Why Don't People Go To The Moon Anymore? - Alternative View

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Why Don't People Go To The Moon Anymore? - Alternative View
Why Don't People Go To The Moon Anymore? - Alternative View

"Why did you stop flying to the moon?" - many of us have asked this question at our leisure or after watching a fantastic movie about space adventures. It is one thing when space flights were only in dreams and completely different when humanity has already taken real steps towards the development of intergalactic spaces.

What happened? Why did people stop flying to the moon? It is rather difficult to understand this issue, since the official representatives of the world space agencies prefer to remain silent and the answers to it are mainly based on the conclusions of different people, sometimes very far from science or on conspiracy theories.

Why don't they fly to the moon now

According to one of the versions, flights to a natural satellite were stopped, as they were no longer needed. It is no secret that the first manned flight to the moon, which took place on July 20, 1969, was a kind of response from the United States to the achievement of Soviet engineers who managed to send the first man into space.


After the collapse of the USSR, the Cold War, as well as the rivalry between the two superpowers, ceased. It is the end of the confrontation between them that some consider the real reason for the termination of flights to the moon.

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Economic background

Flying into space is a very expensive pleasure. According to one version, manned expeditions to the Earth satellite are not carried out precisely because of their economic disadvantage. In addition, almost all countries that have a space agency at least once sent an unmanned vehicle to the moon to study its surface. It can be assumed that flights have become simply unnecessary, since there is nothing left on the satellite to study.


Flight to the moon: reality or fiction

There are many people who, when asked why Americans do not fly to the moon, answer that astronauts from the United States have never been on a satellite. Back in 1969, part of the world's population seriously doubted that astronaut Neil Armstrong had actually visited the moon. In support of their theory, skeptics cited many arguments and even argued that the Apollo lunar landing was actually filmed at one of the Hollywood film studios. It is for this reason that the US no longer sends humans to the moon, they argue.


Insufficiently powerful missiles

Unfortunately, rocket technology has remained virtually unchanged in the forty years since the first flight to the moon. Moreover, scientists have never been able to find a more powerful and efficient fuel for rockets and spacecraft. A number of experts argue that the colonization of space will be possible only after the use of atomic energy for flights. However, so far no one wants to create a flying "Chernobyl".

If in 1969 the construction of a rocket was a matter of principle for the United States, now we are seeing a completely different picture. World states absolutely do not want to invest huge sums in lunar expeditions, because they do not see the point in this. And how to reduce the cost and simplify space flights, modern scientists have not yet come up with.

With a crush with aliens

This version is completely conspiratorial. Its supporters suggest that Armstrong met on the moon with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. After that, the opinions of the supporters of the theory differ. Some believe that people were afraid of the power of aliens and decided to stay on their planet. Others - that representatives of extraterrestrial civilization made the earthlings "the last Chinese warning" and strictly forbade the exploration of outer space.

In support of the theory, its adherents are uploading photographs to the network, which allegedly show a UFO and a recording of Neil Armstrong's conversations with the control center, where he says that he has discovered unknown and incomprehensible objects on the moon.

There is even a version that the moon is actually inhabited. As arguments, her supporters show photos of lunar objects and various flares.


NASA recently revised its plan for the first manned flight to Mars to include another expedition to the moon. Presumably, the landing on the moon will occur in the 2020s. Moreover, the American agency, just like the European one, is seriously going to extract minerals on the satellite of our planet and asteroids.

The Russian Federation also has its own program for studying the lunar surface, according to which, from 2019 to 2024, several unmanned aerial vehicles will be sent to the satellite. At the same time, on the eve of Roskosmos announced a competition, within the framework of which researchers must calculate the most favorable flight path to the Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Based on this news, it can be assumed that in the not so distant future, Russian cosmonauts will visit not only the Moon, but also other planets.