Plates Go To Attack - Alternative View

Plates Go To Attack - Alternative View
Plates Go To Attack - Alternative View

Video: Plates Go To Attack - Alternative View

Video: Plates Go To Attack - Alternative View
Video: There Is Something Weird Going On In The World Right Now… 2024, July

Exactly fifty-two years ago, the new science of ufology was born. In the summer of 1947, the concept of "flying saucers" also appeared for the first time. True, the representatives of science still deny the existence of a whole host of incomprehensible flying "utensils" and the mysterious phenomena associated with it. In contrast to them, the inhabitants of the Earth have long been affirmed in the opinion that it is time for the aliens to show themselves, but the space pilots of balls, plates, cigars and other pots are not in a hurry yet. Why actually?

There are not so many hypotheses on this score. There is, they say, a confrontation between light and dark civilizations, which, with varying success, do dirty tricks or, on the contrary, help us - the aborigines. And we see the echoes of the struggle between them from time to time. Another approach is more mundane: aliens, using their technical superiority, quietly plunder the wealth of our planet. No, they are not like that, they are smart and kind, others exclaim, the aliens lead us to a brighter future, enlighten us. Nicholas Roerich also adhered to this point of view, referring the alien visitors to a kind of spiritual sewers who cleanse our ball from the streams of anger and hatred. No matter how different points of view may be, all experts on the problems of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations agree that we are being watched very closely. Moreover, not a single more or less significant event in world history (Russia is no exception) seems to be complete without the presence of mysterious visitors.

For half a century, huge UFO statistics have been collected - more than a hundred thousand cases of the appearance of unidentified flying objects in the sky, of which about ten thousand were beyond doubt. Moreover, the peaks of mass flights of "plates" fall on 1946-1947, 1956-1957, 1967-1968 and so on - by decades. Isn't it an interesting sequence? But these are still flowers. According to American ufologists, the largest number of appearance of space wonders occurs in the middle of the week - Wednesday, closer to midnight. Having loaded into the computer the coordinates of the places of appearance of phenomena of extraterrestrial nature, ufologists with some horror discovered that they all form a square grid on a map with a side of 33 miles or a multiple of this. European researchers have confirmed this pattern. That is, they study us not just like that, but according to the system,and even speaking about the excellent knowledge of the realities of our civilization. Indeed, not a single significant event, be it war, elections or thundering political assassination, is complete without reports of uninvited heavenly guests. For example, in 1942, an air raid was announced in Los Angeles due to the appearance of 15 unidentified enemy aircraft. The air defense of the city fired more than 1,400 shells at them, without shooting down anyone. The military authorities reported the incident to President Roosevelt. The air defense of the city fired more than 1,400 shells at them, without shooting down anyone. The military authorities reported the incident to President Roosevelt. The air defense of the city fired more than 1,400 shells at them, without shooting down anyone. The military authorities reported the incident to President Roosevelt.

On the Kursk Bulge - just before the start of the bloodiest battle in 1943, a huge object hovered right on the no-man's land. The Soviet command was pretty worried - rumors about Hitler's new secret super weapon spread through the trenches. During the course of the war, England, the USA, Germany and the USSR constantly suspected opponents of having incomprehensible flying machines.

But this is history. The same pattern can be traced in our days. There is evidence from Chernobyl liquidators that a certain luminous object released a beam into the destroyed fourth block, thereby reducing the radiation from 3000 to 900 roentgens per hour. The shining of incomprehensible balloons in the sky haunted those gathered in front of the White House in 1991 and 1993. During the Chechen war, UFOs were seen more than once. And the election campaign for the presidency in 1996 was marked by the peak of activity in the emergence of "saucers" over Moscow and the surrounding area. So we are dealing with a very curious natural phenomenon. It can be asserted with almost one hundred percent certainty that at the end of this, and in 2000, all political pre-election battles will take place under the watchful eye of heavenly visitors.