True Aryans - Alternative View

True Aryans - Alternative View
True Aryans - Alternative View

Video: True Aryans - Alternative View

Video: True Aryans - Alternative View
Video: Inside the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang 2024, October

It should be admitted that I have a great dislike for nonsense in any of its manifestations, and not only for those that were once purposefully inflated by the German fascists and the gagged Podatar Mongolians "with slanted and greedy eyes"; more modern historical nonsense, calculated by academic mathematicians and inflated by their retinue to the point of complete lewdness, are equally unpleasant to me. Worst of all, "darkness and darkness and darkness" are ready to believe in any absurdity, despite the fact that now, in the age of the Internet, literally all information lies on the surface and even with pictures.


I understand that a man with such an unintentional face, the stepson of a "Russian" general named Franz Feliksovich Kublitsky-Piottukh, and even the husband of the daughter of a physicist-chemist, technologist and oilman with a typically Russian surname Mendelieev, who himself wears an indistinct cigarette-ruminant "Russian" the surname Blok, you can write similar nonsense in 1918:

“Millions are you. We are darkness and darkness and darkness.

Try it, fight with us!

Yes, we are the Scythians! Yes, Asians are we

With slanted and greedy eyes! …"

It is not for nothing that the Nobel laureate Ivan Bunin wrote about him: “The song is generally simple, but Blok is a stupid man. Russian literature has been unusually corrupted over the past decades. The street, the crowd began to play a very important role."

Promotional video:

It was pardonable for this Asian metropolitan Scythian to Mongolize OUR history, a kind of curly hair, with such cow-like eyes, covered with curly noodles with burdock ears and a nose looking dejectedly into his lower lip, in every squinting Bolshevik, he fancied a singing Mongolian singing and shu he piled everything that the suffering soul of the poet could extract from the limited operative memory of the brain, poor in knowledge. But by and large, he didn’t need it, he’s a child of art, he’s all so angularly pensive and made of subtle matters. And we are not forgiven, we are made of meat and bone sewn into a leather bag, we have a brain, not delicate matter, we have the Internet, and not a pencil for picking our nose, we, in the end, cannot help but eat and defecate, so let's figure out how everything really happened,and so that lessons can be learned from history, history must be real, whatever this very realism is, and not the kind that they are strenuously imposed on us, the Scythian-thirsty-eyed …

In the matter of enlightenment, I will probably go according to the plan set out in the title, that is, I will start the analysis with the Aryans. What did the "true Aryans" look like? With the light hand of one of the founders and ideologists of the current so-called "historical science", Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Josef Goebbels (by the way, his surname is actually pronounced nevertheless closer to Hoepbels, but the name is still pronounced in Hebrew - Yosef, but so that the people understood who we were talking about, let's leave the clumsy Bolshevik label “Josef Goebbels” unchanged), everyone thinks that he knows how a true Aryan should look, so that's not how it is! I hasten to disappoint you: the true Aryans looked more like Josef Goebbels himself, rather than like the image he painted with such zeal. No blond beasts and cypress slenderness of tall heroes, but quite the opposite,true Aryans were black-haired, hairy in body, the sprout was mostly below average, dirty, noses and smelly, here they are, dear, in all their glory, real miraculous heroes, admire:

