Secrets Of Russian Gold - Alternative View

Secrets Of Russian Gold - Alternative View
Secrets Of Russian Gold - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Russian Gold - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Russian Gold - Alternative View
Video: Как устроена IT-столица мира / Russian Silicon Valley (English subs) 2024, June

The Russian Empire was the most influential geopolitical force in the world. But the power of the state was not only in the army, navy and skillful foreign diplomacy. The Russian economy has also surprised everyone with its annual growth rates. The gold reserve of Russia was so great that many states of the world were eager to put their hands in the Russian treasury.

The plundering of Russia's gold reserves began under Alexander II. In 1876, an agreement was concluded between the Russian tsar and the billionaire Rothschild, according to which Russian gold was proposed to be stored in Spain. About 48 thousand tons of gold was deposited in the Spanish mountains. The Russian Tsar personally identified 19 keepers of this gold.

One financier from the Rothschild clan became the manager of the royal treasury. The famous clan still keeps all the documents for the gold of the Russian Empire in the state of California.

In 1904, the Russian tsar, together with the leaders of other sovereign states, decided to create the League of Nations (today it is the UN). At the same time, the World Financial Center was formed to improve trade relations between the participating countries. Through the bank of Edward Rothschild, the Russian tsar contributed 48,600 tons of gold to the authorized capital of the new financial structure. This gold was kept at Fort Knox. According to the agreement, after receiving gold, the United States, in 1904-1912, had to open a loan to Russia in the amount of 52 billion dollars. But the Rothschilds deceived Nicholas II. Having gained the confidence of President Woodrow Wilson, they received permission to transfer all "Russian gold" to the Federal Reserve System (FRS), in fact, to their private property. Documents confirming the right of the Romanov family to gold held by the Fed, mother of Tsar Nicholas II, Maria Fedorovna,deposited in a Swiss bank. And the heirs of the Romanovs and the Rothschild clan had and still have access to the accounts.

It is no secret that Grigory Rasputin enjoyed the full confidence of the family of Nicholas II. The level of trust was so great that Emperor Nicholas II handed over to Grigory Rasputin all the gold certificates belonging to Russia for preservation. On the initiative of the Rothschilds, an urgent Masonic conference was convened, which made a decision on the physical destruction of Rasputin and the withdrawal of all gold certificates from him. This secret operation was led by a representative of the British General Staff at the Russian General Staff and at the same time a resident of British intelligence in Russia. Rasputin was lured into Yusupov's house, and at that time a search was going on in Grigory Yefimovich's apartment, everything was turned upside down, but the certificates were not found. Rasputin had a visionary gift and on the eve of these events returned all financial documents to Nicholas II, and he transferred them again for safekeeping:this time to his godson - Peter Nikolaevich Dolgoruky.

The Rothschild clan managed and still manages the capital of the Russian royal family and its heirs. The history of relations between the Rothschilds and Russia has long roots. Well, how could you do without oil? And the Rothschilds began with the fact that in the 19th century they made every effort to establish their own control over the Baku oil fields. Few sources can be found information that it was the Rothschilds who intervened in the signing of the final document of the Russian-Turkish war. The Rothschilds and the American company "Standard Oil" were behind the British "advising" the Turks to hand over Batum to the Russians. The result of such efforts on the part of the Rothschilds was that, starting in 1886, the banking house "The Rothschild Brothers", having bought up the shares of the Caspian-Black Sea Oil Industrial Society, began to develop the oil industry in the Caucasus.under the protection of the Russian army.

The bankers quickly managed to take control not only of oil production, but also of its transportation for export. The Rothschilds' algorithm of work was quite simple: they lent oil owners "cheap" money in exchange for guarantees on their part to sell oil to the Rothschilds at prices favorable to bankers. Soon, Russia began to produce and sell crude oil in huge volumes - about half of all world production recorded in 1902.

There is a version that it was the Rothschilds who in 1918 ordered the Bolsheviks, who were completely under their control, to kill the Russian Tsar Nicholas II along with the whole family. They needed to show the whole world that the Rothschilds would not tolerate those who cross the path of their clan, and most importantly, preserve their access to the gold of the Russian crown.

