From Lemuria To Hyperborea, Or The Battle Of The Dragons - Alternative View

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From Lemuria To Hyperborea, Or The Battle Of The Dragons - Alternative View
From Lemuria To Hyperborea, Or The Battle Of The Dragons - Alternative View

Video: From Lemuria To Hyperborea, Or The Battle Of The Dragons - Alternative View

Video: From Lemuria To Hyperborea, Or The Battle Of The Dragons - Alternative View
Video: Hyperborea (Hoi4 The New Order Timelapse) 2024, September

What do we know about dragons? Western tradition portrays dragons and serpents as dark creatures, representatives of evil. In the East, on the contrary, they are messengers of good forces and bring good luck.

Why such opposite opinions?

Why does the world know the snake-tempter, the dragon-beast, but at the same time the peoples of China and Indochina continue to worship the dragon, and in India the serpent is sacred?

It turns out that the roots of the myths about snakes and dragons have real roots. There were times on Earth when they physically lived among people. Moreover, once upon a time dragon wars raged on Earth …

It may seem like a fairy tale, fantasy, but in every fairy tale there is some truth. After all, it was fairy tales and myths that brought the knowledge of dragons and their image to us.

In one of the lucid dreams, a story similar to a fairy tale was told, a story about dragons and snakes, the death of Lemuria and the birth of Hyperborea …

Many will think - "how is it all connected?" … But it turns out to be connected …

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So, I'll start my story in order. I see mountain valleys and ice crystals of towering mountains frozen into the stillness of crystal air. The silence is palpable.

Suddenly, it is disturbed by the clatter of the hooves of mountain goats jumping from one stone to another, and around the bend a stream rumbles, cutting through a gorge in impregnable rocks.

An icy wind flew in and brought with it the sounds of a gong from a Buddhist monastery that stands, or rather hangs, over the gorge. Its white walls, in which the windows turn black, seem to grow out of the rocks. In this "eagle's nest" the days slowly pass for those who have left the vanity of the world to follow the path of spiritual development.

And here is the real nest of some large bird of prey stuck at an unimaginable height in the sheer cliffs.

But then thoughts about the beauty of these places left me, completely unfamiliar feelings flooded in - after all, I became a big bird, and two chicks depend on me. The world around me became full of anxiety. The father of my chicks returns and sits on the edge of the nest, folding his mighty wings. Children grab his beak and scream pitifully. His gaze made me rush into the air, as he was already very tired.

Huge wings carry me over houses and rocks, over a noisy stream, and my eyes notice any movement below. The air is full of different smells, where water spray, frosty frost from the peaks, the smell of fresh greenery and some kind of incense rushing from the monastery mixes with the smell of a sweaty goat that jumped off a cliff when I approached. The spicy scent of the grasses of the highlands rises.

But something inexplicable prevents me from flying further. Some kind of fear fettered my consciousness. Unreasonable anxiety prevents you from concentrating on looking for prey.

Ahead in the sheer cliff, a thin crevice turns black. The closer I get to her, the more the anxiety increases.

Suddenly I became much lighter, I was flying, but the wings were gone, and the bird I was in turned around and flew away from this place.

Strange, but without a body, I did not experience that fear, or that black gap in my grief no longer radiated it.

I fly up to her. This is the entrance to the cave. Thick stalagmites and stalactites, or maybe they were man-made columns, supported the vaults, gleaming in the twilight. In the silence, monotonous drops are heard.

Then the faces of stone buddhas and ornaments of intertwined plants emerged from the darkness. Further, the sculptures already shine with gold and precious stones. Thousands of Buddhas gathered in this amazing place, and on the walls there are bright and rich colors of paintings, and the same Buddhas gaze from the walls with all-seeing eyes. How was all this done, because there is no other way to the cave, except for that crack in a steep rock, sanded to shine by the winds, at a great height from the ground? You can only fly in here.

A huge statue of Buddha, carved into the wall, blocked my way. A giant crystal sparkles in her forehead, representing the "third eye".

