About Education, Nobility And Upbringing In Society And The Army Of Imperial Russia - Alternative View

About Education, Nobility And Upbringing In Society And The Army Of Imperial Russia - Alternative View
About Education, Nobility And Upbringing In Society And The Army Of Imperial Russia - Alternative View

This was in 1913. An eleven-year-old girl, a boarder of the Moscow Rzhev gymnasium, pestered her uncle with a request to show what was written on the medallion that he always carried on his chest. Uncle took off the medallion and handed it to the girl. The girl opened the lid, and nothing is written there. Except for 5 note lines and four notes: G-sharp - B - F-sharp - E.

The girl hesitated for a moment, and then shouted cheerfully: “Daddy. I know what is written here. The notes on the medallion mean: “I love you.” And here the question arises. Can you imagine how this girl was taught if she saw four notes, sang them to herself, and when she sang, she recognized the beginning of Lensky's arioso from Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin".

It turned out that this medallion is such an original declaration of love, once received by the girl's uncle as a gift from his bride before their wedding. But think, the girl is only 11 years old! How did they manage to teach her so. And not in a special music school and not in a music college, but in a normal Russian gymnasium, and even in primary school.

Question: how was this girl taught? - I have already asked, now I will ask one more question, the answer to which goes beyond the scope of reasoning about the level of education only, but concerns the issues of the gene pool. How should a boy be taught so that he would ever come up to such a girl and speak to her, interest her as a worthy interlocutor, as a person, and eventually win her heart?

Having taught the girl at this level, she was, as it were, vaccinated against lack of spirituality, from that stream of primitive monotony, which I conventionally call "disco". To this girl, if only what boy does not fit. But even if it does, it is unlikely to find mutual understanding … Thus, we are talking about the level of contact, the level of spiritual, cultural correspondence.

Consequently, while teaching the girl art, music, poetry, already in the lower grades of the Russian gymnasium, bringing up (or, better to say, forming) a spiritual need, they thought about the gene pool, about the intellectual society of the future. But was there a boy in Russian society - a worthy partner of our little schoolgirl? Of course yes! You have not thought. why did all the officers of the tsarist army learn to play the piano? Is it really necessary for combat training?

For combat, perhaps not, but for the gene pool - of course, yes !!! Just think, what kind of image is this - an officer playing the piano? Yes, this is a symbol of male harmony - a combination of officers and music. On the one hand, an officer is a defender, a warrior, and on the other, a subtle interpreter of the music of Tchaikovsky and Chopin … The high quality of humanities education in Russia, from the 1920s to the early 1920s, gave rise to an incredible need for culture and prepared a cultural explosion, like which, I think, the history of mankind has not yet known …

M. Kazinik "Secrets of Geniuses"

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