The Golden City Of El Dorado Is Not Fiction! It Is Actually - Alternative View

The Golden City Of El Dorado Is Not Fiction! It Is Actually - Alternative View
The Golden City Of El Dorado Is Not Fiction! It Is Actually - Alternative View

Video: The Golden City Of El Dorado Is Not Fiction! It Is Actually - Alternative View

Video: The Golden City Of El Dorado Is Not Fiction! It Is Actually - Alternative View
Video: Was El Dorado found? | Myth Stories 2024, September

Not so long ago I talked about discovering interesting satellite photos. All the photographs showed various artifacts of the pre-Columbian Inca civilization. Even then, I suggested that these could be the remains of a large settlement. But the reality surpassed all expectations. Everything turned out to be much more interesting. I will try to tell you everything very briefly.

This place is located high in the mountains of Chile. This is the territory of a huge natural park. Very high mountains, steep slopes, mountain peaks there are interspersed with amazingly beautiful high-mountain lakes (lagoons). The central part of the park is occupied by the huge ancient volcano Nevado de Longaví (Nevado de Longaví). The high 3,242 m, ever-snow-capped peak is a landmark in Linares and Maule, visible from almost anywhere in the Central Valley of the province and the neighboring province of Kaukenes. There are mountain peaks around the volcano for tens of kilometers around. This is the Andes. The Andes are one of the highest mountain systems on Earth, bordering the whole of South America from the north and west; southern part of the Cordillera. In some places the Andes reach a width of over 500 km (the greatest width - up to 750 km - in the Central Andes). The Andes stretched through the territories of seven South American states - Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. The rugged mountains are very difficult for tourists. Few daredevils dare to conquer these peaks. However, the local population has long ceased to admire these landscapes. They make money. Income from tourism covers the lion's share of the budget of the countries of South America. Chile is no exception to the rule. Stunning poverty forces men to risk their lives every day. Therefore, the voices of brave loners are heard in the mountains throughout the country. The mountain ranges around the extinct volcano Nevado de Longavi are little explored. All trails run in well-trodden areas. And groups of tourists almost never wander into forbidden places. Cajón "OLLA SECA" or Olla Sega canyon stands out here. Several huge mountains formed a blind chain of peaks and rocks. Only very prepared people risk going to the top of the canyon. And so far none of the tourists. Or local residents did not find the destroyed facade of the ancient building. And the facade is impressive in size. Its length is 87 meters. It was cut out of the rock. And this could only be done by a very advanced civilization. The skills of the Incas were just right for this. Its coordinates are 36 ° 8'36.64 "S, 71 ° 0'20.95" W. The main thing is that the wall is visible only on a satellite image. On the ground, it is not immediately distinguishable from the rock. And there is no one there to look at it. Tourists don't get there. But these are not all artifacts of the Olla Sega canyon. There are several geoglyphs there. The geoglyph is the largest prehistoric anthropomorphic drawing. Who left them and when is unknown. The main thing that scientists know is that the drawings are done on the rocks. Their sizes are very large. So in the Atacama Desert,it is a desert on the west coast of South America in Chile. There is a giant drawing. Its length is 86 meters. The drawing is estimated to be 9,000 years old. And in the canyon there are a couple of smaller geoglyphs. They are known, as yet little. But their photos can be found on the net. But the largest geoglyph in the canyon is enormous. Its length is 1 kilometer. The figure carved into the rock shows a snake. I have no doubts about its artificial origin. For what purpose and how long ago it was made, I have no idea. One part of the drawing ended up in photographs of tourists. True, they did not notice it, since it is possible to see it in full only from space. Its coordinates are 36 ° 7'55.76 "S, 70 ° 59'47.30" W geoglyph is clearly visible on satellite images from 4.06.2012. Archaeologists believe that these pictograms served as signposts for the Inca caravans. Although, for me personally, it is not clear how the caravans from the ground could see these drawings? Or did they fly through the air? But the most interesting is yet to come. At the coordinates 36 ° 7'40.39 "S, 71 ° 0'58.27" W there is a huge human figure. Again, it is so located that it can only be seen from the air. The statue is clearly visible in the images from space for 3.29.2013 the length of the figure is 20 meters. If I am not mistaken, the man is dressed in a typical Inca costume. And judging by the headdress and battle armor, this is the king. How can we not remember the kings of the mythical city of Eldorado? As far as I know, no statues and human figures have been found in the Andes yet. This means that the artifact is simply unique. Again, it is curious that all this is in plain sight. You can simply see the whole object only on a satellite image. Also interesting are the giant slabs of limestone under the foundation 36 ° 6'48.77 "S,71 ° 4'34.86 "W are clearly visible on images from space for 3.29.2013, the plate length is 37 meters. At the same time, the plates, unambiguously, have been processed by someone. And the Andes are not Egypt. There have never been so many slaves here. They were simply, corny, eaten. Since meat is scarce in these parts. And Columbus with his pigs (animals were on the ships of Christopher Columbus) has not yet discovered America. By the way, there is an opinion that pork fell in love with the natives because of its taste. Painfully she reminded the Incas of human flesh. However, these are only rumors, nothing more. Like all mountain dwellers, the ancient Chileans needed water. Irrigation and land reclamation has reached its perfection there. So in the canyon there is a storage basin for collecting glacial water 36 ° 06'00.24 "S, 71 ° 00'13.56" W. Judging by the photos, it works properly. Fills in the springand water evaporates from it only in late autumn. If the Incas were alive, they would never have problems with clean water. By the way, all the lakes in the canyon are salty. Why this happened to me is not known for certain. But there has always been a problem with fresh water.