Looking at him, I felt that everything was floating around, as if my head was spinning. In a moment, I found myself in pitch darkness. But here the glow started from nowhere. It seemed to come from somewhere inside. The figures of several other statues appeared in it.

Looking closely, I saw that these were not stone, bronze or gold statues, but people who only seemed to be petrified and did not react to anything in their deep sleep. They are dressed in the orange robes of Buddhist monks. Their heads are shaved, and one has a pointed hat on his head.

Suddenly, an inner voice tells me that these people left their bodies here, but not dead, but in a special condition so that they could be revived.

I was carried on. There was a giant figure. His black hair was pulled back in a bun at the top of his head, and the finest mother-of-pearl fabric covered his body.

And then there is another figure. His orange robes seemed to me the same as those of those monks, but looking closely, I realized that they are multi-layered and consist of the finest fabrics. And his face is not the same as that of the monks.

Lemurian in a cave of Tibet
Lemurian in a cave of Tibet

Lemurian in a cave of Tibet.

Light yellow skin has a greenish tint. Large eyes are closed. The mouth is very small, and the flat nose has only one nostril, which curls inward, like in a snail shell.

The fingers have extensions at the ends - like suckers - and webbing. His head is slightly shaved, and his greenish hair is pulled into a knot, like that of that giant, although he was also not small, but much larger than a modern man - 5 meters in a sitting position. Then an inner voice said that it was an ancient Lemurian.

But I was carried somewhere further, and suddenly I saw a real dragon. It was not a statue, although it completely repeated the image of the Chinese dragon, which can often be seen in Chinese ornaments, oriental painting and sculpture. Yes, the very symbol of the past year, the year of the Dragon.

His huge head lay on a stone "pillow" from it hung bright, almost fiery scaly tassels and soft branchy horns. His eyes were closed. Only his head occupied the entire cave hall, and his body went somewhere deeper into the rock. What size it was - one could only guess.

But then it seemed to me that he seemed to come to life. Or rather, his translucent image looked at me with huge eyes, and the dense body and head remained motionless with closed eyelids.

… And then his story rushed in consciousness. “The sentient race of dragons and the sentient race of snakes have lived on this planet (Earth) since ancient times. They flew here as soon as she became habitable after creation.

Reptoid people (They called themselves Longbo) had a scaly cover, but they wore cloth. They were a civilization of the bright path. At that time, animals of a reptoid structure also lived on Earth - the first dinosaurs. And they, too, were then harmless and peaceful. But after the great catastrophe that destroyed Phaethon (see the topic "Phaethon, Nibiru and the history of the golden plates of Shambhala"), many people and animals perished. But during the same catastrophe, the giant continent of Lemuria was formed.

Lemuria was inhabited by the descendants of the remaining Longbo. From them, the Lemurian race."

… Suddenly I found myself in some kind of empty chamber like a cube with no entrance or exit, only an inexplicable glow was here, and the noise of a stream of water came here like a continuous mantra in some language. Suddenly the wall in front of me became transparent, and there, like in a movie, the action began to unfold.

At first some geographical maps floated. These were unknown lands. "Lemuria" - flashed through my mind. And the dragon continued to explain: “Here is the Pacific Ocean now, and where Asia and America are now - there was an ocean in ancient times. Antarctica also existed at that time, but it was not covered with ice and was inhabited by a race of people called the Tellurians. The vast land of Lemuria stretched across what is now the Pacific Ocean. Her green forests were humid tropics.

… Suddenly I was there. Stuffy forests surrounded me. But the trees here are grassy, or rather, it is a tree-like grass. Tall stems-trunks, which are covered with golden scales, the tops break down into several giant leaves. Other "trees" had tough and sharp leaves, like needles.

A huge dragonfly landed on a leaf of a large water flower, but was immediately eaten by a giant frog hiding under the leaves. But this world was inhabited by people.

They built round cities. Cyclopean buildings were constructed of multi-ton stone blocks, perfectly fitted to each other, like the Inca fortresses in ancient America.

Here is a bright sun playing on the edges of these buildings, expanding towards the foundation and narrowing upwards. Tiny windows are blackened under flat roofs to illuminate the interior. The cities are lined with greenery.