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It is safe to say that the gold reserves of tsarist Russia did not disappear in the flame of the revolution or were directed by the Bolsheviks to the needs of the country. All this "turbulent time" he was quietly in the accounts of Western and Asian banks, bringing income to everyone except Russia itself. For a long time it was believed that Russian gold in foreign banks is a mysterious and beautiful legend invented by emigrants, denied by the Bolsheviks and nurtured by propaganda during the time of Gorbachev. There is an assumption that there is documentary evidence that Russian gold is in banks in France, England, Japan, Czech Republic, Sweden, Slovakia, but these documents are classified.

It is reliably known that the first batch of Russian gold, worth 10 million pounds sterling, was sent to England in 1914 as an advance payment for the weapons that Russia so needed before the First World War. The valuable cargo was loaded onto the cruiser "Drake", its way was heading for Liverpool. And although secrecy and precautions were taken, German intelligence knew everything about the route of this valuable transport. Off the coast of Great Britain, the cruiser fell into a mine trap placed by the Germans, but even damaged, the ship was able to reach its destination port. Then 4 more consignments of Russian gold were sent to England. The total amount transferred to the UK of the precious metal amounted to 80 million pounds. But the British did not comply with the request of the royal family for an urgent delivery of ammunition, ammunition and weapons. Partially this order fell into the hands of the Bolsheviks.

Almost a similar situation arose when fulfilling the agreement with Japan: the Japanese side received gold from Russia, but did not fulfill the military order and did not return the money.

In 1922, the Bolsheviks negotiated with Japan, France and England on the return of Russian gold, but the West put forward such counter-claims that the Bolsheviks could not fulfill, so the negotiations were fruitless.

Besides gold belonging to the Russian state, Nicholas II privately owned several gold mines. Before the revolution, the personal gold of the tsar and his wife was also sent to England - 5.5 tons of precious metal! Gold "settled" in a small bank of the Bering brothers. But Gorbachev and Shevardnadze officially abandoned it in favor of England during perestroika. It must be admitted that the number of applicants for this gold from among the heirs of the royal house of the Romanovs living abroad is still not decreasing.

If we talk about the gold reserve of tsarist Russia, then the legend about Kolchak's gold should be told. Kolchak got only 500 tons of gold from the Russian Empire, and the rest was in the hands of the Bolsheviks. With this gold, the revolutionaries successfully survived the civil war, the time of the NEP, and also "fed" their ally - Germany, sending there two echelons with 94 tons of gold. Kolchak sent 4 echelons of gold to Japan, but only 260 tons of the precious metal reached his ally, the rest was plundered on the way to Vladivostok. Russian gold is still kept in the cellars of the Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank and the Japanese side is in no hurry to discuss the issue of its return to Russia. Russia came up with a very interesting proposal to Japan: not to export gold, but to implement joint investment projects with a percentage of it, but there is still no decision on this proposal. For Russia, the way of returning gold bars from Japan by a court decision will be very promising. What decision the parties actually make depends only on joint negotiations.

The amount of gold reserves of any country is a very important indicator of its economic condition. Many states store gold bars abroad. But the economic crisis that occurs over and over again in the world, endless regional wars, lead to the fact that states began to return gold reserves to their vaults.

For example, Germany recently decided that in 2020 half of its gold reserves will be stored in special storage facilities in Frankfurt. During the Cold War, 2/3 of all reserves of precious metals in Germany were stored abroad. Germany owns 3.4 thousand tons of precious metals, which are estimated at 107 billion euros. 43% of German gold is in New York, 9% in Paris, 13% in London and the rest in Germany. First of all, it was decided that the German gold would be repatriated from the USA and France.

The gold reserve of Russia today is 13 thousand tons. And its replenishment is proceeding at a fairly rapid pace. But the question of returning the gold taken out of the country during the reign of the Romanov dynasty is still not closed and is very important today for Russia. It is possible that negotiations on the transfer of "tsarist" gold to Russia will reveal many secrets.