Traces Of Tartary On The Shelf Of The East Siberian Sea - Alternative View

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Traces Of Tartary On The Shelf Of The East Siberian Sea - Alternative View
Traces Of Tartary On The Shelf Of The East Siberian Sea - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of Tartary On The Shelf Of The East Siberian Sea - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of Tartary On The Shelf Of The East Siberian Sea - Alternative View

Good day, dear users! At this good time, we want to tell you about how changes took place on the territory of Great Tartary in the recent past (end of the 17th century) … Naturally, official science relates these events to thousands and thousands of years ago … It was a great transformation of the entire region, and the End Light for the inhabitants of that world.

In fact, it was the death of Tartaria - its spiritual center - the city of Tartarus (from which the name Tartaria came from) and Mongul - the capital of the Mongol country.

In the first part, what he saw in the spirit is described in the words of a medium (we ask you to treat this accordingly), which also leaves its imprint on the reception - transmission of information. Therefore, try to just see it with your own vision, and maybe you will feel it with your being - now such times - once established restrictions are removed..

The second is the material part, proofs, arguments, maps, etc. all physics and no lyrics …

So, the investigation is in two parts:


July 15, 1687 in the second half of the day, in the late afternoon, the country of Mongol began its immersion into the depths of the sea, and it was sinking within five weeks - one and a half months.

Promotional video:

The earth fell through huge holes, 3-7 meters in diameter here and there, from which high geysers began to beat, gradually flooding the lowlands. Giant faults began to shred arable lands, gardens, settlements and city streets, houses..


Then a heavy rain set in, which looked more like streams of water from above, all of which happened gradually, with increasing inevitability. There was enough time to collect all the essentials and leave, except for those who were not lucky enough to “sink into the ground.” Everyone who made decisions in the first few days managed to leave, but some stayed and switched to a thin plan (died) The problem is that people they refused to leave, they thought that all this would soon end.

And then, when the inevitability became obvious, it was already too late - here and there gaps were gaping, part of the land was cut off from the mainland - areas of land were heaving by a wall, under a terrible roar accompanying such events. It was sheer HELL. So about 3 million people died. … and in total, about 45 million people lived in the flooded territory in cities and many settlements.

The infrastructure was destroyed, the governing bodies, trying to maintain order, transferred the country to martial law. Initially, people lived in that territory for about 7 thousand years, where they were settled by the Supreme Powers, most likely creators - creators..


And so, the Mongol country and its inhabitants, having lost the meaning of existence and their native land, wandered south and south, for hundreds of years, finding no shelter anywhere, slowly dissolving in other peoples, until eventually they reached modern Mongolia. But that was already one thing. name … They taught the peoples order, crafts, technology, art … They raised the level of the then world. They fired grain and gave seedlings.

They were harsh strong warriors, skilled craftsmen, beautiful women, magi, priests, wizards. There were also magnificent forms of art associated with the expanded capabilities of a human being, which were lost … And by the way, the jew's harp is a tool "from there." playing the jew's harp had a completely different meaning - changes in the frequency spectrum of sound and the capabilities of the human throat reached incredible depths, and influenced the entire human being.


A skilful performer conveyed information, a legend, through the extraction of sound and presentation of an image - the consciousness of the listeners was transferred to other lands and worlds, in ancient times. They saw the legends of deep antiquity, the history of their present, instructive fairy tales for children. The listeners, as it were, were inside the event, partially observing with their consciousness and participating in some part of the soul - infiltrating any of the acting characters, feeling their experiences as their own, making one or another choice with them.

Modern Mongols have nothing in common with the Tartar Mongols. The main purpose of the Tartar-Mongol was to protect against the invasions of beastmen from the hellish realms, through portals that opened during certain "windows of opportunity", thanks to the efforts of black magicians from enemy structures. These structures still exist and are engaged in the same - the destruction of people. All the same asses oppose them, in this eternal struggle between good and evil.


Transitions to the otherworld have always existed there, they are still there, but deep under water. The portals were guarded by the Tartar-Mongols, who were warriors from birth, and all of this were ruled by the Ases, who were the elite - demigods, in the understanding of the Tartar-Mongols. caste, it was a race already hidden at that time.