Aryans near Kabul in 1878
Aryans near Kabul in 1878

Aryans near Kabul in 1878.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that tales about "true Aryans" are still not a German development: the specialists of the "Third Reich" only brought the phantasmagoric tales of the British to absurdity, who first encountered them during the initial capture of the Indian subcontinent, modestly called "the suppression of the Sepoy uprising 1857-1859 ". In fact, the scale of the lie is comparable to that used to rename the all-European (in fact, the first world) "Great Eastern War" against the Russian Empire of Nikolai Pavlovich, mockingly and derogatoryly called simply "Crimean War." It is not for nothing that the British are called "the fathers of lies", only the current Chinese can compete with them in the primacy for the dubious title of the best liars, but the English were still the first. Asian stories, like the rest of today's "stories",if you start not biased to understand, they turn out to be surprisingly the same type and (which is not at all surprising) in most cases are of British origin, and world history, like pebbled skin, under the pressure of evidence shrinks to one single century, called "XIX", about which, it turns out, NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING … Yes, such is the paradox, historians write tons of volumes about anything, any antiquity: a thousand years? yes easily! two thousand?! yes, please, hello! three thousand years BC? !!! oo-oo-oo, there is no way to do without the Aryans … but at the same time, until recently, the neighboring "XIX" century remains terra incognita for everyone, they do not write about it, they do not know it, there is some taboo, however … in fact, everything is simple, ALL CURRENT HISTORICAL SCIENCE DESCRIBES ONE SINGLE CENTURY, STRETCHED FOR MILLENNIUMS,and its invisibility is explained from a physical point of view very simply: if you look at something through contact lenses or glasses, you do not see the glasses or lenses themselves, but see only what is visible THROUGH them. Moreover, in the third world countries "XIX" century dragged on even until the 30s of the "XX" century! And nothing, the current "historical science" did not even choke, continuing its quiet ball stroke … I will not say that I was born so smart right away, no, to figure this out, it took me more than two decades, I will say more, back in the fifteenth year I believed that the "eighteenth century", well, it certainly was, although facts killed it as mercilessly as the rest of the brick-colored centuries, and I first met real Asian history in the works published in the journal of my friend rus_turk, where even through the most severe censorship such things made their waythat the "historical science" invented by foreign historians for the stupid children of native workers and peasants can be boldly wiped up the backside, or twisted cigarettes to wipe, then nervously smoke away from the feeling of just indignation after understanding how cruelly we are being led by the nose.

Yes, of course, for someone the phrase of GS Karelin from the "Journal of the Expedition of 1832", incomprehensibly missed by the censors and included in the "Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society on General Geography." Volume X. 1883”, may sound harmless:

"… Jumakul and his brother Mametkul, who returned from Khiva in three days with the news that the possessions of the khanate were occupied by Persian troops, told us …"

Shahzadeh Abbas-Mirza
Shahzadeh Abbas-Mirza

Shahzadeh Abbas-Mirza.

If you do not know that, according to the official history, THE KHIVIN KHANATE WAS CONCEPTED BY IRAN UNDER NADIR SHAH, allegedly in 1740, according to the official history, that is, the Asian "stories" do not differ from the rest in this regard, and literary characters finally took over the real actors faces, so the really great Asian warrior Shahzadeh Abbas-Mirza lost his identity under the husk of nicknames and literary clichés like “Iskendar-zul-Karnein” (Alexander Dvurogy), “Abbas the Great” or there “Nadir-Shah”, and the father of this Asian Alexander The Macedonian Shah Feth-Ali Kajar (Baba Khan), without hesitation, stuck the nickname "Philip of Macedon", well, at least not "Fedka" was called;and the Pashtun Purdil Khan was renamed Perdika and was called Diadoch … By no less strange coincidence, the mountaineers "Macedonians" wore for some reason a strange cut felt hat "kausiyu", originating from the "Pakol", which was widely circulated among the Pashtun and Nuristan tribes Sindh and the future of Afghanistan.


The fact is that the story for the “ancient Macedonians” and the completed fantasy project about the adventures of Alexander the Great was invented by the British in the late 70s of the XIX century, and then the Anglo-Afghan war was going on, so the writers of “ancient history” had where to get tokens for units.



The very same incomprehensible shepherds "ancient Macedonians" have always lived in the same place as now, however, modern "historians" Karakachans, Kutsovlakhs (Aromanians) and Meglen Romanians do not in any way correlate with the "ancient Macedonians" and "Thessalians", as well as and apricots are considered in no way connected with the “Turks” or the same zeybeks, for example, cannot be “ancient Phrygians” in any way from the point of view of modern official historians … although, as the literary character Kozma Prutkov used to say: “If the elephant's cage says“buffalo "- do not believe your eyes!" …