People with yellowish-greenish skin and large almond-shaped dark eyes live here. Their dark, green hair was tied in a knot.

On a hot and sultry afternoon, everyone here is wrapped up from head to toe in soft "tissues" that have pores of some kind that close and open depending on the humidity of the air. There were hairs on these "fabrics" that lay down and the material turned silvery if it got colder, and rose like on high velvet if it was hot. In the evening and in the morning, they walked here in robes made of thin translucent fabrics and wore capes cut with geometric shapes.

In addition to cities, there are also small settlements such as villages. A bamboo or plant grows, very similar to it, fish swims in the creeks. People are growing something in the "fields".

And then the dragon says that soon there will be a great catastrophe, and the inhabitants of Lemuria, too, probably learned about it. I see that they have started to leave their homes. Everyone goes to the north of the country. On the coast, ships wicker of reed or something else are loaded. Fiery "wheels" move across the sky. These are their aircrafts, which glow with golden-fiery light. People also leave their homes on them.

… And I again found myself in a cave and I see all this, as on a screen, on a flat wall. Pictures change, and the black Space is already gaping with its emptiness and a scattering of stars. Some body is moving there. And then I find out that this is a whole planet with a very hot core and the densest atmosphere. It was torn from the orbit of some star, and it seems to be no accident.

… Many misfortunes in the space community have been caused by its inhabitants - intelligent beings with bodies … of reptiles. They went against the laws of nature.

Again I hear the voice of the dragon: “Do not be surprised, dragons to dragons of strife and snakes to snakes. There are light representatives of this race, and there are fiends of darkness created by dark hierarchs from our dragon bodies … But they can always be distinguished from us by the characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide, black smoke escaping from the mouth and eyes red as burning coals.

There, at their star, they started something like star wars, but fell into the abyss of collapsed space.

And at this time, the planet Nibiru had already appeared not far from the Earth, and its inhabitants, the Anunaki, decided to use black dragons for their own purposes and attracted their planet. It was rather small, but very dense and hot. Only at such high temperatures could its inhabitants live. The core was so hot that it was not cold there, despite the icy space around.

This planet entered the solar system. Its power created an unprecedented catastrophe on Earth and Mars, throwing the latter from orbit and ripping off most of its atmosphere, after which the inhabitants of Mars descended into the bowels of their planet, building underground cities, fleeing the coming cold."

… So I see on the "screen" - the wall a raging fire, boiling water and stones flying from all directions. A giant ball in a third of the sky fell into the ocean, and the earth opened up.

Terrible whirlwinds of water rose up to the broken sky, where in broad daylight the stars became visible, and the sun became brighter many times, as the Earth's atmosphere was broken in places.

The icy breath of the Cosmos burned all living things, but it also helped to partially extinguish the great flame of the "first burnt offering", not counting the super-catastrophe that destroyed Phaeton and the Raja-sun several million years earlier, as the dragon said (the second was many thousands of years later, when Atlantis perished, the country of Mu and there was a legendary biblical flood). But this first was many times worse than the second.

It was said that during this great catastrophe, the inhabitants of the arrived asteroid, or a huge black stone from the anti-world (we will call them black snakes and dragons) lost their solid bodies, and their planet entered the Earth and became the core of our planet.

For a long time, hot winds were rushing across the Earth, drying out all living things. The primeval forests died out, and what survived was transformed. The climate on Earth has changed - after all, it was displaced from orbit. The terrible heat from the core dried it up, the oceans evaporated, salt deserts were formed, in which thorny plants began to grow. The animals of the black planet began to emerge from the depths, bodies for which their intelligent relatives materialized. And these animals were dinosaurs, black in energy. They settled all around and reigned for a long time, exterminating the first light dinosaurs.

… But what happened to the unfortunate Lemurians? They went underground, as the Martians did, and for a long time lived in underground cities on a piece of land left from the once great Lemuria.

After the catastrophe, the oceans shifted, their bottom was bare, becoming the rudiments of Asia, America, and Lemuria was flooded with salty waters of the ocean slowly evaporating from the intolerable heat.