Output. In the heart of the Andes is the oldest city. It is in plain sight, but you can only find it from high-quality satellite photos. I think this is the city that was called Eldorado. The legend about him is apparently greatly exaggerated. Or vice versa, we do not know anything about him. All that remains is to find it in real life. Go for it. And God bless you!

The figure of a war or king carved into the rock
The figure of a war or king carved into the rock

The figure of a war or king carved into the rock.

Close-up of the oldest statue
Close-up of the oldest statue

Close-up of the oldest statue.

Huge slabs from the foundations of buildings in the canyon
Huge slabs from the foundations of buildings in the canyon

Huge slabs from the foundations of buildings in the canyon.

The same plate is a side view
The same plate is a side view

The same plate is a side view.

The oldest geoglyph
The oldest geoglyph

The oldest geoglyph.

Promotional video:

The drawing is carved deep into the rock
The drawing is carved deep into the rock

The drawing is carved deep into the rock.

The length of the drawing is 1 kilometer
The length of the drawing is 1 kilometer

The length of the drawing is 1 kilometer.

Part of the drawing (geoglyph) got into the photographs of tourists
Part of the drawing (geoglyph) got into the photographs of tourists

Part of the drawing (geoglyph) got into the photographs of tourists.

These geoglyphs already exist in the canyon
These geoglyphs already exist in the canyon

These geoglyphs already exist in the canyon.

This drawing is also in the canyon on the rocks
This drawing is also in the canyon on the rocks

This drawing is also in the canyon on the rocks.

Facade wall of a huge building at the top of one of the canyon mountains
Facade wall of a huge building at the top of one of the canyon mountains

Facade wall of a huge building at the top of one of the canyon mountains.

Are the remains of the foundation being used as a bungalow for tourists? This picture is not clear to me
Are the remains of the foundation being used as a bungalow for tourists? This picture is not clear to me

Are the remains of the foundation being used as a bungalow for tourists? This picture is not clear to me.

These hand-cut stones lie among the rocks of the canyon. They can only be seen from the air
These hand-cut stones lie among the rocks of the canyon. They can only be seen from the air

These hand-cut stones lie among the rocks of the canyon. They can only be seen from the air.

A shallow ritual lake? According to legend, the king of Eldorado swam in such a lake
A shallow ritual lake? According to legend, the king of Eldorado swam in such a lake

A shallow ritual lake? According to legend, the king of Eldorado swam in such a lake.

Perhaps this is a destroyed wall of a building
Perhaps this is a destroyed wall of a building

Perhaps this is a destroyed wall of a building.

This is a pyramid. In the heart of the canyon
This is a pyramid. In the heart of the canyon

This is a pyramid. In the heart of the canyon.

Valentin Degterev. Internet journalist. Specialization in the genre of searching for various artifacts