Okay, I will not escalate the already depressing situation, I will just say that the real homeland of the Aryans is not even in Iran, despite the fact that pedia produces this name from “avest. Aryanam Dahuinam ", while claiming that this is the genetics of the" Country of the Aryans "- I will refute this delusion and assert that the very name" Iran "was assigned to the country only in 1936 and was put into circulation only the previous year by Reza Shah Pahlavi … By the way, it is very convenient to blame everything on the so-called. "Avestan language". For those who do not know: this is Volyapyuk, on which, in the second half of the 19th century, English "specialists" wrote the British "Word about Igor's Campaign", at the whim of the slovobludtsy bearing the name "Avesta" (remember, Latin alphabet begins ABCD, that is "Avesta" is stupidly "abvgdeika" and in the original version should be interpreted as "abesde"),and the same notorious "Sanskrit", which is used as an example for everyone, comes from the words "san script" - "holy scripture". That is, relying on the phantasmagoria, which says that Avesta is written in the Avestan language, we can safely say that the tale of the kolobok is written in the Kolobchan language, and the language of one of the most ugly miscarriages of the mid-19th century, War and mir "is written in the" voi-imir "dialect of European languages, and due to an absurd oversight of the Ministry of Education, instead of the heading" foreign literature in a foreign language ", got into the section" classics of Russian literature. " Yes, and do not pass by Reza Shah Pahlavi himself - a wonderful example of his era, in fact the Iranian clone of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - even what is written in pedia is enough to recognize Siamese twins in these founders of modern Iran and Turkey:both are children of unknown fathers with a "great" past unknown to anyone before them, so there were slight differences, Mustafa was raised by the French, so Turkey became a republic, and Reza took off after being the bodyguard of the Dutch consul, so Iran remained a monarchy, but the meaning of the transformations both was literally a mirror image of each other's actions …

In fact, the Aryans come from the present Afghan province of Herat. Previously, this province was called Ariana, or rather Haryana (or Geriana), and its capital was the nodal fortress city Herat (Herat) in the valley of the Herirut River (Gerirud), aka Iskanderun-Haryana (Alexandria-Ariana). Yes, in fact, and in general, the entire Afghan-Xinjiang region is the very place where the vast majority of events actually took place, subsequently stretched by caring British hands over the entire Asian continent. To be technically accurate, the real Aryans are people whom we usually call the Persian term "Tajiks", although in Asia they always had several names depending on the surrounding neighbors: for example, for the Pashtuns (Pathans) they were "Persivans" (or Farsivans), for Uzbeks and Turkmens they were "Sarts"“Ferghans” or even “Andijan” and “Wakhans”, and for the nomads of Xinjiang “khuikhurs” (or Uighurs) and, may NIF NaKhi forgive me, “tartars” and “moguls”. Yes, of course, they are no more similar to each other than the Russian Vladimir, Ryazan and Astrakhan regions, but these are just the costs of owning and maintaining the "Great Silk Road" created by them, the main centers of influence of which have always been the Tajik (Persian) Herat, the Uyghur (khuikhui) Kashgar and dunga (khuikhui) Dunhuang.the main nodal centers of influence have always been the Tajik (Persian) Herat, the Uyghur (Khuikhur) Kashgar and the Dunga (Khuikhui) Dunhuang.the main nodal centers of influence have always been the Tajik (Persian) Herat, the Uyghur (Khuikhur) Kashgar and the Dunga (Khuikhui) Dunhuang.

The Great Silk Road
The Great Silk Road

The Great Silk Road.

Ariana herself, before becoming a separate state, was an integral part of Khorasan. On the map below, the most sane designation of the territory of Khorasan:

Khorasan modern map
Khorasan modern map

Khorasan modern map.

I will not give a rather illogical interpretation of the origin of this word from the alleged phrase "land of the rising sun", but I will even give three completely unpopular versions, which, as it seems to me, more accurately answer the question of its origin. So, like the word "corazon", it can mean "heart", or "Hora-son" is the "Sons of Horus", well, or I will put forward my version that it is stupid "Sons of the Mountains". Yes, like any "Ritartai empire", dreamers in poor Khorasan stuffed someone without hitting, inflating it almost all over Central Asia, but, be that as it may, and whatever the fans of carpet settlement of the planet invented, in reality, the territory of Khorasan was limited possessions of four oases: Merv, Herat, Nishapur and Mashhad, that is, it occupied the basins of the Geriruda and Murghab rivers and controlled the Central Asian commercial and industrial hub. To make it clearer what it was about, having studied a bunch of very informative, but difficult for the perception of literature, I took the liberty and colored the historical Russian map of 1903 a little, so that everyone could really imagine what one of the key states of the region was one and a half hundred years ago.

Khorasan 1836
Khorasan 1836

Khorasan 1836.

