Climbing Konzhak: Mountain Landscapes And Magnetic Anomalies - Alternative View

Climbing Konzhak: Mountain Landscapes And Magnetic Anomalies - Alternative View
Climbing Konzhak: Mountain Landscapes And Magnetic Anomalies - Alternative View

Video: Climbing Konzhak: Mountain Landscapes And Magnetic Anomalies - Alternative View

Video: Climbing Konzhak: Mountain Landscapes And Magnetic Anomalies - Alternative View
Video: Signal Enhancement for Magnetic Navigation Scientific Machine Learning Challenge Problem 2024, September

On the third attempt, we still managed to get to the Konzhakovsky stone. According to my feelings, I still have not descended, still living in a mountain forest-tundra with seas of blueberries and undersized larch and cedar trees.


And it was like this …

We left Miass at 6 in the morning, stopping in Nevyansk on the way to admire the leaning tower. Without stopping at Serov we turned to Karpinsk, then to the Karpinsk-Kytlym highway. Before reaching the village of Kytlym, we went along the dirt road to a well-knurled right turn. Approximate turning coordinates: N 59º35,444 ' E 59º23,331 '.


The ascents are steep enough and large stones fall, but the road is dry and graded. We were on shnivy, but we also met desperate puzoterki, and in large numbers. We passed the cedar groves and stopped for the night in a picturesque forest-tundra on a slope under the Serebryanskiy stone, near the noisy Serebryanka river. The weather is not to say to be happy - cold weather, strong wind, mountains in fog. We prudently prepared firewood in advance in the forest zone, where there is a lot of spruce dry forests. We set up camp, cooked supper and sat down to tell stories around a warm fire, waiting for the appearance of countless stars. However, the full moon intervened in our plans.


In the morning a strong wind blew the tent mercilessly. I cautiously stuck out my nose and, seeing the clear sky promised by the forecasts, with optimism I went to admire the sunrise views, feast on blueberries and make morning coffee.

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Even at 9 in the morning, when everyone was already awake, it was so cold that the oil froze and instantly cooled down in a mug of coffee. It is good that they did not neglect warm things, taking them with a margin.


During the day, the weather changed so much that at times it was hot to walk in T-shirts, and sometimes you had to pull on warm puffs.

Now you need to survive the gathering of the camp. We drag all the things to the edge of the tall parapet, over which the car is parked and along the chain we throw the clothes up.


Serpentine, laid along a steep slope, nicknamed by tourists "Mad snail", fully justifies its name, coming so close to the sinkholes and talus that when approaching, you involuntarily hold your breath. But the views … … Sometimes we stop and run to take a picture.


Today, visiting Konzhak is not a big deal and physical training. The road leads to the very Jovskoy plateau, where it remains only to walk along the swampy plane and climb to the top. I agree, not sporty, but available to everyone. You can walk in different directions - admire the Yovskoy failure, Tylaysky, Serebryansky, Kozhakovsky stones, Yuzhny and Severny Yov, or walk along the marathon path along the Glade of Artists past the Gvardeets, which we did. Having admired the town of Ktysher and the Kosvinsky stone, we set off along the marked path back to the plateau and storm the mountain. The Yovskoe plateau is full of water. Water is everywhere - under boulders, in small swamps, numerous streams and puddles. And this is not surprising, because this moisture gives rise and nourishment to many rivers.


Magnetic anomalies do take place, since the navigator, in search of one object, threw us from side to side. Passing back by Mr. Gvardeets (we now know about this), we thought - "Yes, he is not so terrible, this Konzhak, from whatever side he ascends, he can run right here, right in the forehead …" But the remnants of common sense prompted to follow the marathon markings. Konjak turned out to be a very deceiving comrade. First, we jumped for a long time along the kurums along the mountain, then we began to climb.


Kurums did not end anymore. Climbing onto the shelf, then another shelf, then another, we in general expected to see the next one, but not as hefty! Well, okay, now let's crawl further. But when “beyond the distance” another whopper appeared, huge than the previous one, I wanted to scream. But, as it turned out, she was not the last.

At the top, we fully realized the correctness of our decision to follow the marking. They imagined their eyes in paints when, having rushed headlong and reaching the top, they would suddenly find that it was another peak.


Konzhakovsky stone is the highest point of the Sverdlovsk region, the southernmost peak of the Northern Urals. From the top and slopes of Konzhak, stunning panoramas open up. Wherever you look - there are mountains around. The highest point of Konzhak is 1569 meters on the top of small rocks. A metal tripod is installed here, under which lie various nishtyaks, including a kettlebell with a broken handle weighing 24 kg. I always wonder why the hell ?!)) "You need to visit Konzhak at least to bring a pound weight here …"

We took a picture, had a snack and moved back, hurrying a little, as we were alone on the mountain, all the groups had already gone down.

Reversely experienced the same effect of never ending shelves. We walked along the markings, but then decided not to rake to the right, but to slide in azimuth, directly to the nascent dunite quarry. The decision turned out to be correct, because on the way we ran into a thicket of ripe cloudberries, talked with a quarry worker and learned a lot of interesting things.

We decided to spend the night in the cedar forest again, because drove up to him by dusk and it was time to set up camp. I have never regretted the silence, warmth, no breeze, the smell of pine needles, firewood in bulk.


In the morning, several attempts were made to hunt cedar cones. On the trees by the road, almost everyone was already beating, but we were persistent, desperately competing with the nutcracker birds, which sometimes laughed at us, then cried as puppies, then crackled with dry branches.

As a result of fishing, half the way home we pecked fresh milk pine nuts. On the way back we quickly dropped in for a walk along Verkhoturye.

This is how compactly we managed everything that we had planned for 3 days. But no, not everyone did not have time to run to the Serebryansky stone. Well, another time;)

Author: OKUNTSEVA Nadezhda
