Horoscopes And Unexplored Astrology - Alternative View

Horoscopes And Unexplored Astrology - Alternative View
Horoscopes And Unexplored Astrology - Alternative View

Video: Horoscopes And Unexplored Astrology - Alternative View

Video: Horoscopes And Unexplored Astrology - Alternative View

Astrology has come to us from the most ancient times. This word comes from the Greek "aster", which means a star. Astrology takes its roots back several millennia BC, where the ancient Sumerians lived - in Mesopotamia. So, during archaeological excavations, scientists found many tablets on which astrological signs were inscribed. These findings are still preserved in museums around the world.

After successfully deciphering many texts, it turned out that the ancient people attached great importance to astrology. All the most important events in life, such as the construction of houses and churches, campaigns, elections, marriage, took place using the laws of astrology and calculations based on it. The ancient Sumerians were distinguished by a developed culture, which later began to spread to other powers. And 4000 years BC in Babylon was drawn up a calendar with the days of the week, named after the seven planets.

People were convinced that life on planet Earth flows according to cosmic rules, that our world is programmed for constant endless movement. Every event in outer space has a corresponding reflection on our planet. There was also faith in the star gods who rule the universe and the fate of mere mortals. Such points of view were carved on stones and tablets. And the planets - the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and the star - the Sun - were considered deities.

The culture in ancient Mesopotamia breathed cosmic energy. The priests read "heavenly books", which deciphered the will of the star gods. The books showed how the planets were located, according to their location, and predicted this or that event. The subjects for reading were simple: they used the most ordinary compasses, sight and ruler. It was with the help of these ordinary improvised means that the orbits of the planets of our solar system were calculated.

In our time, interest in astrology is growing and growing. Not only astrologers are engaged in this ancient science, but also philosophers, people of humanitarian professions, as well as natural scientists. Psychologists are not indifferent to it either. Today, doctors manage to diagnose and prescribe preventive treatment for certain diseases with the help of a horoscope.

According to the ancients, astrology does not accept accidents. Everything that happens is carried out exclusively according to cosmic laws. When a person is born, the arrangement of stars and planets at the time of his birth significantly affects his further destiny. Most of the research results carried out by modern astrologers prove that this is exactly the case.

The constellations act not only on earthly being, but also on the person himself - on his inner world, actions and on his future.

By constellation, people were divided into 12 signs - and the fate of each species depends on the location of the constellations. And the signs were also divided into such categories - Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

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Fire signs include Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. Usually these are hot temperamental people with a strong-willed character, trying to subdue others. Water signs include Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. People born under these constellations have good intuition, strong emotionality. The air category includes Aquarius, Leo and Gemini. People with good intelligence and good logic. The signs of the Earth are Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus, people with caution, they are also inherent in prudence and reliability. It is generally accepted that fire and air signs are extroverts, and earth and water signs are introverts. Also, all signs are subdivided into weak and strong, into feminine and masculine, males are called daytime, and feminine - night. Animal names can also characterize a person. For example, Leo is strong, brave, proud. Aries is stubborn, which, in principle,it really is.

From antiquity to our time, horoscopes have been used in astrology as the end result of stellar predictions. It is very fashionable now to predict your life for a week, for a month, for a year, as well as to make horoscopes for any reason - when a child is born, when young couples are married. A horoscope is an astrological chart of a person or a specific event. Using such a map, you can follow the development of events, predict favorable periods, or times of crisis. The horoscope determines the behavior of a person, his tastes, susceptibility to various factors, activity and passivity, leadership in society, modesty and ambition.

Astrology is an occult science, and the main object of study in astrology is not the stars (many people confuse it with astronomy), but man and his fate. People are able to perceive only that information that corresponds to the level of their consciousness, therefore the task of astrologers in the correct and accessible form is to convey to the human mind only what is needed. As astrologers say, the information they receive should in no way harm the human psyche.

Some people have the misconception that an astrologer is a fortuneteller. This is not true. The knowledge of psychologists, confessors and teachers is inherent in professional astrologers. Astrologers look into the distant depths of the soul, touch its most secret strings, sometimes revealing what a person hides even from himself. People who study astrology are never limited in this direction, they rise higher and higher along the levels of spiritual knowledge. And the more they study, the more they learn.

Astrology is a science that is unlimited in knowledge and comprehension. Astrologers, like esotericists, bring information hidden in our subconscious to the surface of the human mind. To do this, you need to connect to the subconscious of a person. This connection takes place through the horoscope. This can be learned in the course of life, and for some this ability is a gift from God. Reading information from a horoscope, an astrologer carefully analyzes many facts, and they are often contradictory.

Sometimes an astrologer will predict a certain event, but it does not happen. Astrology is not clairvoyance, but only makes a preliminary forecast, so not everything may coincide with what you were told. Human will is free, and based on the data provided to him by the astrologer, he can change the further course of events himself.

There were cases that a person was destined to die in one time, but then this period was extended to him either by the will of God or by fate. You can also observe this along the lines on the hand. Lines in the palm of your hand can lengthen if human destiny changes and life is extended.

With the help of astrology, we enter another world unknown to us, we can get beyond the boundaries of our consciousness and even the subconscious, we can look inside ourselves, into such places of our soul where access is prohibited to other people. By studying astrology, we will open the door to the future, and even the past.

After all, how interesting and entertaining it is to find out your fate by the stars! Yes, it happens that not a very good event is predicted. But everything is in our hands! We can always meet ourselves halfway and do such an act that will radically change our life for the better. And getting to know each other, comparing the characters of loved ones with horoscopes, we get to know their inner world, and this leads to the understanding we all need so much!