There is a magnificent Pindostan map of 2005, from which it can be seen that practically nothing has changed THERE, and the tribes of this navel of the earth live in the same place where they lived since ancient times, thanks to the fact that neither the British nor its land antipode, the Soviet system, affected this region. they managed to avoid such an imperial "disease" as the "great migrations of peoples". I consider it necessary to familiarize readers with this map, so that my narration is more visual and substantiated, in addition, I will break stereotypes, and for this I definitely need technical support, because I will explain the facts from the official history, which are technically competent and independently thinking people seem idiotic … to some extent it will be an attempt to rehabilitate the notorious OI (official history),and I will try to show where the illiteracy and openly fraudulent falsifications of swindlers allowed to distort the original meaning of events … This is the map of the threshold of the XX-XXI centuries, and since this article is about the Aryans, I will mark the modern borders of Herat:

Tribes of Herat and Afghanistan
Tribes of Herat and Afghanistan

Tribes of Herat and Afghanistan.

So, we read, check with the map, think and thank for the open eyes; D

For very many, the information I am giving will be a culture shock, and for the vast majority (some of the text has been removed so as not to disturb the feelings of some readers) it will seem heretical. Moreover, even a virtually neutral article about the "Ritartai empire" was able to cause them (those about whom it was written in the deleted part of the text) a flurry of insults and attempts to attract attention, but, frankly, their attempts do not distract my attention any more. than a termite mound and its inhabitants, and with an exceptionally stupid interest: how is it, absolutely not using the brain, obeying only the collective unconscious, it is possible to create such a solid structure out of ordinary shit, in which tens of thousands of individuals coexist … By the way, about termites, it is thanks to them in countries Asia, Africa and Latin America, there are no books even centuries old … quickly end …

In general, the real history of the true Aryans is quite simple, at least an order of magnitude shorter than it seems to official historians, and … is very different from the sanctimonious idea of "historians with European education" about the events that took place there. For example, in the ancient East, the women of Herat, Wakhan and Kashgar were most famous for their beauty, and they were also famous for their very frivolous lifestyle and choosing themselves, so to speak, a "sparring partner". Yes, now a lot has changed, and Islam has made harsh adjustments to this ancient custom, but there are still the peoples of the Dardas, Nuristanis-siyavushi and … Berber peoples, in which a woman has inexplicable, from the point of view of Islamic countries, rights and freedom. Most likely, this is why the people of the same type are now distinguished by such a variety,so matriarchy was not somewhere out there in the brick-colored centuries, but flourished with might and main legally in the "enlightened" XIX century.

