Megaliths Of Russia: The Legacy Of An Ancient Civilization - Alternative View

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Megaliths Of Russia: The Legacy Of An Ancient Civilization - Alternative View
Megaliths Of Russia: The Legacy Of An Ancient Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Of Russia: The Legacy Of An Ancient Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Of Russia: The Legacy Of An Ancient Civilization - Alternative View
Video: Russia: Megaliths believed to be Stone Age sculptures discovered in Altai mountains 2024, June

Huge structures of block-stones are called megaliths. They are considered the most mysterious among other mysteries of nature. Despite the fact that the megaliths of Russia are the legacy of an ancient civilization, they have been little studied by Russian scientists. Most of them were found in Kamchatka and Siberia.

Scientific research: megalith discovery sites

For example, about 200 kilometers from the village of Tigil (Kamchatka), travelers stumbled upon amazing cylindrical boulders. After their signal of an incredible find, a group of archaeologists soon went here for research.

According to one of the members of the expeditionary group Y. Golubev, at first archaeologists could not understand what they saw in front of them. It seemed that the cylindrical stones with jagged edges were part of an incredible single structure. It was not possible to determine their age from the condition of the blocks, as if they had appeared quite recently.


Crowds of curious spectators soon began to arrive at the scene. The result of the study was simply amazing. This structure was about 400 million years old! It turns out that such megaliths of Russia represented the legacy of an ancient civilization that existed in prehistoric times.

Another expedition was organized in 2005. It was named "Baikal 2005". She acted as the first part of a grandiose Russian project. The aim of the study was to analyze the origin of structures made of stones, which were called the "Russian version of Stonehenge".

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The first place where the scientists went was a mountain called Yord in the Anga Valley. These places are considered sacred by the local shamans. Amazingly, Jord was artificially formed. Such conclusions were made on the basis of its ideal shape, which could not be the result of natural metamorphoses. There is a possibility that the mountain is made of boulders that have been completely overgrown with grass over the centuries.

In the village of Akhunovo, the Chelyabinsk expedition in 96 of the last century immediately discovered a group of menhirs - vertical megaliths. The structure included 13 structures. Their height ranged from 70 cm to two meters. According to archaeologists, this structure was once a sundial or an ancient calendar. The researchers also found a mass of debris from pottery and animal bones.

Researchers are reluctant to talk about their discoveries, which relate to the mysterious phenomena of ancient civilizations. What is the reason for this? Perhaps they are simply forbidden to do this? It is impossible even to imagine that the vast area, the climatic conditions of which are comparable to the southern territories of Russia, remained untouched for more than one millennium.


No less mysterious structures are two famous pyramidal structures in the city of Nakhodka, which are called Brother and Sister. The second, undoubtedly, arose naturally. As for Brother, the question of origin still remains unanswered. According to research, the height of this pyramid was once more than 300 meters.

Nowadays, it is characterized by a verified shape with a sharp end, which is not typical for natural structures. A careful study of Brother revealed signs that construction work was once carried out here. Traces of plaster were also found.


Near the village of Rzhavchik on the Amur River, an equally mysterious pile of stones was found, which are the ruins of some ancient building. Large stone slabs are so tightly adjacent to one another that there is a distance of less than a millimeter between them.

Mysterious steps leading to nowhere - a building in the south of Kamchatka. Maybe they were once part of a magnificent castle. Such conjectures are prompted by their careful investigation. The outlines of the stones are clear. The structure of the structure, according to geologists, has no analogues in nature. Even today's architects cannot recreate such a technique in modern work. How great were the knowledge, skills and abilities of the ancient peoples!


Most of the megalithic structures of Kamchatka and Siberia are similar one to one with similar structures in the Andes. According to one version, the ancient peoples of the Kolyma and the Indians of North America are distant relatives. The Andes, like Kolyma, are home to the richest deposits of gold ore. Probably, in ancient times, precious metal was mined here.

And although it seems incredible, the megaliths of Russia - the legacy of an ancient civilization, were created by man using unimaginable devices. They can be found in all Russian territories. In particular, research near St. Petersburg has remained secret to the public. One can only guess if the world will ever know about their sensational findings?