Altai Princess And Her Secret - Alternative View

Altai Princess And Her Secret - Alternative View
Altai Princess And Her Secret - Alternative View

Video: Altai Princess And Her Secret - Alternative View

Video: Altai Princess And Her Secret - Alternative View
Video: СЛАВЯНСКАЯ ПРИНЦЕССА ИЗ АЛТАЯ. Почему учёные искажают правду о алтайской мумии? 2024, June

In 1993, a group of archaeologists went to excavations in Gorny Altai. Scientists were interested in this place, since they believed that it was these regions that were the seat of an ancient civilization. It was very difficult to get here, because the mountainous terrain without special roads could not dispose to travel. We needed a special cross-country vehicle. And even in this case, nothing said that the equipment would not break.

However, the group of scientists was not stopped by anything. They walked firmly towards the goal. Scientists have found that almost every meter on this earth was preparing a surprise for them. It turns out that in the past there were a lot of people, the land was densely populated. It only seems that there were fewer people before. In fact, there were a lot of people, even more than now. Previously, there were practically no empty seats.

In July 1993, an archaeological group under the special leadership of Natalya Polosmak, a few hours after the start of work, discovered a skeleton, presumably a man. It was a good find, but even more serious surprises awaited the scientists.

Next to this man was the skeleton of a horse. There were no weapons or other items. Scientists, of course, were disappointed, but decided to raise another stone. When this happened, they saw ice under the stone. Archaeologists realized that there is something else or someone else at the bottom of this grave. They decided to continue their research.

Under this upper burial was a chamber made of frozen larch. A strange object towered over the camera. It looked like the opening of a breathing tube. One got the impression that there was a living creature at the bottom of the grave.


The bones of six horses were found behind the walls of this chamber. This meant only one thing - a particularly important human skeleton is located in the cell. Suddenly thunder struck in the sky, it was strange, because the weather was good.

This was a strange sign. However, this discovery was not something extraordinary for the Altaians, since long before that, shamans predicted a discovery of such a scale. In addition, they said that immediately after the opening of this grave, all sorts of cataclysms would begin in Altai.

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When opening the burial, scientists discovered a block of ice. It was decided to melt it somehow. For this, scientists began to pour boiling water over it from mugs. Upon learning of this, the Altai were indignant. It was not natural for them. The Altaians are a very amazing people - they allowed scientists to work on their land. However, they said that they should do everything according to their conscience.

But in the history of Altai, this was not the first time when frozen mummies were melted with boiling water. Archaeologist Rudenko also excavated many years ago. He found the mummy of a man and a woman who were in blocks of ice. In order to melt the ice, Rudenko poured boiling water over it. However, after that, the mummies decayed. Therefore, this experience did not bring him satisfaction. Moreover, after that, the road to Ukok was closed to him.

But back to the excavations in Altai. Scientists began to melt the ice, and a human mummy gradually began to appear inside this ice. It was a woman's mummy. She was wearing a silk dress. Scientists also discovered two studs decorated with diamonds, thin-framed mirrors and a silk shirt.

She was a very unusual woman. She was buried in a separate Kurgan, with six horses. She also had unusual things. There was a real Altai princess in Kurgan. In Altai, a separate Kurgan is built only for knowledgeable people, that is, for shamans. In this case, the mound can be made of wood, for example, it can be a wooden house.

The scientists were at a loss. They did not know if the secret of the Altai princess would be revealed. Everything indicated that the princess was without a family. And if this was so, then she could be a shaman.

But the surrounding things of the Altai princess are only a small part of what really shocked scientists. In fact, scientists were shocked by the tattoos that were on the body of the Altai princess. These tattoos were on the shoulders as well as the fingers. These were flowers, as well as a deer with a vulture's beak frozen in flight. These images were so clearly visible, as if it happened yesterday.

The historian Akay Kynyev says that these tattoos indicated that the mound would be opened. “It will give information about what awaits humanity in the near future. In turn, people had to correctly interpret these signs. It was her wish that people would know about her, about her signs and bury them back. However, people did not obey, they removed the remains of the Altai princess from this burial.


When the scientists were already finishing their work, the Altai princess again made itself felt. Suddenly the ground in Ukok was shaking.

The expedition ended. It was necessary to transport the mummy of the Altai princess by car. The scientists had four cars at their disposal. But suddenly it turned out that two of them needed urgent repairs. Then the scientists decided to urgently call a helicopter to these places.

A mummy was loaded onto a helicopter. However, flying up to Barnaul, he suddenly lost control. The pilots just miraculously managed to land a huge helicopter on the ground. This helicopter experienced an engine failure. It was very strange, because the equipment was in good working order.

A few days later, military events began in Moscow. No one was aware that the story of the Altai princess could have been the source of this event. However, people in Altai already knew that a storm was coming.

Some people in Altai call the princess Kadyn, others call her the hero Ochibola. But in reality they are one and the same person. In general, the history of the Altai princess is very multifaceted, there are many incidents after excavations. But more on that in the following articles.