True, it is worth mentioning that the really GREAT history of the homeland of the Aryans was not entirely their fault, it was often the tribes who, with the light hand of the British, are known to us as the Pathans ("Pashtuns" or "Pakhtuns"), or under the territorial ethnonym "Afghans". This word comes from the past participle awğan, and the toponym Awğanistan (Afghanistan) itself, originally denoting a country located southeast of Kabul and including the Suleiman mountain system from the Helmand basin to the Indus and from Safed-kuh and Peshawar to Baluchistan, formed from aw- 'to go over, to pass (beyond any limit), or to migrate, move, migrate + the izafet affix -i + Iranian. -stan "country". So the real Afghanistan was located in present-day Pakistan, where the tribes of the Brahuis, Ochkozaev,kakarov, mandakels, lohan and tarin, see the map above. Actually, this map can tell the whole history of South and Central Asia from "ancient times" to "modern history". Let's just go over the caps, where there is almost no need to explain anything and everything lies on the surface. Quite already frostbitten tales about "Achaemenids" and "Medes" (from "midi" - "intermediate") or there "Seleucids", perhaps, I will omit, about the Asian adventures of Lyaxandra Makedonskov and the folder of Evoy Filipka I have already mentioned above, was a great Asian warrior, he was also nicknamed Nadir Shah for acting from under the folder ("nadir Shah" - "just below the Shah") "-" chosen "); but then it went more interesting …this map can be used to tell the entire history of South and Central Asia from "ancient times" to "modern history". Let's just go over the caps, where there is almost no need to explain anything and everything lies on the surface. Quite already frostbitten tales about "Achaemenids" and "Medes" (from "midi" - "intermediate") or there "Seleucids", perhaps, I will omit, about the Asian adventures of Lyaksandra Makedonskov and the folder of Evoy Filipka I have already mentioned above, Abbas Mirza is real was a great Asian warrior, he was also nicknamed Nadir Shah because he acted from under the folder (“nadir Shah” - “just below the Shah”), about the “Seleucids” is also not interesting, just another clone (“Selevk "-" chosen "); but then it went more interesting …this map can be used to tell the entire history of South and Central Asia from "ancient times" to "modern history". Let's just go over the caps, where there is almost no need to explain anything and everything lies on the surface. Quite already frostbitten tales about "Achaemenids" and "Medes" (from "midi" - "intermediate") or there "Seleucids", perhaps, I will omit, about the Asian adventures of Lyaksandra Makedonskov and the folder of Evoy Filipka I have already mentioned above, Abbas Mirza is real was a great Asian warrior, he was also nicknamed Nadir Shah because he acted from under the folder (“nadir Shah” - “just below the Shah”), about the “Seleucids” is also not interesting, just another clone (“Selevk "-" chosen "); but then it went more interesting …where there is almost no need to explain anything and everything lies on the surface. Quite already frostbitten tales about "Achaemenids" and "Medes" (from "midi" - "intermediate") or there "Seleucids", perhaps, I will omit, about the Asian adventures of Lyaksandra Makedonskov and the folder of Evoy Filipka I have already mentioned above, Abbas Mirza is real was a great Asian warrior, he was also nicknamed Nadir Shah because he acted from under the folder (“nadir Shah” - “just below the Shah”), about the “Seleucids” is also not interesting, just another clone (“Selevk "-" chosen "); but then it went more interesting …where there is almost no need to explain anything and everything lies on the surface. Quite already frostbitten tales about "Achaemenids" and "Medes" (from "midi" - "intermediate") or there "Seleucids", perhaps, I will omit, about the Asian adventures of Lyaksandra Makedonskov and the folder of Evoy Filipka I already mentioned above, Abbas Mirza is real was a great Asian warrior, he was also nicknamed Nadir Shah because he acted from under the folder (“nadir Shah” - “just below the Shah”), about the “Seleucids” is also not interesting, just another clone (“Selevk "-" chosen "); but then it went more interesting …Abbas Mirza was really a great Asian warrior, he was also nicknamed Nadir Shah because he acted from under the folder (“nadir Shah” - “just below the Shah”), about the “Seleucids” is also not interesting, just another clone ("Selevk" - "chosen"); but then it went more interesting …Abbas Mirza was really a great Asian warrior, he was also nicknamed Nadir Shah because he acted from under the folder (“nadir Shah” - “just below the Shah”), about the “Seleucids” is also not interesting, just another clone ("Selevk" - "chosen"); but then it went more interesting …

The famous "Parthians", taking into account the transitional letter "theta" ~ "feta" are read as "partans" in English, the letter "r" is therefore not read in "Indian English", which was also used by such classics as R. Kipling, the so-called … "Pashtun" (Afghans) is written as Pathan (Pathans), when inventing the official history, the swindlers used the various interpretations of the letters of the shape-shifters, so the literary character of "Roman" mythology, the rich man Mark Licinius Crassus, overwhelmed by the Parthians, with a slight movement of his hand turns into a character already "Greek" the mythology of the rich man Mermnad Lydian Croesus soaked by the Midi-Persians;

Everything about the "sosunids" has been sucked out of the immortal creation of the so-called. "Ferdowsi" - "Shahnameh" or "Acts of the Kings"; By whom and when it was written, I find it difficult to say, but the first real edition was … in Paris (Jules Mohl; Paris, 1838), then there were Russian-language translations from French (1848, 1849 and 1855), and only then the British Bombay edition (1862), Tehran (1867) and Tabriz (1875), but the Dutch Leiden edition (1877) was always considered the reference. In general, draw your own conclusions … yes, I would also like to remind you that in Tajik dialects the word “dushman-dusman-duchman” means “enemy”, but it’s probably no secret to anyone that the word “dachman” is translated as “Dutchman".