Many centuries later, that piece of land left from Lemuria will be called the Land of My, which is also legendary for us. The country of My was in the northern part of the former Lemuria, which means in the northern part of the present-day Pacific Ocean (see the topic "The Last Days of the Country of Mu").

… But time seems to pass, the remnants of the Lemurians come to the surface and rebuild their cities - the cities of the country My. But now they are constantly harmed by the terrible giants that have populated the Earth - dinosaurs.

Reasonable black snakes and dragons also materialized their bodies and settled where it was hottest, but now there is the North Pole. And then the civilization of black serpents arose there. Giant cities of bright red stones (hot metal) with battlements have sprung up in their country. And the ruler lived in a huge red tower-palace with black windows. These monsters always wrapped themselves in long dark clothes from the cold, unusual for them, and their faces were not visible.

But again the ancient dragon of Shambhala started his story. “The black monsters never calmed down, they continued to wage war with the space community and the remaining Lemurians and Tellurians. And only the ancient giant dragons - the ancestors of the Lemurians continued to guard the country of Mu. For many millennia, they held back the attacks of monsters. And then there were unprecedented battles of the dragons of darkness and light on Earth. Thanks to the dragon protection, the descendants of the Lemurians - the inhabitants of the country of Mu - came out of the dungeons and began to live a normal life. But the threat from dark dragons and predatory dinosaurs was great. Monsters especially threatened other civilizations in space. They fought with other civilizations on other planets, for which huge meteorites fell to the Earth, from which the inhabitants of the country My suffered.

By this time, after the great catastrophe on Mars, life had become completely difficult, almost unbearable, and its inhabitants flew to Earth, taking with them their mammalian animals and part of their plants.

Some time later, the Sun turned over (a change of its poles), as well as the entire solar system, and the stars of our Galaxy became visible as a spiral in the sky. Space-time has warped.

Taking advantage of this, saviors came to Earth from the Sirius system. Aliens from Sirius (Sirians) brought with them a giant crystal of pure cosmic energy, which they threw down on the capital of monsters and drove into the core of the Earth. Black serpents and dragons were disembodied and cast into the collapsed space,”said the ancient dragon.

He continued - “they were attached to their planet, and she became the core of the Earth. Therefore, they are still here, only in another, lower dimension of hell.

… At the place of the entrance of the crystal (now there is the North Pole) a mountain was formed."

Here she comes out of the abyss. “It became a great mountain, which in India will be called Mount Meru, and it became the center of the new state of the Sirians - Hyperborea, as it will be called after many centuries.

Where there was a swarm of evil spirits, a bright country began to grow, where spiritually elevated people lived, who became gods for the next generations of Hindus, ancient Slavs, Persians, Egyptians and many others.

The remaining Lemurians lived on the continent My, which existed until the death of Atlantis. Their descendants subsequently formed the Mongoloid race."

… And the light of the legendary pyramidal Mount Meru shone on the cave wall. “Then the“dawn”began on Earth - what the Indians call Satya Yuga. The era of black snakes was over, the remaining dinosaurs, defeated by the people of light, died out, the previous era of Kali Yuga was over. But in the battles with the darkness, many light dragons and serpents also died. The last of them still held the country of Mu until its death.

Civilizations came and went, were born and died and were born again - said the dragon, - Something remained in the legends and myths. So the descendants of the Lemurians who became residents of the country of Mu and their descendants - the Chinese, Burmese, Thais, Koreans, Vietnamese and others - still worship the dragon, and the descendants of those who saw only black dragons and tempting snakes hate them.

The next era of Kali Yuga, nearest to you, is almost gone. And it lasted from the time of the biblical flood, from the time when Mount Meru became the current North Pole and went to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

… The darkness is leaving again. And one should not now live in ignorance. Still, it is worth remembering the light dragons and not just the monsters of darkness. After all, they have preserved the human race on this planet for thousands of years”- this is how the ancient dragon from the cave of Tibet ended his story.

And its walls seem to part. There are long passages ahead and here it is a bright blue sky above the icy peaks of the mountains …