A Person Who Will Live To Be 1000 Years Old Has Already Been Born - Alternative View

A Person Who Will Live To Be 1000 Years Old Has Already Been Born - Alternative View
A Person Who Will Live To Be 1000 Years Old Has Already Been Born - Alternative View

Video: A Person Who Will Live To Be 1000 Years Old Has Already Been Born - Alternative View

Video: A Person Who Will Live To Be 1000 Years Old Has Already Been Born - Alternative View
Video: If You’re Still Alive In 30 Years, You Might Live To Be 1,000 Years Old 2024, September

Aubrey de Gray set himself a "simple" problem. The 54-year-old co-founder of the SENS Research Foundation wants to end biological aging forever. He is absolutely sure that his goal is achievable, and claims that such a person has already been born who will live to the age of 1000 years. De Gray believes that in the next 20 years, scientists will finally solve one of the greatest problems of humanity - the problem of aging.

“The fact is, aging is killing 110,000 people worldwide every day,” de Gray said. “And it doesn't just kill. We must take into account all the suffering that accompanies the aging process."

In his scientific works, de Gray identifies 7 main types of damage-related problems that occur with aging:

1. loss of cells and tissue atrophy;

2. cancer cells;

3. mutations of mitochondrial DNA;

4. mutations of nuclear DNA;

5. accumulation of intracellular debris;

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6. accumulation of amyloid - extracellular debris;

7. formation of extracellular cross-links.

Having learned to correct these damages, a person will be able to restore his body to any degree of rejuvenation and maintain it in this state for any time.

“Aging is definitely far more painful than anything else,” said Mr. Gray, “and while people have to put up with old age, the problem is actually amenable to technological intervention.”


De Gray believes that in the future there will be clinics for rejuvenation, they will successfully cope with these seven problems and the extension of human life will become possible. For some time, treatment in these clinics will be available only to the very wealthy, but de Gray believes that technology will develop very quickly, prices for services will constantly decline and, in the end, longevity will become affordable for both the rich and the poor.

“Soon it will be impossible to become president if you do not have a commitment in your election program to declare a real war on aging,” de Gray said.

The scientist does not agree with the opinion that his research can turn out to be something bad for people on our planet. On the issue of possible overpopulation, he asks not to contact him, but to specialists dealing with the problems of environmental pollution and who know everything about consumption standards. They know how and when the world will switch to using only clean energy, and how to feed any number of people. His task is completely different.

“The fact is that there is no such thing as overpopulation, in the absolute sense of the word,” said de Gray.

So, according to the scientist, each of us has a chance to see a person who will live 1000 years. Or maybe you are that person?

Svetlana Bodrik