By the way, "Shahnameh" turned out to be a very original reading matter. Actually, this little book describes the figurative state of affairs in Khorasan, the map of which I have provided above. It is reported that it was written for "Muhammad" or "Mahmud" by "Gaznevi", where "gaznevi" is Ghazni, who allegedly lived for almost a thousand years before … he was buried in his hometown of Ghazni and a mausoleum was erected. By the way, the population of Ghazni, like Herat, was Aryan (Tajik), while the founder of the “medieval Ghaznavid dynasty” lived and successfully opposed another “founder of the medieval Samanid dynasty”, who also actively participated in the events of the first half of the 19th century, Zaman Shah …

Something I ran ahead, missed so much yummy! Here, for example, the terrible dynasty of "Kushans" (you will probably be surprised, but "Kushans" is translated stupidly "mountaineers"), which terrorized all the Indians, especially this "Ritartai empire" began to be invented in the 60s, when with might and main the Hunnan Leiba Gumilev raged; the most active inventor of the "Kushans" was the inventor of the BMAK Honduras, the "Russian" archaeologist from Uzbekistan by the name of Sarianidi … The details of this utopia are very transparent, this "ancient state" was "created" by no less "ancient Tochars", mysterious with terrible power, with two varieties - real and pseudotokhars, and where they didn’t come from, and they were from Turkey, and from Mother Russia, and they were chemurcheks, and karasuk, and kurgan kyzylkobels, but it’s true they haven’t been called sarischies yet, but there are enough inventors,so they have everything ahead. The first king of these chemurcheks was appointed a comrade named Giray, although the rest of the clowns turned out to be funnier: Konishka, Vasishka, Huvishka … in general, there is clearly not enough Horse, Petrushka and Pidyshka, but Sarianidi apparently ran out of money earlier.

In reality, the "Kushans" from the "Tochary" tribe are the Gilzai tribe of the Tohi, which, together with the Hotaks, are the leading tribal unions of the Gilzai tribes of Kandahar, and it is unlikely that they could have had a "king" of Geray. Here, the violent imagination of the thugs thawed out during the Khrushchev thaw was steeply kneading the porridge from Gireyev-Gerayev and Herat, wetting it all with "Turkism". In fact, the real Turks-Turks are the Gilzai tribes of the Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan, which are part of the Turan union (the main territories of Turan are Ghazni and Kalat-i-Gilzai), and they ALWAYS opposed themselves to Iran-Arian-Herat.

This is how the real Kushans-Tochars looked like:

irdar Habibullah Gilzai and other Khans in 1879-80
irdar Habibullah Gilzai and other Khans in 1879-80

irdar Habibullah Gilzai and other Khans in 1879-80.

Well, at the same time, you can see how the real "Turks" look like (you can't offer the Kirghiz and Yakuts), and by the way, the real Khazars from Khazaria-Khazarjat do not consider themselves either Turks or Jews, although they can give the Kirghiz three handicap points.

Gilzai from Turan 1879-80
Gilzai from Turan 1879-80

Gilzai from Turan 1879-80

And a little excerpt on the racial purity of the Pashtun tribes: “The Afghans gradually began to develop the vicinity of the Suleiman Mountains, they settled the Ghazni plateau, Peshawar Valley, Kohat, Bannu and the Kabul valley. Later they advanced to Kandahar, Swat Valley and Zhob territory. The local population gradually mixed with the Pashtuns, the Tajiks became the main most important ethnic element in the formation of the modern Afghan ethnos”, so the land - to the peasants, the Afghan - to the Tajiks.

Well, who else have we forgotten there in the trash bin with millennia, yeah, "Hephtalites", well, how can we do without them, after all, "White Huns", panimaish, not halam-balam, and not some green and red brown, and most of them are white. Everything is quite simple here, the Hephtalites are the opponents of the Gilzais, the Abdali tribes, whose leading clan, the Alkozai, is the core of the tribes called Durrani, and also owns Herat. From this tribe comes the greatest Afghan conqueror and founder of the Durrani Empire - Ahmad Shah, the great Indian slayer, and I mentioned him for a reason. Everyone probably remembers that the ancient Aryans attacked the Indian subcontinent, brought in some kind of ancient religion and mercilessly exploited the poor Indians. Someone, probably, even read about Ahmad Shah, I also read about him, too much,and finally parted with this fabulous hero of the myths about the war.