They ruled through the local elite - military leaders and princes. Among the people they appeared extremely rarely … Ases were two meters tall, beautiful, slender, strong. They possessed all the perfection of knowledge and spirituality, they knew the control of matter and space … The Tartarians were white, blue-eyed - slanting eyes, fair-haired, similar to modern white Tatars or Altai, Ainu from Osro Iapan, especially spiritually gifted, mostly masters, wizards, leaders.

The Mongols, on the other hand, were more capable of martial art, warriors from birth, although there was no clear division - they looked at everyone according to their abilities … Mongols were slender, dark-skinned or light, red or black-haired, black or brown eyes … Warriors of magicians were raised on purpose, guessing the moment of conception, and then they raised them in special institutions, they no longer saw their families - it was a special kind of tribute.


The Ases created from the peoples inhabiting the territory a well-organized military structure, the main task of which from the Higher Forces was to protect the portals - the gates to the otherworld, through which hordes of beastmen periodically broke through, and the troops had to fight with them - the soldiers constantly died in the struggle. Beastmen were physically stronger, larger and taller than the warriors of Tartarus, but inferior in intelligence and martial art, tactics and strategy, although they also had a semblance of organization - organized gangs.


Where did these portals and creatures come from? They have always existed in this territory, but before these worlds were not so demonized. Trade, exchange, communication was conducted with the inhabitants of these worlds, one could visit, make friends, but marriages were not welcomed. It was an alliance. But since the beginning of the Galactic Night (Night of Svarog) In these worlds (and they are more susceptible to the influence of dark forces) "coups d'etat" took place, in modern terms, with all the ensuing consequences.


Power was gone, chaos and chaos set in. Hastily assembled gangs collected tribute from the weaker and unorganized. It should be noted that not only beastmen lived in these worlds, but also other creatures, very nice and harmless, but they became the first victims of the blood-mad and the power of the beast-like, for the strong is always right.


Following this link, you can read the Front Chronicle of John the Terrible (16th century), namely the description of the campaign of Alexander the Great in the other world.


Alexander the Great in Siberia (excerpt from the book)

And from there, we will accept many leaders (they took many guides) the Indian land that knows the way, all the way to bring the desert into the western country with all the star stakes. The Tribeans say to Alexander, as if in the countries of those divisions humans are the essence and the beast is angry and wondrous. Alexander even sees the country. those are the same people. To the leader of the same verb: “Master Alexander the Tsar! There is no way Indian land”(the author should note here that India, to which Alexander went, was located exactly in the territories about which we are narrating).


Let Alexander drink all his howling (took all his soldiers) heading towards the east. And when I come to the east, I will find there unclean tongues (nations) hedgehogs are Afet's grandchildren. And they have tsars. 74., though still fight with us. Byahu, they have friends, nazi (they had other nagas), and seeing their uncleanness, Adeksander disdained: they poison more animals, vile creature, vile, and nasty: mosquitoes, and moss., Cats and mice, and snakes, and female perverts and they will not bury the dead flesh, n'yadahut. And seeing this, Alexander was afraid of the verb:

"How can these food reach the holy land and desecrate it from their foul poison?"

And pray to the Highest God, starting to fight with them. And by the power of God, drive them between the two mountains, and God shut them up in the northern mountains, they are the Mizas, only 12 Lakots didn’t climb the mountains. And seeing, Alesander praised the Highest God, command the gates to be bound with iron, and covered with suunclitic, but neither iron cuts, nor fire burns, no trick will have time for him.

Yes, in those mountains they have to be until the last days, until the end of the world is approaching, and Abie will open the Undal gates, and behold, Gog and Magog will crawl to the ground and desecrate you, the essence of the king of paganism, even their covenant Alexander will smell the country of the north, And having driven out the packs, like cattle in the fence, and shut the gates about them. Whenever anyone sees you, you unclean tongues. Having come to earth, but to tell me that there is death near.

Pay attention to the highlighted text of the last paragraph - "… they will be in those mountains until the last days of the world, when the end of the world is approaching, God will open the gates and lo and behold Gog and Magog will crawl out and desecrate the earth.."

