Researchers Have Deciphered The Ancient Messages Of Previous Civilizations - Alternative View

Researchers Have Deciphered The Ancient Messages Of Previous Civilizations - Alternative View
Researchers Have Deciphered The Ancient Messages Of Previous Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Researchers Have Deciphered The Ancient Messages Of Previous Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Researchers Have Deciphered The Ancient Messages Of Previous Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Graham Hancock 2024, September

According to Russian researchers, the Earth is currently in the final stage of the cycle of development of human consciousness and the organic world. This leads to a critical decrease in the Earth's magnetic field. The researchers believe that this could lead to a pole shift and, ultimately, to catastrophic global catastrophic consequences. Russian researchers Victoria Popova and Dr. Lydia Andrianova believe that extraterrestrial civilizations want to allow humanity to get out of this situation. The two scientists have published a total of over two hundred publications and 19 patents.


After 15 years of research, they discovered two keys - analog and digital. Using these codes, they were able to decipher the mysterious crop circles and other extraterrestrial pictograms on the rocks. These include Stonehenge and Avebury Stone Circles in England, the Nazca lines in Peru, the Chichen Itza pyramids in Mexico, and Easter Island statues. All these places have specific pictograms that are of extraterrestrial origin and provide humanity with important information for the development of human consciousness. Crop circles should provide the most important information for the rescue. But there are deliberate counterfeits to ruin the human future. The elites are trying to shield us from this information because they do not want humanity to be freed from its prison here on Earth through cosmic consciousness.

After Russian researchers were able to decipher hundreds of pictograms found in these mysterious places around the world, a dictionary of more than 250 symbols was created. It was used to decode many of these ancient pieces of information, and it turned out that they are predictions about the future, announcing three disasters for the near future, following global cataclysms. These three catastrophic events will eclipse everything that humanity has experienced in its history.


Researchers agree that humanity needs to be informed about this scenario before these cataclysms begin to occur. An uninformed civilization cannot cope with the transition of consciousness to survive this catastrophe. The first phases of these events, according to researchers, are failures in global information networks. This event should be accompanied by a seismic event that could originate from the west coast of Peru. In South America, there is the Great South Atlantic Anomaly, which is a serious violation of the Earth's magnetic field. This event is said to trigger violent tsunami waves and disrupt ocean currents in the Pacific Ocean. All of this could be disastrous for the United States, Mexico, New Zealand and Australia. Perhaps this will affect both Africa and Western Europe. The second and third phases of this apocalypse should be much stronger. There are records of global floods and floods in all ancient cultures of the Earth. They occur at the end of a certain cycle or at the end of the world. Many Native American legends, such as the Hopi books, tell us that we already have several worlds behind us and that the transition to the next world is inevitable.

Part of this change is the development of human consciousness. For certain people, this opens up the possibility of achieving a spiritual transition to a higher level of development. This is a window into higher dimensions, an ascent. The pictograms declare that we have reached a point in our historical evolution where the symbolic final examination of humanity is about to move to a higher and more subtle level of existence. It is a mental metamorphosis in connection with the ascent. Russian researchers Popova and Dr. Andrianova believes that this transition is possible only due to the synchronous unification of all human consciousness. This leap in consciousness should occur even at the first phase of catastrophes, because at the second and third stages there will not be enough people to start the mechanism of spiritual transit. After great changes, humanity is doomed to reintegrate into the galactic community of progressive extraterrestrial civilizations, linked by their consciousness.

After the great transition to Earth, the millennial world kingdom will begin. Nostradamus also spoke about this, the time will soon come - the golden age of mankind - it will last forever. It looks like the time has come this time. The end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 symbolized the beginning of the final phase before the great leap in consciousness, in which we already found ourselves. Advanced alien civilizations have an understanding of time and know what awaits us, so precautions were taken thousands of years ago to prepare humanity to enter the golden age of immortality created by our united consciousness.

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Dr. Popova is convinced that great events are beginning and in September 2018 you will already see dramatic changes in weather conditions, floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions and other signs that are now growing. Many alternative researchers believe that Russia will play the most important role in this transition, because this nation has been designated by higher powers as the spiritual center of the Earth. That is why Russia will show the world the way to the exit and survival of human civilization on earth. The fate of all people living in the modern world is closely related to the coming ascent, hence the strong population growth over the past hundred years. Plants and animals also have associated consciousness and contribute to this change.


The global elite have long been aware of this fact and have taken precautions in recent decades to prepare for emergencies. Huge underground bunkers have been built all over the world to save the world's wealthy elite from these disasters. In addition, entire mountains were simply carved into shelters. Dr. No Popova and her colleagues are convinced that these bunkers will not help. They believe that only an increase in consciousness can save us from these cataclysms. In preparing for the ascent, it is important to overcome all negativity and focus on love, friendship and communication, only in this way can a consciousness of unity arise.

Geologists have discovered that the Earth's magnetic field is now disappearing ten times faster than it was very recently. It is impossible to predict how this development will continue and when it will arrive at the pole shift. However, basic science does not believe in cataclysms. But how do you know when exactly the last pole shift occurred? In any case, there will be a collapse of the magnetic field protecting our Earth, and then dangerous cosmic radiation and strong solar storms will definitely turn off the Earth's electronic grid. As a result of the disaster, the electricity supply will collapse in most of the planet. Hardly anyone can imagine today what this will mean. Hospitals will be without electricity and fuel will no longer flow to gas stations. Nuclear power plants will no longer be able to cool. Everything will fail in a few days. Since there is no preparation for this emergency, it looks like a total disaster. Along with the disappearance of the Earth's magnetic field, strong volcanic eruptions will occur. If Yellowstone volcano erupts, it could mean drowning all of North America and the entire northern hemisphere freezing over in a short time.

This would have triggered a Little Ice Age. Many more volcanic eruptions and tsunamis will follow.

But how will the earth's magnetic field weaken? Either this is a cyclical process associated with solar activity, or a foreign body will invade the inner region of the solar system and disrupt the inner planets. It could be the mysterious Planet X or Nibiru. Some informants confirm that this dangerous planet is indeed approaching and orbiting the Sun, with a frequency of 3600 years. New scientific evidence shows that cataclysms and large floods on Earth occur at regular intervals. The planet Nibiru is predicted to complete its transit within a few years. They will feel the impact from around 2016, whistleblowers say, and natural disasters, storms and volcanic eruptions will increase by 2030. This is about the same as what Dr. Popova says. Actually,more and more new volcanoes are awakening almost daily. The survivors of the last global cataclysm tried to warn future generations of mankind about these dangers and left their warnings in the form of megalithic messages.


Alternative researcher Graham Hancock also came to this conclusion several years ago. Only in 2018, the first researchers began to show interest in his theories and even confirmed them. For the first time, experts from the University of Edinburgh analyzed the mysterious symbols on the stone columns of the Gobekli Tepe megalithic complex in Turkey. This megalithic city is considered the oldest in the world today. The symbols indicate that a comet or swarms of comet fragments appeared on Earth about 13,000 years ago, causing a global cataclysm. An ice age followed, and humanity changed dramatically.

On the stone column of Gobekli Tepe, you can see images of strange figures and a large disk, which symbolizes either this comet or Nibiru, which is responsible for the cataclysm. A headless figure can indicate that significant loss of life has occurred, and symbols indicate a change in the Earth's axis of rotation. Researchers believe that Gobekli Tepe served as an observatory to predict the next cyclical catastrophe based on stars. Thousands of years ago, the entire complex was then buried on the ground with an unimaginable effort, and could only have been opened a few years ago.