Real People Who Made A Deal With The Devil - Alternative View

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Real People Who Made A Deal With The Devil - Alternative View
Real People Who Made A Deal With The Devil - Alternative View

Video: Real People Who Made A Deal With The Devil - Alternative View

Video: Real People Who Made A Deal With The Devil - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Celebrities Who Made A Deal With The Devil 2024, October

The history of world literature suggests that a deal with the devil was perhaps the most seductive way to solve pressing problems. The very specific joys of life are changing into something ephemeral that will have to be given away soon. And then, how is this deal so fundamentally different from the contract of a soldier who sacrifices his life for money? This article contains some of the most famous examples in history of people selling their souls to the devil.



Robert Johnson

One of the most famous blues musicians, who greatly influenced the development of blues, jazz, rock and, as a result, all modern American music. Robert Johnson, so to speak, turned out to be the "founder" of the legendary "Club 27", or rather, the first on the list who died at the age of 27. Johnson's story is full of mystery and mystification. It all started when, at the age of 19, he met the famous bluesmen Sun House and Willie Brown at the time. He dreamed of learning to play the guitar as masterly as these guys, in order to perform with his own group. However, this art was given to him extremely hard: the fingers did not obey, the notes stubbornly did not want to form into a melody. And then one day Robert just disappeared. No one knew where he was and what he was doing, someone assumed that the guy just understood after ineffectual studies,that music is not him, and the donkey is somewhere in a remote village.



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Johnson returned as unexpectedly as he disappeared just a year later. And to the surprise of everyone who knew him before, he demonstrated just a phenomenal mastery of the guitar. His skill level has increased many times over in a very short period of time. The musician himself added fuel to the fire, who personally told the story that there is a certain magical intersection, at which he made a deal with the devil in exchange for the ability to play the blues. Be that as it may, his talent really impressed him. From that time on, he begins to play a lot, as if in a hurry to live. He records about 30 songs, conducts three full recording sessions until August 16, 1938, he dies under very strange and still unclear circumstances. The main version of the death of Robert Johnson says that he became a victim of the jealous husband of his beloved. Nevertheless,the exact circumstances of his death, as well as the exact location of his grave, remain a mystery to this day.



Adolf Gitler

Until 1932, Hitler was a common failure. For poor academic performance, he was kicked out of high school - he had good grades only in drawing and physical education. after that, he twice failed exams at the Academy of Arts. And at one time he even sat in prison. People who knew him personally claimed that he was extremely inept in building relationships with other people and with almost all his acquaintances was "at knives."



And suddenly, in 1932, Hitler seemed to fly into the chair of power. This is a truly dizzying career: in just a year, from an unknown warrior and a failed artist, he turns into the supreme ruler of all of Germany. Some even then started talking about the fact that he could make a deal with the devil. And Hitler's love for the occult only reinforced these doubts. There is a legend according to which at the end of 1945, on the outskirts of Berlin, in the ruins of an old burnt house, Hitler's treaty with the devil, signed on April 30, 1932, was allegedly found. As you know, exactly 13 years later, on April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide by fulfilling the terms of this treaty.



Christoph Heitzmann

Christoph Heizmann is not the most famous middle-class Bavarian artist. He became famous not for his paintings, but for the history of his own life. On August 29, 1677 he was taken to the police. According to the records, he was engulfed in "some unusual convulsions." It was there, in the police, that the artist made an amazing confession: he allegedly sold himself to Satan nine years ago, and now he fears that his soul will be taken in payment of a debt. Heizman literally begged the police to send him to the nearby holy relics in Mariazel for protection. They believed him, and on September 5 the repentant artist arrived at Mariazel.



There, the exorcism ritual lasted for three days. During it, Heizman saw how the Holy Virgin Mary triumphed over the Devil and snatched from him the very agreement that he had written "with blood taken from the palm of his right hand." The contract said: "I, Christoph Heitzmann, give myself to Satan to be his own blood son and belong to him both in body and soul for nine years." After parting with the burden, the artist went to live with his sister in Vienna, but after a month his fears returned. In May 1678, he returned to Mariazel again, where the Holy Virgin returned him another treaty signed in ink, which Heizman saw lying on the steps of the altar, torn into four parts. After this event, the artist entered the monastery and, although he was overcome by devils, he led a devout life until his death, which followed on March 14, Neustadt.



Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell is known as a prominent statesman, military leader and leader of the English Revolution of the 17th century. According to contemporaries, Cromwell made a deal with the devil on the morning of November 9, 1651, in the forest, just before the battle of Worcester. The devil appeared in the guise of a gray-bearded old man and handed Cromwell a scroll with a contract. Having familiarized himself with it, the politician was furious: "How so?" - he shouted, - “Only seven years ?! I have asked you for twenty-one years. " A long dispute ensued between them, but in the end the elder said: "If you refuse, then there will be another who will be satisfied with this."



According to other testimonies, the devil generously promised him all the blessings and riches that can only be imagined, except for one - the title of king. “It will be with you and the Protector,” he said. But Cromwell certainly wanted the highest title in the state. Furious at the devil's intransigence, he struck with all his might with his staff, but hit himself in the leg. Because of this wound, gangrene began. So he died as a Protector. But this evidence is not credible because it is common knowledge that Oliver Cromwell died from a deadly combination of malaria and typhoid fever caused by Salmonella, not from gangrene.



Napoleon Bonaparte

Bonaparte's political career was not as fast as Hitler's, but nevertheless, it became incredibly fast and confident. He staged a coup d'état in 1799 and took over as first consul. In 1804, he was already proclaimed emperor. Napoleon significantly increased the territory of his empire, making most of the countries of Western and Central Europe dependent on France. Just ten years later, in 1814, he abdicated the throne. He returned in 1815, but almost immediately after the defeat at Waterloo he was exiled to St. Helena.



According to some historians, Napoleon made his deal with the devil in 1799 in Egypt, becoming an admirer of the cult of the ancient Egyptian god of evil Set. It was his giant statue that Napoleon brought to Paris from the Egyptian campaign. According to legend, this statue opened the way for its owner to unlimited power. It is especially interesting that during the war of 1812, on the day the French troops entered Moscow, the statue was transported along the Seine and drowned. Since then, luck has turned away from the emperor.



Johann Georg Faust

A famous German doctor and warlock who lived in the first half of the 16th century. It was his legendary biography that became the basis of numerous works of European literature, including the most famous Goethe's tragedy of the same name.



As legend has it, Faust always dreamed of a life that would consist only of pleasure. It was this desire that prompted the beginning of the occult studies, with the help of which he summoned the evil spirit. They made a pact according to which the devil pledged to serve Faust for 24 years in exchange for his soul. However, after 16 years of endless frenzy, fun and sodomy, Faust bitterly regretted his decision and wished to break the contract. Of course, he did not succeed and the evil spirits, not wanting to release their captive just like that, cruelly dealt with him.



Niccolo Paganini

Paganini passionately loved music from an early age. He learned to play the violin when he was 5 years old. Father - the owner of a shop selling mandolins, noticing that his son has talent, began to intensively teach him music. Just a few years later, the playing of little Niccolo amazed professional musicians so much that they simply refused to teach him - there was nothing more. Then, in order to improve his skill, Paganini invented and executed complex musical designs. This led to the fact that for many years there was not a single musician able to play his works. Paganini performed his music only himself.



One of the most famous works of Paganini is "Dance of the Witches". It was this that gave rise to rumors that in order to possess such a virtuoso technique of playing the violin, the musician entered into an agreement with evil spirits. Contributed to this and not the usual appearance of the musician, which is popularly called "Mephistopheles". The poet Heinrich Heine describes his meeting with Paganini in the following way: “He was in a dark gray coat up to his feet, which made his figure very tall. Long black hair in tangled locks fell on his shoulders and, like a dark frame, surrounded his pale, deathly face, on which genius and suffering left their indelible mark.



Theophilus of Adansky

The life of Saint Theophilus of Antioch is considered the first official mention of the deal with the devil in history. It happened in the 6th century AD. Archdeacon Theophilos was unanimously elected bishop of Adana, but out of humility, the holy father renounced his dignity. Another priest was appointed to the post, who, seeing a dangerous competitor in Theophilus, began to oppress him in every possible way. Throwing aside his former humility, the famous theologian decided to find a warlock who would arrange for him to meet with Satan. As a result, the meeting took place. The devil, in exchange for Theophilus receiving the post of bishop, asked him to renounce Jesus and the Mother of God, signing the corresponding contract in blood.



The deal was concluded, but soon Theophilus began to be tormented by remorse. He prayed and fasted for 40 days, after which the Mother of God appeared to him, who promised to intercede for him before God. After another 30 days of fasting, Theophilus again saw the Mother of God, who informed him that all his sins were forgiven him. But Satan was not going to give up just like that. Three days later, Theophilus woke up in the morning to find the very agreement on his chest as a reminder that the deal was still in force. Without thinking twice, he referred the treaty to the former bishop, whose place he took, and repented of his deeds. The bishop acted radically - he took and burned the treaty, thereby annulling it.