Let's see where we have Gog and where Magog (underlined in red) Exactly on the flooded territory … And since this event was the End of the World, for almost the whole world, and especially the region, everything converges … And the visions of the medium, and the description of the campaign of Alexander the Great, and 16th century maps (many maps)

I note that many ancient poets and historians mention this campaign - there are materials on the network.


However, let's continue our story: As the situation in the otherworld worsened (similar to the modern yellow revolutions) and gangs of frostbitten beastmen began to penetrate through portals into our world. At first they simply took away livestock, property, food supplies, and then began to steal and eat people All this happened at the beginning of the last millennium. The then Tartar-Mongols were an ordinary people, they did not differ much from the rest of the inhabitants of Tartaria until the Ases came.


The Ases came from higher powers to create an obstacle to the penetration and spread of beastmen in our world, because the dark forces, gaining the power granted to them by God Almighty for the duration of the Galactic Night, were gaining strength and power, and without the help of the Ases, the beastmen would have devoured the Tartar-Mongol in a short time, and then the rest of the world would have fallen. Dark forces could make changes in the situation on earth with the help of the black magic orders controlled by them, the followers of which are still active.


The base of the dark forces, a kind of "MORDOR" (marked with a red cross on the map on the right) was located in China, almost on the border with the country of Katay - exactly at the Great Wall (the wall was located not there as the current one) not so far from the sea (50-80 km) at the foot of the mountains, where there were landing sites for aircraft, as well as underground palaces-temples where rituals were performed - human sacrifices.


Temples of dark forces were marked on the surface - they could be seen from a height. Genetic, occult and alchemical experiments were also carried out. In fact, they were temple laboratories, a kind of research institute of dark forces.

And by the way, there is a version that the wall was built to protect against the "experimental samples" of this "research institute" that were in full swing at that time. Gangs of beastmen who had undergone "special training" prowled around all the surrounding countries, cities and villages, pretending to be peaceful wanderers (beastmen before were not uncommon) merchants or travelers, engaging in robberies and robberies, intelligence and subversive activities. (Tolkien's map on the left - you can catch some distant associations).


Ases organized and trained the population, they created a real army. They gave knowledge, taught the arts, sciences and so on. Literally in 30-50 years the country (which was formed by the Ases from the peoples inhabiting the area) became the leading country in the region. The country was especially famous for its martial art, tournaments, competitions were held, young people had the honor to serve in armies - all the boys dreamed about it.

Tribute was collected from the inhabitants for the maintenance of the army, but the inhabitants were given technology and knowledge, with the help of which they could easily provide for themselves and pay the tax. The army began to resist enemy penetrations, but the number of the enemy did not decrease. In addition, the black sorcerers and magicians of the enemy, Driven by the ever-increasing force of the evil energy feeding them, they tried tirelessly. New portals began to appear, holes through which the undead scattered across the territory.

The question became especially acute when the catastrophe began, the earth began to collapse, huge cracks appeared, and the undead crawled from everywhere, grabbing those who were leaving and perishing - those who decided to stay. The soldiers were ordered to stand guard until the end, but the enemy scouts and compromisers presented reasonable arguments, that they say de must leave, save families - you need to leave the portals. Many fell for these tricks, while others stood firm, dooming themselves to death, knowingly losing even the opportunity to escape from the catastrophe.


Tartar-Mongol did not have their own metallurgy, they received metal from the Slav-Rus who inhabited the territory of Siberia, or rather the Urals. They traded by importing fabrics, carpets, tableware - jugs, dishes. They had mosaic masters. Blacksmiths were in mostly Rus-Slavs, they also trained local apprentices.

There was also a magical weapon, a resonant weapon is especially interesting - a huge gong, which emitted vibrations depriving some of the beastmen of physical strength and energy for a while. There was some organ in their body to which the gong was frequency tuned. But this weapon is not influenced.

The race of beastmen were the results of genetic experiments, and this organ was deliberately incorporated in them as an emergency "switch-button" in case of loss of control over the "product". There is a similar organ in humans.