Comparing the data for a long time, I found a person who actually created the Durrani State (aka the Hephthalite Empire and the Aryan invasion), who turned out to be an untrue Aryan, and his name was Sultan Ahmad Khan Barakzai, ruler of the Herat Khanate (1857-63). I have re-read, I think, almost all versions of the events of the "new history of the Indo-Iranian region", and I hope I can now reconstruct the real events that took place then and were strenuously draped by the British for the last 150 years. Someone may say, "but what could he have done there in six years?" Yes, I agree, six years to raise children, plant a garden, BUILD A COUNTRY is very little; but, in order to kill thousands, destroy centuries-old vineyards, DESTROY, AND NOT CREATE AND GLORATE FOR AGES, six years is just a colossal time, this is one and a half world wars,half of Hitler and 312 Basayevs … The invasion of the Aryans into Hindustan, the conquest of Hindustan by the Hephtalites (and their opponents, the Juan-Juans, more correctly from the point of view of the OI referred to as Juy-Juy, are the eastern neighbors on the "Silk Road" Dungans, whose self-name is “ Fuck-Hui, Probably, solely out of good intentions, they changed the turtle as a god, creating another ancient empire along the way), the Mughals (there, on the map, look: the Berbers and Mughals occupy the center of the square bounded by the Djemshud, Ishakzai, give Chinese and give scurvy) and Durrani - the handiwork of Ahmad-shana-shah, and his neighbor from Kabulistan, Dust-Mohammed, is responsible for the Kushan, Ghaznevid and Gurid-Delhi-Sultanate outrages, and all this motley variety in European history bears the faint name "Sipai uprising of 1857-1859" …the conquest of Hindustan by the Hephthalites (and their opponents Juan-Juan, more correctly from the point of view of the OI referred to as Jui-Jui, are the eastern neighbors on the "Silk Road" Dungans, whose self-designation Fuck-Huy, probably, solely out of good intentions, changed the turtle as a god, along the way, creating another ancient empire), the Mughals (there, on the map, look: Berbers and Mughals occupy the center of a square bounded by Jamshuds, Ishakzai, give Chinese and give scurvy) and Durrani - the work of Ahmad Shana Shah, and his neighbor from Kabulistan, Dust-Muhammad is responsible for the Kushan, Gaznevid and Gurid-Delhi Sultanate outrages, and all this motley variety in European history bears the faint name "Sipay Uprising of 1857-1859" …the conquest of Hindustan by the Hephthalites (and their opponents Juan-Juan, more correctly from the point of view of the OI referred to as Jui-Jui, are the eastern neighbors on the "Silk Road" Dungans, whose self-designation Fuck-Huy, probably, solely out of good intentions, changed the turtle as a god, along the way, creating another ancient empire), the Mughals (there, on the map, look: Berbers and Mughals occupy the center of a square bounded by Jamshuds, Ishakzai, give Chinese and give scurvy) and Durrani - the work of Ahmad Shana Shah, and his neighbor from Kabulistan, Dust-Muhammad is responsible for the Kushan, Gaznevid and Gurid-Delhi Sultanate outrages, and all this motley variety in European history bears the faint name "Sipay Uprising of 1857-1859" …- these are the eastern neighbors on the "silk road" Dungans, whose self-designation dick-dick, probably solely out of good intentions, altered the turtle as a god, creating another ancient empire along the way), the Moguls (there, on the map, look: Berbers and Moguls occupy the center of the square, bounded by the Dzhemshuds, Ishakzays, give the Chinese and give the scurvy) and Durrani are the work of Ahmad Shana Shah, and his neighbor from Kabulistan, Dust Mohammed, is responsible for the Kushan, Gaznevid and Gurid-Delhi Sultanate atrocities, and all this variety in European history has the faint name "Sipai uprising of 1857-1859" …- these are the eastern neighbors on the "silk road" Dungans, whose self-designation dick-dick, probably solely out of good intentions, altered the turtle as a god, creating another ancient empire along the way), the Moguls (there, on the map, look: Berbers and Moguls occupy the center of the square, bounded by the Dzhemshuds, Ishakzays, give the Chinese and give the scurvy) and Durrani are the work of Ahmad Shana Shah, and his neighbor from Kabulistan, Dust Mohammed, is responsible for the Kushan, Gaznevid and Gurid-Delhi Sultanate outrages, and all this variety in European history has the faint name "Sipai uprising of 1857-1859" …limited by the Jaemshuds, Ishakzai, give Chinese and give scurvy) and Durrani is the work of Ahmad Shana Shah, and his neighbor from Kabulistan Dust Mohammed is responsible for the Kushan, Gaznevid and Gurid-Delhi Sultanate outrages, and all this motley variety in European history bears the faint name "Sipai uprising of 1857-1859" …limited by the Jaemshuds, Ishakzai, give Chinese and give scurvy) and Durrani is the work of Ahmad Shana Shah, and his neighbor from Kabulistan Dust Mohammed is responsible for the Kushan, Gaznevid and Gurid-Delhi Sultanate outrages, and all this motley variety in European history bears the faint name "Sipai uprising of 1857-1859" …

