their opponents from NASA, this would be an informational blow below the belt, since the whole world would immediately convict the US government of lying.

But Iran is silent, as is North Korea and other "fighters against global evil." A simple conclusion follows from this that all these “fighters” are actually on the same side, and if they are fighting something, then only with humanity.
