The "first Discoveries" Of Ancient Structures In The 19th Century - Alternative View

The "first Discoveries" Of Ancient Structures In The 19th Century - Alternative View
The "first Discoveries" Of Ancient Structures In The 19th Century - Alternative View

Video: The "first Discoveries" Of Ancient Structures In The 19th Century - Alternative View

Video: The
Video: 12 Most Mysterious Archaeological Finds 2024, June

In this article, I would like to speculate on one interesting topic or even one of the main facts why a recent story sounds like a “fairy tale” or story written by someone, but not based on real events.

I think that people who are at least a little interested in many structures in the world have repeatedly read in official history how this or that object was "discovered" in the 18th or most often in the 19th century.

I have already written a lot of articles about the most diverse ancient structures on Earth. Always before writing an article, I briefly read the official version and general information about the object.

After writing many articles, I began to notice one oddity, namely how almost everything was "first discovered" officially in the 19th century.

For example, yesterday I wrote an article about Angkor Wat. This is one of the largest temple complexes in the world, which is beneficial not only for the huge area that can be populated, but also in architectural terms.

I wonder how such a huge structure can not be found for centuries?
I wonder how such a huge structure can not be found for centuries?

I wonder how such a huge structure can not be found for centuries?

But if you learn the history of the huge structure, then a traveler in the 19th century supposedly found it quite by accident. Moreover, it is officially described as really in some movie or book.

The traveler got lost in the jungle, after which the rays of the Sun illuminated the towers of the temple, and then, the traveler went to a huge structure with a moat and walls. An impressive story, isn't it? This is me, in short, in my own words, I described the official "first" opening of Angkor Wat.

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If you take India as an example, then having familiarized yourself with the history of many temples, step wells and other structures, then everything will be the same. Namely, as from the XIII to the XVI century approximately, for unknown reasons, all objects were thrown and until the XIX century, surprisingly, there was no one there.

I don’t know how for anyone, but for me it sounds like some kind of “beautiful story”, it’s a pity that it’s not at all believable. Everyone should understand that about half or even more of the world's population is concentrated in Asia, and in the past, the situation was the same.


But how then did they not know about all the ancient structures, for example, in the 17th century, if they are in the same India, literally at every step. I have written a lot about India and there are really too many buildings to ignore.

However, in the 17th and partly the 18th century, allegedly no one knew about anything, and in the 19th century, the “first discoveries” of absolutely everything began abruptly.

By the way, this applies not only to ancient structures, but also to many places on Earth. Some islands and most importantly - Antarctica. Antarctica was discovered in 1820, and in the past, 300-400 and 500 years ago, for some reason every cartographer depicted the exact contours and location of the continent.


But back to the structures. This applies not only to India, this is just an example. Having got acquainted with the official history of this or that object, in 70% of cases approximately, the "first discovery" will be in the 19th century or, at least, in the middle / end of the 18th century.

For example, in photographs of Egypt in the 19th century, you can see how the sphinx was almost completely in the sand. Many temples, again, were found only in the 19th-20th centuries, completely covered with sand.


I have repeatedly read in the comments that in the past, all these structures were not needed by anyone and were not appreciated as attractions, but such an explanation is nonsense.

At all times, there were scientists and historians who described many amazing places and structures, including. How is it possible that, say, in the XVI-XVII centuries, not a single scientist in the world has described any temple of antiquity with incredible architecture?


This can be continued for a long time, but I think everyone should understand where this is all leading. I will not argue about some kind of global cataclysm 200-300 years ago.

But even if nothing global happened (which I doubt), the history of the 19th century and earlier still looks like completely fictional. Let there be many skeptics now, but often I get the impression that all the historical figures of the 18th century and earlier were simply invented, like their history from beginning to end.


Here, everyone decides for himself what to believe in and what not, and most importantly, how to explain that almost everyone on Earth was discovered and, incidentally, built too, in the 19th century. After all, many modern cities were also built in the 19th century, this should not be forgotten.

I think very few people think about it or pay attention. Therefore, the topic should be interesting in order to seriously think about our past and certain oddities of history.
