We Are Surrounded By A Powerful Stream Of Negative Information - Alternative View

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We Are Surrounded By A Powerful Stream Of Negative Information - Alternative View
We Are Surrounded By A Powerful Stream Of Negative Information - Alternative View

Video: We Are Surrounded By A Powerful Stream Of Negative Information - Alternative View

Video: We Are Surrounded By A Powerful Stream Of Negative Information - Alternative View
Video: Why Will This ‘Zombie’ Mushroom Destroy Humanity? 2024, September

“Whoever owns the information owns the world,” said businessman and billionaire Aristotle Onassis. In our time, when information can be obtained instantly - by turning on the TV, radio, opening a computer and plunging into the depths of the Internet - those who control the media control the world - because they control the minds.

A stormy ocean of information

Alas, we have to admit that, in the overwhelming majority, this endless flow of information in its energy is a flow of negative. Wars, terrorist attacks, political games, the lawlessness of officials, the economic crisis, the threat of new pandemics, natural disasters - this is not a complete list of what the mass media is focusing on around the clock.

People "swallow" all this, attracting negative energy to themselves. Thus, giving rise to a common, global … well, you yourself know what. The law of being: we ourselves are responsible for what we let into our life.

At the beginning of January of this year, the media flashed a message that the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin was seriously concerned that there was a catastrophic lack of positive news about our country and that it would be necessary to start forming news blocks with positive: stories about achievements and achievements in order to raise the people's spirit.

Well, what will be formed there and how it will turn out - this is still the grandmother said in two. But the daily information flow of negative energy really goes off scale. Even if a completely adequate, mentally strong person listens to this from morning to evening, then he will have a mental confusion and he will feel uncomfortable, thoughts will flow along the appropriate channel: “Yes, our world is imperfect, we live in turbulent times, that something is being done, and?!"


And if all this is swallowed by an impressionable, emotionally unstable person or, God forbid, not quite mentally adequate … It’s scary to think that such an individual begins to go on in his head, soul and life. A person is so arranged that, having received any information, he processes it, rethinks it, passes it through himself. That is, ACCEPTS.

Promotional video:

And now imagine how much negativity a modern person takes every day - from day to day, from month to month, from year to year. And negative energy accumulates, accumulates, accumulates …

Scientists recently conducted an experiment to determine whether a person can get rid of bad thoughts. A group of people were asked to write down all their negative thoughts on a piece of paper. The subjects who immediately threw away their notes were less prone to internal stress or depression. And those who kept the sheets could not forget about the described bad events for a minute.

The conclusion of psychologists: in order to get rid of bad thoughts, they should be written down - and immediately destroyed the record. But good, bright memories should be carefully preserved, re-reading from time to time …

Expert opinions

Psychics Aleksey and Roman Fady explained how the mechanism of attracting negative energy works: “For example, a person peacefully sits in the kitchen and drinks coffee. Turns on the TV. From there it started: "They killed, drowned, blew up, stabbed, bombed …" Almost any news is always negative. The media have long understood that humanity is "sharpened" for negativity, therefore, first of all, they provide it with negative information.


If a person perceived something that was shown to him on TV in the morning, for example, someone's office burned down, and the person suddenly took it and thought: "What if my warehouse burns down?" - he dragged the situation over himself. If he does not stop thinking about it, the signals will continue, and then he will first become an eyewitness of the fire, then something will burn at his close friend's, and then the result will not be long in coming - he himself will become a victim of the fire."

Dmitry Kalinsky, President of the International Academy of Genetic Psychology of Russia, talks in great detail about what the general “mutual guarantee” in attracting the energy of the negative actually turns into: “It is unlikely that we should discuss the question of whether thought is material. Material - this is not only esotericists claim, this has already been proven by science, and, by the way, scientists even managed to weigh the thought. So, all our aspirations, hopes, fears in their own way affect reality.

A textbook example: how many blockbusters has Hollywood shot with pictures of explosions and terrible crashes in New York? The world responded terribly, but, alas, adequately, according to the "request": on September 11, 2001, the twin towers took off … What happened? A scenario has come true, which millions of people, eagerly looking at the screens, have “played” and rehearsed for so long.


Several years ago, a film was released on the screens, the plot of which the creators made an explosion at a nuclear power plant. The action takes place in Japan - and here you go, sign: a terrible tragedy happens in Fukushima exactly for this plot … It is the massiveness, the scale of the penetration of the disastrous idea into the minds - the main threat of our time. The more people visualize the coming catastrophe, the higher the risk that it is the tragic scenario that will come true …

Let's remember: our subconscious mind is arranged in such a way that it itself attracts any life turns - both pleasant and tragic. If a person has a subconscious attitude towards unhappiness, if the level of internal anxiety, dissatisfaction with life is high, if he is convinced that life is in principle unpredictable and the world is hostile, he attracts unhappiness."

Man chooses himself

But there are no hopeless situations, because a person is endowed with the will and ability to choose. Let's again listen to the opinion of Dmitry Kalinsky: “It is not a bad idea not to watch or listen to news on TV and radio. After all, through these channels, we are not given news as such, but their interpretation, we are taught how to treat this or that news, how to evaluate it. You must learn not to worry about things that you cannot control.


Remember the ancient prayer: “Lord, give me the strength to change what I cannot accept. Lord, give me the patience to come to terms with what I cannot change. And give me wisdom not to confuse the first and the second! Make it your main life principle - and you will see how much more harmonious your existence will become.

Let's realize: there are, were and always will be things in the world that we cannot influence in any way. You will not cancel a thunderstorm or drought, you will not prevent the onset of winter, you will not give immortality to a loved one … There are things that we can influence, but we have no right to do - for example, to put pressure on our children, forcing them to make some important choice. Finally, there is something we can and must control: our own lives.


So tell me, what makes sense to focus your thoughts on: the weather, the end of the world, or your own life? That's just it. By the way, in conditions of mass hysteria, you can do something too. For example, make a choice: to support this hysteria or not, to feed the negative or to deprive it of your energy, not to waste your vitality on it.

Let's remember: there are no situations in which a person is not able to change anything at all. You always have a trump card: you can change … your attitude to the situation! Say, nonsense? How to look, my friends, how to look. Your attitude is one of the components of the situation, a link in a common chain. By turning this link, you slowly but surely begin to change the situation itself."

Svetlana Ivanova