And yet, about beastmen and other undead - official science and history are silent about this, but in the documents that have come down to us from the darkness of medieval culture - novels, fairy tales, legends, in old paintings, and now in numerous films, there is always evil and undead this kind of reminder - you can't hide an sewn in a sack..

(Here are the peseglavtsy on the 15th century Borgia map, the territory of the Russian North)


In strength and power, the Mongol-Tartars had no competitors, but the enemy (SAME WHAT NOW) built secret intrigues, such as: to quarrel with neighbors, provoke conflicts within the country, between nationalities, groups of the population.

The main goal of the enemy was to seize control of the territory in order to regulate the presence and number of beastmen in this world, who lent themselves well to being zombified - of them, one could easily assemble an army to establish a dictate over the world. Moreover, the resources of this cheap military force were practically unlimited. In the case of establishing control over these transitions in the otherworld, the long-cherished military leaders from that environment were already ready.

(On the map of the Cabbot (1534) you can see the peseglavets, on the territory of the Russian North)


Strong, smart, ruthless, especially to their own. Loyal to their owners (who "upgraded" them - opened additional abilities) Because the only real opportunity to control this maddened rabble was the instilled fear and physical superiority of the leader..

An army of beastmen was what the enemy needed to strengthen his power and might, because it was unrealistic to compete with the Mongol-Tartarus army with local resources - the army was the strongest in the world of that time. The beastmen were in their hellish sphere, where it was rather sad and not very satisfying. And here there was beauty - a beautiful magical world, soft, tasty, defenseless people - therefore the leaders of the beastmen were in contact with the black sorcerers of the enemy, and periodically (WHEN THE OPPORTUNITY APPEARED) carried out raids, passing through the portal opened by the enemy, pushing through the ranks of the Tartar-Mongol warriors.


I must say that this struggle was allowed from above, as an instrument of regulation, to achieve a balance of good and evil in the world, and therefore simple warriors made efforts here in the fight against the beast, and battle magicians in the battle with the enemy sorcerers, and the demigods themselves - white Ases, opposed the higher (or lower) black entities of the enemy.


To get a sense of what happened there at that time, you can watch the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" (Tolkien copied the fairy tale "from there" - he was a contactee) In fact, the Lord of the Rings, if you remove the fictional characters and the plot itself, this is a description of what happened in the Mongol country the day before catastrophes - FEELING ITSELF, IMPRESSION, SPIRIT, THE ITSELF EXPECTATION OF A WORLD DISASTER, FEAR OF THE ONWARD DARKNESS, LOSS

And it was not by chance that an English contactee was chosen (in the USSR, this would not be allowed)


If you don't believe me - take a look at the maps of Tolkien and the maps of Tartary, the country of Mongol - very similar in spirit.


And the film, by the way, is very similar to reality (according to the medium). The same is with the characters. There were sorcerers, warrior-magicians, dragons, all sorts of magic things and animals (as well as plants) that are not now. There was a different composition of air, a different attraction., atmospheric pressure, etc. The pole was in a different place, but everything was different and therefore people and their capabilities, nature itself were different from the present.

Mongol is a country of a solar cult, there were no religious structures as such. For misconduct they were reprimanded instantly, therefore the issue of maintaining order was not acute - the matrix itself was adjusted accordingly..


Asses were in several dimensions at the same time, somewhere there they are now, with them (or with their servants) you can communicate, at their discretion … Why was the decision to flood the territory? The fact is that the Galactic Night was nearing its peak, and the power of the dark force was growing. As soon as it was possible to restrain the attacks of the undead, internecine squabbles began among the highest leadership of the Mongol-Tartar - resentment and revenge, division of ranks, corruption and so on. This happened because darkness spread everywhere, and primarily to the souls of people.


Dark spots in their souls that were previously invisible, suddenly began to creep and fill the entire inner space of a person. And people, living in prosperity and comfort, began to share something among themselves, despite the fact that there was a war. Cases of betrayal and cooperation with Then, in order to save the people from internal destruction, the Higher Forces make such a decision. Well, of course, the main thing was to flood the territory of increased danger, excluding possible risks … Hence the winged expression LOST INTO THE TARTARARS most likely is already the 19th century, and the meaning of this expression and the memory itself were lost a long time ago..