I hasten to reassure you, no, not all pickles did not fit into this frantic decade launched by the "spring of nations" in 1848. For example, the period known in the OI as the "Safavids", "Kyzylbash" (we are looking at this and that in the vicinity of Kabul) and "Qajar" refers to a slightly earlier period and led to the creation of stories of present-day Iran, Turkey and a handful of smaller indigenous historians, and one of the key heroes of this katavasiya Fatah Khan was privatized by the Persians, awarded the title of Shah and Bab-ur, and somehow ceased to be a Pashtun … Yes, I almost forgot about the Saffarids: this brand dates back to the times, preceding the Anglo-Afghan war, and Muhammad Yakub-khan of Herat and Magomed Yakub-bek of Kashgar, in spite of the surviving photographs, for some reason are very, VERY suspicious, Khattabych is direct, he is in Afghanistan, then in Chechnya, then in Abkhazia…

Mohammed Yakub Khan of Herat
Mohammed Yakub Khan of Herat

Mohammed Yakub Khan of Herat.

It may seem wild and impossible for us now, when a relatively small close-knit handful of professional European military personnel or welded tribal or criminal communities of raiders could create quite viable state chimeras, but, for some reason, I think, it is for the Russians, well, it shouldn't seem wild and impossible, and the dignity and state of the armed forces of non-European states of the same XIX century are described in detail in the memoirs and notes of contemporaries, so for knowledgeable people the events of the XIX century do not constitute a special mystery … And about "British India" or there " East India Company”do not flatter yourself: river valleys and coastal outposts - that's all that the East India Company owned before the victory in the Anglo-Afghan war of 1878-1881,and the real power in dozens of Indian sultanates and rajas was supranational criminal communities, such as kajar daggers (en: Kanjar), hired guards and executioners of the Bawariya (en: Bawariya), and, of course, the most famous and numerous are thuggee stranglers. Here, these cute people:

Magomed Yakub-bek Kashgar
Magomed Yakub-bek Kashgar

Magomed Yakub-bek Kashgar.



Moreover, despite the statement that they were killed by "the British authorities in the period from 1831 to 1837", back in the 80s of the XIX century, real wars took place with them.

I can’t say anything about the Bowery, but, here, the choke techniques used by the “thags” are considered perfect among experts in martial arts, and the chances of getting out of the fight alive are very small, just like the blade strikes developed by “Kajars”, - the notorious “ninja” just nervously smoke on the sidelines … In the pedic article about the thags there is a section with an alternative version, moreover, the version implied that the colonialists exterminated local nomads in such a way, here is an excerpt:

“In reality, the repressive system created by the administration of the British East India Company under the pretext of combating the tugs was intended to eradicate groups economically independent from the new government:“gosains, sannyasins, fakirs, gypsies and other mobile groups, who were itinerant traders and merchants, became an easy target and described as "robbers and raiders""

I would like to slightly change the national language in order to more accurately formulate the events that actually took place. Yes, these structures were created by the East India Company, but there could be no talk of any gypsies there; this is the force that made it possible to really unite and seize the Indian subcontinent, to eliminate under the guise of dissatisfied and wandering princelings. The Qajars were lucky - they became the Shahs of Persia; The “thags” were not lucky - after the defeat of Afgan and the transfer of power over the Hindustans under the arm of the British crown in 1877, the thags became superfluous, from 1877 to 1883 they were simply killed so as not to leave stains on such a white and fluffy queen Victosh …

Continuation: "Tartary, where is this?"

Author: SKUNK69