According to some Russian scientists, this region of Siberia sank under water just 2,500 years ago. Marine geologists believe that this section of the sea shelf was dry land 18–8 thousand years ago. According to our version, this happened no more than 330 years ago.


In red we will highlight the mountain range, white "Mountain Altai where are the coffins of the kings of Tartaria", on this topic was a post earlier -

This may well be on the islands of the Bulunsky ulus (Bolshoy and Small Lyakhovsky Islands) or on the shelf near the mainland … So, the marks are three white stripes - the Ob Guba, three yellow stripes - the mouth of the Lena, turquoise - the approximate location of Mongul and Tartar, a yellow stripe to the right - a mountain range, pink - the outlines of a sunken part of the land


It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the continent was mercilessly shredded by the seismic activity of the planet, ancient cartographers led by Gerard Mercator also mercilessly shredded its outlines. Therefore, when comparing events on the maps, the main thing is to see the main landmarks that could not move noticeably, such as the location of the Lena estuary and the Ob Guba.

As it was said at the beginning of the post, the catastrophe happened in 1687. (tentatively) I certainly don’t know how the news spread at that time, but I don’t think it was so soon. Moreover, the times were harsh - the world was covered with a series of disasters - Africa, Arabia, Central Asia - the climate changed everywhere, civilizations perished en masse. thought about geography?

So while the new authorities (the world redistribution was just taking place) took their bearings and found an opportunity (I think they had something else to do besides this) to send scientists and travelers to inspect their possessions (after a global change) and put them on maps, it took about so much time (13 years old) for the changes to be presented to the new owners.

And now attention to the map of 1700 Guillame De L Isle (below)


It can be assumed that it was simply not possible to get to those places, and therefore something like this … Old information could be copied from someone. and there was simply no new one yet, although everyone already knew about the disaster, therefore they did not draw anything


But already in 1714 (read the inscription on the map below) NEW (!!!) MAP OF THE GREAT TARTARIAN AND THE EMPIRE OF THE GREAT KHAN

As you can see, the cartographers sent after the disaster to inspect the renewed lands have not found the Mongol country - after the Lena River, the land ends. Only the proud peaks of mountain ranges (three red stripes) peep out of the okiyana sea, recalling the once glorious country of Mongol and partly of the country of Katay. Yellow stripes, as usual, the Lena River, blue - the Guba of Ob is outlined in pink, the territory of the Mongol country, supposedly plunged into the abyss (compare the coincidence of the highlighted mountain ranges with the old map)


Then in 1722. Nicolas De Fer provides customers with something more adequate.


Let's remember how it was before, before the flood, at the same time we'll see the proud peaks. Again - the yellow stripes of Lena, three red stripes are above the flooded proud peaks, and the pink stripe is the approximate boundaries of flooding.


And once again we will duplicate it on another map.


And below the map is already 1740. the region apparently shakes not childishly - you can see how Kamchatka came off, and a part of the flooded territory rose in the form of an island (turquoise cross). So it is possible to localize the birth of Kamchatka as a peninsula with an interval between 1722-1740 !!!

And by the way, it is interesting - the inscription YUKAGIRA appears on the map, JUST BORDERS WITH THE PLACE OF THE FLOORING (where the cross is) this suggests that the YUKAGIRS, without any doubt, have a direct relationship with their glorious ancestors from the Mongol country and their wise mentors Asami..


Jozef Nicholas De L isle 1752. here the maps are already drawn in more detail, and the region seems to be shaken properly - Kamchatka was taken even further from the mainland, and part of the flooded territory (which rose in the form of an island - a cross) began to plunge back into the sea.


But the map is already 1766. Seismic activity does not subside - the honor of the flooded territory in the form of an island completely plunged into the sea. Thus, we can conclude that the region was shaking for more than half a century, and it was shaking so that the outlines of the continent changed … And how can you hide such things, throwing hundreds of thousands and millions of years?

Turquoise - Scandia, white stripes - Obskaya Guba, yellow stripes - Lena. The place of the Mongol Tartary that fell into Tartarara is marked with a red line.


Continuation: "Tartary, flooded territories. Wrangel Island - the remnants of the Mogul country …".